
Standing under the Bright Red Party Banner Looking Back on the Party's 50 Years Author: Zhang Cheng

author:Railway soldier culture

On the afternoon of June 27, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Jilin Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism held a ceremony to award the "50th Anniversary of Glory in the Party". Chen Honggang, secretary of the party group of the hall, had a cordial conversation with the three party members present and awarded commemorative medals. The blood is boiling again, half a century of wind and rain, the soldier's heart is still the same, the original intention has not changed, and there are many emotions......

Standing under the Bright Red Party Banner Looking Back on the Party's 50 Years Author: Zhang Cheng

Standing under the bright red party flag

One by one, looking back on the 50 years of the party

Zhang Cheng

Standing under the bright red party flag

Raise my right hand again


The years have passed quietly

Exactly fifty of them

Spring, summer, autumn and winter time


I'm young

With the dreams of youth

Defend the country from Rong

Leave the school

Step into the melting pot

I want to quench myself into steel


A useful pillar of the Motherland

It was then

I'm not fully mature yet

Like a dream

For the first time

Standing under the bright red party flag

Hold it up solemnly

I'm not a stout right hand

A surge of blood welled up in his chest

It was then

Young life

Impregnated with a bright red color

Pure soul

Infused with unwavering faith

Life and death

Grace the banner of the sickle hammerhead

Standing under the Bright Red Party Banner Looking Back on the Party's 50 Years Author: Zhang Cheng

Half a century

Wind and rain

Practicing my loyalty

Half a century

Energetic years

I wrote down the flow of my blood and sweat

The true nature of an upright life


Wherever it is

Look up at this flag

My face was always overwhelmed

Bright morning sun

Standing under the bright red party flag

Raise my right hand again

One spine is still straight

I'm not young anymore

Sideburns gray hair stain cream

The blood that flowed from the fiery heart

It has been integrated into the party flag

My soul

It has been attached to the party flag and flashed

Standing under the Bright Red Party Banner Looking Back on the Party's 50 Years Author: Zhang Cheng
Standing under the Bright Red Party Banner Looking Back on the Party's 50 Years Author: Zhang Cheng
Standing under the Bright Red Party Banner Looking Back on the Party's 50 Years Author: Zhang Cheng
Standing under the Bright Red Party Banner Looking Back on the Party's 50 Years Author: Zhang Cheng
Standing under the Bright Red Party Banner Looking Back on the Party's 50 Years Author: Zhang Cheng
Standing under the Bright Red Party Banner Looking Back on the Party's 50 Years Author: Zhang Cheng

【 About the Author 】

Zhang Cheng

13 years in the military. He was the actor and deputy captain of the propaganda team of the 12th Division of the Railway Corps and the 6th Detachment of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps, and the organization officer of the Political Department of the 9th Detachment of the Infrastructure Engineering Corps. After returning to the local area, he served as the secretary of the Party Committee and the head of the Jilin Provincial Peking Opera Company, the Jilin Provincial Chinese Orchestra, and the Jilin Provincial Symphony Orchestra.

Member of Changchun Writers Association

Distinguished writer of the Ecological Literature Committee of the Land Today

His works are scattered in "China Literature and Art News", "China Peking Opera", "Today's Land", "Jilin Literature Monthly", "Jilin Celebrities", "Sunset Red", "Jilin Drama Literature", "Contemporary Art", "Poetry", "Jilin Daily", "Changchun Daily" and other newspapers and periodicals, and some works have been included in books (libraries).

Edit: Have fun