
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

author:Gotta get a movie

Xin Zhilei is a highly controversial actor.

On the one hand, Xin Zhilei's sassy temperament is unique in domestic entertainment.

In "Embroidered Spring Knife 2", Xin Zhilei plays the role of Ding Baiying, the descendant of the Qi family's knife, with her own aura in her gestures, and that slash is called by the media as "cutting off the martial arts dream of many girl stars".

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

On the other hand, Xin Zhilei has an appearance that cannot be ignored.

Especially the pair of flaming red lips, although they are not as exaggerated as "Angelina Jolie", they are also unique in domestic entertainment.

Like the cow that gives a good pail of milk, and then kicks it over.

These lips are memorable, but they also make Xin Zhilei often involved in public opinion storms.

For example, "The Legend of Ruyi", the light and elegant style was popular back then, and the starring Zhou Xun was originally a light face type, and the overall painting style was the same as Xi Junya, but as soon as Xin Zhilei arrived, the painting style suddenly changed, with a round face and a round mouth, full of modernity.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

In the phenomenal drama "Celebrating More Than Years 1", the "Begonia Blossoms" played by Xin Zhilei immediately caused a lot of ridicule on the Internet as soon as she appeared, and many viewers said that they were very dramatic.

Fortunately, the plot is powerful, the characters are also very pleasing, and the audience forgot about the controversy when they watched it, which did not let Xin Zhilei drag down the drama.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Xin Zhilei's mouth has always been a hot topic among netizens, and as netizens pay more and more attention, the adaptability of the work style, character design and Xin Zhilei has become more and more difficult, and there has even been a wave of "ugly".

Finally at the end of 2023, Wong Kar-wai used a "Flowers" to prove to Xin Zhilei -

Under the lens of a director who can shoot, what kind of beauty can Xin Zhilei be.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

She is wild and unrestrained, like a wild leopard in the urban jungle, and her precise lighting and short hair style modify Xin Zhilei's face shape and make it look more three-dimensional.

The perfect curvature of her eyebrows and sharp eyes are aggressive, and her signature lips are not only not hidden, but brightened with bright red.

It makes her have a kind of murderous sexiness, which makes people want to see it but dare not look at it.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Wong Kar-wai used his strength to prove that Xin Zhilei is beautiful, she is a pearl in the sea, and she will only shine under the lens of an exclusive director.

And after "Flowers", Xin Zhilei also justified her appearance, and even more so her lips.

It's a pity that it came and went quickly.

Half a year after the end of "Flowers", Xin Zhilei's new drama was launched, and the word-of-mouth overturned just 3 days after it was launched, for no other reason -

It's the lips again.

- "Lonely Lost City"

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

"Lonely Lost City" is an anti-Japanese spy war drama starring Xin Zhilei and Huang Jingyu.

The two leading actors have a lot of traffic, coupled with the theme of spy war, the broadcast effect should be good.

However, it backfired.

The popularity of "Lonely Lost City" has not been ideal since it was launched, and it has always hovered around six or seven, and it has not fermented until the third day today, and the above and below it are basically old dramas that have been online for more than a month, which is really embarrassing.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

The reason is very straightforward, and the word of mouth is not very good.

With such a cast lineup, the reputation of "Lonely Battle in the City" is overwhelming, and many netizens said that they couldn't hold on after watching the first two episodes.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

What's going on?

Li Li can't go to the spy war theme?

After watching 4 episodes with curiosity, I really can't hold on, in addition to the plot bugs, the looks of the two leading actors are really unacceptable.

First, the shape is strange and modern

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Let's talk about the most representative Xin Zhilei first.

I couldn't help it when she first appeared.

In the film, Xin Zhilei plays the role of "Qin Moqing", an agent of our party lurking at the Chongqing Station of the Military Command, and at this time she is serving as a battlefield doctor in Myanmar.

Fighting a war in Burma, the tripartite forces of China, the United States, and Japan are very difficult in terms of both the environment and the task.

However, Xin Zhilei's appearance is like this-

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

This delicate eye makeup, this meticulous figure-of-eight bangs, plus lips that are impossible to ignore.

This is the battlefield of Burma, which is clearly a scenic spot in Southeast Asia.

Although Xin Zhilei has been trying to frown and let the tension spread, I can't get nervous when I look at such exquisite makeup.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

In terms of makeup, Xin Zhilei and others are not the same painting style at all, so that's all.

The point is that since she appeared, she has been clean and spotless from head to toe from beginning to end, and the military uniform looks like it has just been taken out of the laundry, clean and straight.

Let's just say, on the battlefield in Burma, you still occasionally go to the front line to support, and you don't get a little sludge? Isn't the humidity too high?

Is it a waterproof and stain-proof technical material?

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Yes, it may be that the director wants to reflect the capable character and professionalism of the heroine, in the battlefield of Myanmar, where human lives are careless, the heroine can still maintain perfect makeup, and the clothes are also dry cleaned and ironed every day.

And when I slowly began to accept Xin Zhilei's style, the next one directly confused me.

The plot goes back to the past, talking about the time when Xin Zhilei just joined our party, and she played a student girl.

Such a pure short-haired white dress with this pair of strong thick lips.



Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

But when it comes to styling, the male protagonist Huang Jingyu is not far behind.

According to the golden rule of domestic dramas, the male protagonist is naturally also an agent of our party, but he was found by the Japanese army and captured by the biochemical force 830 and imprisoned, and escaped from the concentration camp at the beginning of the series.

The male protagonist has gone through all difficulties, running from the primeval forest of Myanmar to running wildly, from night to day.

The camera everything, his face is like this-

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Let's not mention the stains on the clothes.

But if you look at these things on your face carefully, aren't they all wiped with your fingers one by one?

It also perfectly avoids sensitive organs such as eyes and mouth.

What's up?

The Burmese woods are good to you, just caressing your pretty little face.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Immediately afterwards, because of the special identity of the male protagonist, Chongqing Station thought he was a traitor and wanted to bring him back to China to be punished.

At this time, the male protagonist was already half a dead man and was escorted back to China.

And his appearance is like this-

This little trousers, this little jacket, this little grease head.

On the way, I have to read the newspaper to cultivate my sentiment!

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

No, death row prisoners still have this treatment?

Even got your hairstyle right?

The entry standard of the Military Command Department will not be a hairstylist.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Second, the plot is also full of holes

The appearance of the male and female protagonists is dramatic, and the plot is not good.

At the beginning of the first episode, the heroine played by Xin Zhilei first encountered a germ warfare crisis in Myanmar, and the Japanese studied the spread of biochemical viruses in the camp, and many Americans fell ill because of provoking Burmese girls.

Then, as a professional doctor, the heroine knew that it was a contagious virus, and she went on a rampage in the tent camp and came into contact with the patients face to face, but-

She didn't wear a mask the whole time.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

There is also a scene in the play where a doctor immediately puts on a mask after hearing that it is a virus.

And the heroine also wore a mask to work at the beginning, but later I don't know if it was because she was eager to save people, or because she didn't want to block Xin Zhilei's personality face.

The heroine simply didn't wear a mask and let herself go.

It is difficult for a doctor to heal himself, and it is great that a doctor can do this step.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Sure enough, the heroine finally fell ill.

But it wasn't because of oral foam, but blood.

"Accidentally" exposed his wound while carrying the casualty and came into contact with the patient's skin!

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

O M G!

A doctor who does not wear a mask in the face of a patient with the virus, and allows his wounds to be in close contact with the patient's skin.

What can I say?

It's not unprofessional, it's great!


Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Also, as the confidential leader of Chongqing Station, his own daughter has a marriage contract with the male protagonist.

And the subordinates came to report the news that the male protagonist was not dead, and the leader was afraid that his daughter would be sad and dragged his subordinates aside, but they were just "conspiring loudly" at the door of the next room, and they were naturally heard by their daughters.

Okay, dare to love that your secret service section is loud?

I can't hold the door of my house, so why is this still fighting an information war with people?

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Then there is a comrade-in-arms of the male protagonist who was caught by the Japanese, and he was suspected of being tested to kill his comrades-in-arms with his own hands.

And before his execution, he actually shed tears of grief ....


What are you crying about?

You might as well tell the Japanese that you are heartbroken and that you are very uncomfortable, because he is your companion.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

3. When will the spy war idol drama be closed?

Obviously, compared with serious dramas such as "Cliff" and "Latent", "Lonely Lost City" is an idol drama.

Compared with the excavation of human nature and the hardships of the country along the way, it wants to show the personal charm of the male and female protagonists, so as to serve those fans who come to visit.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Xin Zhilei has nothing to do with war doctors everywhere.

But the truth is insufficient, the charm is more than enough, and the heroic steps on the battlefield are even more exciting.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Not to mention the male protagonist Huang Jingyu, the most depressed moment in the opening scene can also accurately avoid the eyes and mouth, and it is even more amazing when it comes to the main scene.

Suits, trench coats, and large backs are standard.

The combat effectiveness is also full, and it is common to overturn a car with one shot.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

In his spare time, he also tasted wine with Japanese officers.

Which year, which production, and how much acidity are all treasured.

It feels like "Thunder Warrior" has to drink a cup of cat coffee before going to the battlefield.

Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".
Can't last 4 episodes! A "Lonely Battle in the Lost City" ruined the goodwill of Xin Zhilei's "Flowers".

Even in the toughest times, you can't lose the tone of life.


When will this kind of drama that is dressed in anti-Japanese resistance and spy war, but actually sell idols, stop?

- End of full text.

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