
【Strong Fortress】Party Committee of Xiguanbeili Community, Lingdangge Street: Guarding the city's "fireworks" and enhancing the happiness of the masses

author:Beautiful Red Bridge
【Strong Fortress】Party Committee of Xiguanbeili Community, Lingdangge Street: Guarding the city's "fireworks" and enhancing the happiness of the masses

The strength of the party comes from the organization. The party's grassroots organizations are the foundation of the party's entire work and combat effectiveness. In order to encourage party organizations at all levels in the region to strive for the first and make contributions, the district party committee decided to commend 30 advanced grassroots party organizations at the district level, who are excellent representatives of the grassroots party organizations in the region, and always demonstrate their organizational responsibility in publicizing the party's ideas, implementing the party's decisions, leading grassroots governance, uniting and mobilizing the masses, and promoting reform and development. The "Strong Fortress" column is now set up to publicize the characteristic practices and advanced experience of advanced grassroots party organizations, promote the comprehensive progress of party organizations at all levels in the region, and provide a strong organizational guarantee for the construction of a modern socialist metropolitan center.

【Strong Fortress】Party Committee of Xiguanbeili Community, Lingdangge Street: Guarding the city's "fireworks" and enhancing the happiness of the masses

Xiguan Beili Community is located in the northwest corner of the area, and since last year, it has successfully "gone out of the circle" with dozens of halal special breakfast delicacies, "ignited" the taste buds of the whole network, and has become an Internet celebrity check-in place. In the face of the average daily passenger flow of 100,000 people at the peak, the community party committee gives full play to the role of the fighting fortress, gathers the strength of community party members and cadres, sticks to the front line, faces difficulties, works overtime, fights continuously, and goes all out to meet the exam. Since 2023, the northwest corner has received more than 12 million tourists, and they have handed over the answer sheet with zero safety accidents, zero sensitive police information, and zero negative public opinion with practical actions.

Adhere to the guidance of party building

Effectively consolidate the foundation of grassroots governance

【Strong Fortress】Party Committee of Xiguanbeili Community, Lingdangge Street: Guarding the city's "fireworks" and enhancing the happiness of the masses

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that when the community party organizations are well built and strong, the community work will have the backbone. The "explosion" in the northwest corner is not only a development opportunity, but also a governance challenge. In order to take over this wave of "flow" and strengthen the party's overall leadership over characteristic blocks, the street co-ordinated street resources to set up a comprehensive party committee for characteristic blocks, and set up a grid party branch notice board in a prominent position in the block to publicize basic information such as party branch secretaries and grid members, so that residents and tourists can find the community party organization as soon as they have questions. In the governance of neighborhoods, community party committees pay attention to the "golden key" of "an iron army of judicial guarantees", and set up a "red police" team including political and legal forces and in-service party members, so that more people can participate in security patrols and order maintenance.

Persist in broadening the path of governance

Effectively improve the efficiency of grassroots governance

【Strong Fortress】Party Committee of Xiguanbeili Community, Lingdangge Street: Guarding the city's "fireworks" and enhancing the happiness of the masses

How to guard this "fireworks" and make the northwest corner from "popular" to "long-lasting", they grasped the key point of merchants' participation in the development of the block. The community party committee took public welfare and charity as the entry point, explored the establishment of the "Northwest Corner Red Pomegranate Public Welfare Charity Fund" and the "Lingli Wish" community fund, organized party members to visit merchants one by one, told the concept of "good neighborhood, better merchants", stimulated the enthusiasm of merchants to participate, and has raised more than 150 yuan so far. With the help of the popularity of the northwest corner, the community party committee took advantage of the trend to launch 20 "hematopoietic" projects, such as the "West Post" public welfare post office, Tianjin Haoli public welfare cultural and creative work, and "Yidecheng" public welfare intangible cultural heritage, and continued to inject "source living water" into the fund. The community party committee made full use of the fund and cooperated with public welfare teams such as Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts to design and produce the country's first breakfast food map, indicating the location of more than 70 merchants to help merchants better publicize and promote; New neighborhood landmarks and photo check-in areas have been set up, and Tianjin dialects, nostalgic scenes, and special foods have been painted on 24 walls to attract more tourists to check in and experience here.

Adhere to the orientation of the needs of the masses

Effectively improve the happiness index of residents

【Strong Fortress】Party Committee of Xiguanbeili Community, Lingdangge Street: Guarding the city's "fireworks" and enhancing the happiness of the masses

With the surge in passenger flow, the carrying capacity of the community is insufficient, and a series of problems such as difficulty in travel and parking for residents have become increasingly prominent. To this end, the community party committee organized a large-scale visit, large-scale research and large-scale collection of social conditions and public opinions, and successfully promoted the completion and use of the parking lot of Nanda Temple and the sectional pedestrian street of Huanqing West Hutong under the condition of extensive public opinion, which effectively alleviated the above problems. In view of the current situation of ethnic minorities gathering in the jurisdiction, the community party committee insists on carrying out the "National Unity Month" activity every year, and has successively built 8 carriers, including the Red Pomegranate Square, the Red Pomegranate House, and the Red Pomegranate Warm Enterprise Station, forming a "red pomegranate matrix" in the northwest corner with national characteristics, and promoting the harmonious coexistence and harmonious development of the people of all ethnic groups. The community party committee carefully built the red pomegranate theme pavilion, built a thick history, ethnic unity, intangible cultural heritage and other sections, excavated the historical context of the northwest corner, let the block leave memories, let residents remember nostalgia.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to provide in-depth and meticulous services to the residents. The Party Committee of Xiguanbeili Community keeps in mind the earnest entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, takes serving the people wholeheartedly as the fundamental purpose, solidly implements the party building to lead the grassroots governance action, deepens the "Ten Ones" working mechanism in our district, guarantees high-quality development with high-quality party building services, and strives to guard the "fireworks" of this city for Tianjin.

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