
The national feather teenager died suddenly, and professionals said that they should be defibrillated on the spot

author:Southern Metropolis Daily
The national feather teenager died suddenly, and professionals said that they should be defibrillated on the spot

Zhang Zhijie. Courtesy of IC

On July 1, the Chinese Badminton Association issued a document saying that Zhang Zhijie, a national youth badminton team player, suddenly fainted on the court when he participated in the last match of the group stage of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships team stage in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on the evening of June 30, and died at 23:20 local time after being rescued by the medical department of the organizing committee and local hospitals. Nandu reporters noticed that some professionals questioned the on-site disposal measures after Zhang Zhijie fainted, and believed that they should "judge the situation as soon as possible and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the spot, get AED and defibrillation".

The rookie has won the men's singles championship at the World Junior Championships

Nandu reporter learned from the Jiaxing Sports Bureau of Zhejiang Province that Zhang Zhijie began to contact the badminton project from the kindergarten class, and through the training of the Jiaxing Junior Sports School, he was sent to the Zhejiang Provincial Team by the Municipal Junior Sports School in the third grade of primary school. In recent years, through continuous polishing in various competitions, Zhang Zhijie's performance has become more and more prominent, and he has won the men's singles championship of the 15-year-old group of the U15-17 finals of the 2022 National U-Series Badminton Competition, the men's singles champion of Group B of the 2023 National Youth Badminton Championships, and the men's singles champion of the 2023 World Youth Badminton Championships.

The staff of Jiaxing Junior Sports School told the reporter that the school's badminton project is considered a strong point, and many students are trained every year, and many talents have been delivered. Nandu reporters noticed that at the end of 2016, an article released by Jiaxing Junior Sports School showed that Zhang Zhijie was selected into the list of key sports reserve talents in Zhejiang Province that year.

The Badminton Federation of Asia, the Indonesian Badminton Association and the Organizing Committee expressed their deep sorrow and expressed their deepest condolences to Zhang Zhijie's parents, family and the Chinese Badminton Association. The statement said that "the world of badminton has lost a talented player".

According to the media, Zhang Zhijie's mother has been informed of the bad news, and his family is going through the formalities to go to Indonesia. At present, the local government staff is condolences at Zhang Zhijie's home.

Friends recalled that he said he wanted to play badminton since he was a child

On July 1, Zhang Zhijie's childhood friend Wang Chen (pseudonym) told a reporter from Nandu that Zhang Zhijie's father died when he was very young, and his mother raised a pair of children. "I'm 20 days older than him, he didn't tell me any dreams, he just said he wanted to play badminton, he played badminton really well."

"My mom said to me, 'Do you remember that kid who was very good at eating? He's gone'. "Wang Chen told a reporter from Nandu that his mother informed him of the news of Zhang Zhijie's death on the afternoon of the 1st." When we were children, we ate in a restaurant at the entrance of the community, Zhang Zhijie sat opposite me, and he made three bowls of rice with a serving of shredded potatoes. ”

Faced with the sudden departure of his friend, Wang Chen said that he was "stunned for a long time, and the good people left, which was really unbearable." Wang Chen recalled to reporters in the southern capital that the last time he met Zhang Zhijie was when he was eight or nine years old, "He is competing outside, I can only look at the photos of him winning medals after the competition, I want to meet him." ”

On the morning of the 1st, the Chinese Badminton Association informed that the cause of the disease has not yet been clarified in the local hospital, and the Chinese Badminton Association and the Asian Badminton Federation, the Organizing Committee of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships and all parties in Indonesia continue to keep in touch, and new information will be released to the public in a timely manner.

The "Golden Four Minutes" of Cardiac Emergency

Nandu reporters noticed that many netizens and professionals questioned the disposal measures at the scene. Lu Xiao, an emergency physician at the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University, believes that the sudden death of such a young athlete has obvious convulsions before sudden death, and from his point of view, the patient has a high possibility of malignant arrhythmia. "The key to first aid is for the medical staff or others to judge the situation as soon as possible and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the spot, get the AED and defibrillation, rather than putting the patient on a stretcher and leaving. The patient can be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment while resuscitating, or even for ECMO, there is still a good chance that he can be rescued. ”

The first aid science account "Emergency Nighthawk" also posted that from the response of on-site first aid, there are three key links, which have not been fully utilized: the first time to approach and evaluate; Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation and AED defibrillation as soon as possible; Resuscitation and defibrillation in place, don't move too quickly. The article said that this incident should arouse the vigilance and improvement actions of first aid supporters in all sports competitions to avoid similar tragedies.

In the face of critical situations, the "golden four minutes" of cardiac emergency are crucial. The "golden four minutes" of cardiac emergency mainly include two complementary aspects: high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and accurate use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs). Among them, AED is known as a "life-saving artifact", which is a portable, easy-to-operate cardiac emergency equipment, which can be used by non-professionals to give electric shock defibrillation at the first time of cardiac arrest and help patients recover their heartbeat.


In the event of sudden death, the person present should first judge the patient's consciousness and breathing, and if there is no response and no breathing or dying sigh-like breathing, they should immediately call for help from passers-by, call 120, and defibrillate according to the AED (Automated External Defibrillator) instructions.

If the relevant equipment is not available, you need to take chest compressions and rescue breaths by yourself, and the first aid should be held until 120 or the first aid personnel arrive.

Chita D

Exercise is good medicine, but inappropriate exercise is also dangerous. Mainland scholars analyzed 374 cases of sudden sports-related death in Guangdong from 2007~2021, and found that after the occurrence of sudden sports-related death, only 23 people (6%) received on-site assistance in time, and 2 cases used external defibrillation equipment (AED). According to the survey, basketball (34.5%), running (19.5%) and badminton (12%) were among the top three related sudden deaths.

Sudden exercise-induced death refers to non-traumatic unintentional death that occurs during or within 24 hours of exercise. It is believed that exercise itself is not the cause of death, and that accidents are related to several causes:

●People who love sports think that they have good physical fitness and strong athletic ability, and often neglect physical examinations, and if the underlying disease is not detected and treated early, it may lead to sudden exercise-induced death, and the potential disease with the highest risk is heart disease.

●Due to work and life reasons, the vast majority of people participate in sports time mainly after work, some people are physically and mentally exhausted at this time, and it is easy to induce accidents when they suddenly carry out strenuous exercise.

●Long-term bad lifestyle habits, such as smoking, drinking, staying up late, stress, etc.

●Basketball, running, and badminton are highly popular in mainland China and have a large number of participants, so the number of sports accidents will naturally increase.

●These sports are more intense than other sports, and if the exerciser does not exercise regularly and does not carry out scientific exercise according to the requirements of gradual progress, sudden exercise may become the cause of malignant events.

Integration: Yang Jingbo

Written by: Nandu reporter Ma Hui and Zhou Minxuan

Source: The Paper, Life Times, etc