
Parking on the bridge for sightseeing, running, posing, exposure!

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
Parking on the bridge for sightseeing, running, posing, exposure!
Parking on the bridge for sightseeing, running, posing, exposure!

At about 15 o'clock on July 1, according to the Guangdong Provincial Transportation Group, 24 hours after the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, a total of 125,000 vehicles passed through Zhongshan and Shenzhen. Among them, as of 24 o'clock on the opening day, the traffic volume was 64,000, and as of 8 o'clock in the morning on July 1, the traffic volume has reached 80,000 vehicles.

The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor has aroused widespread concern in the society, and many citizens queued up on the opening day to wait for the bridge in order to see the majestic appearance of the bridge. However, in order to commemorate the "first time", some citizens stopped on the bridge to take pictures and run to check in...... To this end, the Zhongshan City Public Security Traffic Police reminded drivers that they are not allowed to park, illegally occupy the emergency lane, do not speed, and do not drive at a slow speed, otherwise they will be punished accordingly.

The 24-hour traffic reached 125,000

The deep-middle passage of the cross-sea bridge, the undersea tunnel ...... the "beautiful explosion" was opened to traffic at 15 o'clock on June 30 for trial operation, which attracted "pouring traffic". The enthusiasm of the surrounding citizens is high, and the traffic flow in both directions in the east and west is large, and the traffic flow of the whole line has slowed down for a long time. As of 15:00 on July 1, the 24-hour traffic volume of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor reached 125,000 trips. During this period, the peak traffic reached at 5 p.m. on June 30, with more than 8,000 vehicles passing in one hour. The peak traffic was eased after 1:30 a.m. on July 1. As people become familiar with and adapt to the passage of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, it is expected that the traffic flow will gradually return to normal levels.

Do not extend your body out of the skylight to take pictures

It has been observed that on the first day of traffic, in addition to the large traffic flow, one of the important reasons for the congestion was that some drivers and passengers did not obey traffic rules, did not listen to radio advice, stopped on the bridge for sightseeing, or had unsafe driving behaviors such as slow driving and shooting videos. The traffic police detachment of the Zhongshan Municipal Public Security Bureau exposed a number of traffic violations: a vehicle stopped, and the people on the car walked to the bridge to pose and take pictures; There are those who start flying drones to shoot after parking; There are those who get out of the car and pose for a run in order to check in; There are people who have their bodies sticking out of the skylight to take pictures......

The relevant person in charge of the traffic police detachment of the Zhongshan Municipal Public Security Bureau said that the entire 24 kilometers of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage are expressways, with no service areas, and no emergency lanes in the undersea tunnel section. Therefore, the majority of drivers must not illegally park and get out of the car to take pictures on the Shenzhong Passage! In non-emergency situations, parking is not allowed and illegal occupation of the emergency lane, otherwise you will face a penalty of 200 yuan and 6 points.

The person in charge said that passengers sitting in the car normally can take pictures, but those who stretch their bodies out of the sunroof to take pictures, let alone drivers, can take pictures. "Taking pictures while driving will distract the driver, and in case of an emergency or emergency, it will weaken the driver's resilience and reaction time, and even improper operation will occur, which is very easy to cause road traffic accidents."

Study the traffic control plan for making an appointment to visit the island

Zhongshan traffic police stressed that the Shenzhong channel is a highway, there is no dead end in video surveillance along the line, the driver should do: do not speed, the Shenzhong channel implements the speed limit of the whole line, there are 4 lanes in one direction, the left two lanes are passenger car lanes, the speed limit is 100 km / h, and the right two lanes are not limited to models, the speed limit is 90 km / h. Do not drive at a high speed, the Zhongshan Bridge, the Shenzhong Bridge, and the Shenzhong Tunnel project are magnificent, "but you must not drive at a slow speed in order to enjoy the scenery, and the harm of driving at a high speed is not less than speeding." The person in charge said. In addition, the Zhongshan traffic police reminded that before entering the tunnel, the driver should pay more attention, observe the traffic signs and the prompts of the guidance screen, turn on the lights about 50-100 meters in advance, slow down early according to the speed limit signs, and maintain a safe car distance.

The traffic police department specially reminded that at present, the artificial island in the west of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage is not open to social vehicles, and the follow-up management will study the traffic control plan and related development plans for making appointments to visit the island.

A cross-city story

Passengers get off the bus halfway and look for it urgently

On June 30, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus and the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor were opened for operation simultaneously. On the first day of opening, the flow of people and vehicles was very concentrated, and a heart-warming thing happened on the T01 A line bus of Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus line.

According to the relevant person in charge of Zhongshan Public Transport Group, on June 30, the driver Dai Lei drove the No. T05633D car in Guangdong to carry out the operation task of Line A of T01 Road. At about 17:50, due to traffic congestion, the vehicle had to temporarily park in the service area of the Torch Development Zone to meet the toilet needs of passengers. After registering the passengers who need to get off the bus in the service area, the volunteers on board let them get off the bus for a short break. As the vehicle was ready to continue to count the number of passengers, volunteers noticed that one passenger was missing.

Volunteers and drivers immediately reported the situation to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus fleet of Zhongshan Public Transport Group. After receiving the news, Zhongshan Urban Construction Group, Zhongshan Public Transport Group and Zhongshan Public Security and other relevant departments responded quickly and urgently searched for the passenger. In less than half an hour, through the face comparison of the bus video surveillance, the passenger surnamed Liu was successfully found. When he received the call, Mr. Liu said he was on his way home.

It is understood that Mr. Liu usually likes to go out by bus, and on the first day of opening, he deliberately experienced the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus to enjoy the scenery of the bridge. Mr. Liu said, "I didn't expect the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor to be so popular, and considering that it might take a long time to return to Zhongshan after reaching Shenzhen, I got off at the service area and took a private car home." I didn't expect everyone to work so hard to find me. Afterwards, the staff of Zhongshan Public Transport Group contacted Mr. Liu and invited him to experience the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus again. Mr. Liu praised the attentiveness of the bus service and said that he would take the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus again in the near future.

"I can go home often to see my children in the future"

On July 1, the first working day after the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, many citizens living and working on the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary passed through the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor to work across the city.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, at the airport toll station of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, all 24 two-way toll channels were opened, and the road traffic was generally stable and orderly. In order to prevent waiting in line, handheld terminals are also prepared at the site. From 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., there was no traffic congestion waiting in line during the morning rush hour. Ms. Tang, a citizen of Shenzhen, mainly went to Zhongshan to buy some lamps and building materials, and before the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, she could only go 2-3 times a month because of the road. Since the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, she plans to go to buy goods 10 times a month.

At about 8 o'clock in the morning, at the Zhongshan Cuihengdong toll station, the overall traffic flow was smooth, and there was no traffic jam. Mr. Huang currently works in Shenzhen, his wife and children live in Zhongshan, and he has to rush back to Zhongshan from Shenzhen every weekend in order to spend more time with his 2-year-old child. "It used to take a long time to come back over the weekend." But early on the morning of July 1, Mr. Huang said, he entered the Zhongkai Expressway from the Jinzhonghu Expressway in Zhongshan City, and arrived at his unit in Shenzhen in less than an hour, "It is so convenient, I can often go home to see my children in the future."

Hong Kong people go to Zhongshan to eat crispy carp

In the morning rush hour on the first working day after the opening of traffic, the reporter also went to check in and experience the Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-city bus. Along the way, the vehicle drove smoothly and smoothly. According to the reporter's observation, the bus departed from the first and last bus stops in the north area of Qianhai Dream Factory, and when it passed through the Qianhaiwan subway station, the number of passengers gradually increased, and the bus was almost full.

On this bus, there is also a group of passengers who came from Hong Kong to experience the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage. "We spent the night in Shenzhen last night, and we wanted to go to Zhongshan to eat crispy carp." Hong Kong passengers said.

It is understood that the whole journey from Qianhai DreamWorks Station to Zhongshan Expo Center Station is 60 kilometers and is expected to take 60 minutes. Shenzhen Bus Group has launched a total of 14 pure electric buses, which are expected to run every 15-20 minutes on average, with 56 trips per day, that is, 112 round-trip trips.

In addition, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Airport special line is also full, and some passengers said, "In the past, from Zhongshan to Shenzhen Airport, I needed to take the light rail first and then change to the subway, and the whole journey took more than 3 hours, but now it only takes less than an hour." The facilities are new, the seats are very comfortable, and there is a beautiful view to watch the whole way, which is so convenient. ”

Written by: Nandu reporter Lu Jing, Jiang Zhen, Liu Xianpei, Hou Yuxiao, correspondent, Yue Jiaojixuan, Yue Lujian, Shen Zhong, comprehensive Shenzhen Satellite TV, Shenshi News, CCTV News