
[Pioneer Pilot] Chen Yang: Invisible guardian shows the original intention, selfless dedication and responsibility

author:Beautiful Red Bridge
[Pioneer Pilot] Chen Yang: Invisible guardian shows the original intention, selfless dedication and responsibility

The pioneer is the banner that always flies in front of us, leading the way and inspiring morale. In order to further promote righteousness, boost morale, and motivate responsibility, the district party committee decided to commend 70 outstanding communist party members at the district level and 30 outstanding party workers at the district level. The "Pioneer Pilot" column is now set up to tell the story of outstanding Communist Party members and outstanding party workers in our district who perform their duties and have the courage to take responsibility in their work.

[Pioneer Pilot] Chen Yang: Invisible guardian shows the original intention, selfless dedication and responsibility

Chen Yang, male, Han nationality, member of the Communist Party of China, chief technician of the laboratory department of Tianjin Hongqiao Hospital.

"Seeking truth through inspection, seeking truth through inspection, and being a good invisible guard on the medical front" is the work creed that Chen Yang, the chief technician of the laboratory department of Hongqiao Hospital, has always adhered to. In the past 15 years, he has been enthusiastic and conscientious; Devoted to public welfare, with great love, showing the responsibility of the times of party members and doctors. He has been awarded the honorary titles of "Member Star" of the National Red Cross Society, the "Fraternity Medal" of the Tianjin Red Cross Society, the Outstanding Volunteer of Tianjin, and the Outstanding League Cadre of Tianjin, and his family has been rated as the "Most Beautiful Family" in China and the "Most Beautiful Family" in Tianjin.

Dedication to duty

Invisible Guardians stay healthy

[Pioneer Pilot] Chen Yang: Invisible guardian shows the original intention, selfless dedication and responsibility

Laboratory physicians spend most of their time in the laboratory, repeating a series of tasks such as sampling, receiving samples, testing, and issuing results, which is very ordinary and even boring in the eyes of outsiders, but it is very important to treat diseases and save people, and there is no room for error, which is the first link for doctors to identify diseases. Chen Yang is a serious and careful person, but also a responsible laboratory physician, he often says: "We must be highly responsible for patients and life." ”

Chen Yang often compares the hospital to a battlefield and sees himself as a scout on the battlefield. As a "warrior", he is not afraid of hardship or tiredness, and always puts patients in the highest position in his heart. Late one night, the hospital admitted a patient with sudden severe chest pain to the emergency department, and then opened a "green channel". After receiving the notice, Chen Yang immediately threw himself into the "battle", with excellent technical ability, racing against the disease, it only took more than 20 minutes to urgently check a number of key indicators, and the clinically confirmed patient was "acute myocardial infarction", due to the timely, accurate and efficient investigation of the cause, the patient was successfully treated.

Charge ahead

Fight to the forefront of testing

[Pioneer Pilot] Chen Yang: Invisible guardian shows the original intention, selfless dedication and responsibility

In December 2020, according to the instructions of the superiors, the construction of the urban testing base in Hongqiao District should be completed within one month. Chen Yang took the initiative to ask Ying, did not go home for 10 consecutive days, and cooperated with the completion of a lot of work such as the design of the nucleic acid laboratory, the demonstration of instruments and equipment, the formulation of various operating procedures of the laboratory and the training of relevant personnel. After the operation of the base, the daily testing volume reached more than 3,000 copies, and the maximum detection volume of 8,000-10,000 tubes was assumed, and the number of tests was as high as more than 100,000. During the "big screening", in order to ensure that the results could be produced within 12 hours, he often worked in the laboratory for seven or eight hours in a row, without food and water, and when he was tired and sleepy, he would rest on the ground for a few minutes, and then get up and devote himself to the next round of work. He has no regrets, because he knows that these test results are related to the lives and safety of the people in the whole region.

Love knows no bounds

Selfless dedication shows true feelings

[Pioneer Pilot] Chen Yang: Invisible guardian shows the original intention, selfless dedication and responsibility

In 2012, Chen Yang became a volunteer of the China Bone Marrow Bank, ready to save the lives of others. At the end of 2021, he received a call from the staff of Tianjin Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank, learning that hematopoietic stem cells were compatible with the initial HLA match of a blood disease patient, and asked for donation. At that time, he had been fighting on the front line of epidemic prevention for many days and was very tired, but when he thought of himself as a member of the Communist Party and the concept of "people first, life first", he immediately agreed. With the support of his family, he signed the donation consent form without hesitation, and after a series of strict examinations, he successfully completed the collection of hematopoietic stem cells, bringing hope of "rebirth" to patients with blood diseases.

In addition to his busy work, Chen Yang also took care of a centenarian for 10 years. There is a retired employee in Hongqiao Hospital, Uncle Liu, who has no children, and there are only two people at home, he and his wife are the only two at home, and he has many underlying diseases and inconvenient legs and feet. After learning about these situations, since 2012, Chen Yang has led his colleagues in the hospital to help take care of the elderly. In 2018, Uncle Liu suddenly fell ill, and Chen Yang coordinated and contacted the doctors of our hospital as soon as possible, accompanied the whole process of treatment, and effectively alleviated the condition. In 2020, on Uncle Liu's 100th birthday, Chen Yang sent birthday gifts and sincere wishes to the elderly, so that the elderly could feel supported and supported. It is a pity that the old man passed away at the age of 102, although Chen Yang was very sad, but he thought that the old man could enjoy the care and warmth of the organization in his old age, and felt that all the efforts were very worthwhile.

Chen Yang always said that he was a party member doctor, because this was his first identity, he always kept in mind the party's teachings, to be a pioneer, to be an example, to cultivate medical ethics, to practice benevolence, with firm ideals and beliefs and full of enthusiasm for work, conscientiously practice the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and protect the lives and health of the people with the benevolence of doctors.