
What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

author:Three baby elephants vivi

About the author: vivi

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Things are gathered by like, and people are grouped.

The teaching philosophy and cultivation direction of an international school will attract families who share the same educational philosophy.

When choosing a school, in addition to searching for school information on the Internet and listening to the introduction of admissions teachers, if parents can also roughly understand the characteristics of the school's current students and family backgrounds, and then compare them with their own children, they may be able to more effectively see whether their children are suitable for this school.

Dabai recently chatted with three students who happened to be studying at some of Shenzhen's most popular international schools: SZCE, BSS and Harrow International.

Through in-depth communication, Dabai learned what the "circle of students from the same school" that the children usually feel is like.

So compared with other international schools, what is the difference between students who study SZCE, BSS, and Harrow?

If you don't listen, you don't know, if you listen, don't say it, it's really a distinct difference.

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Shenzhen International Relations: Independent, not only academic, but also financial

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

SZSE was once described by students as a "large-scale self-study college", and this title is not for nothing.

SZSE has always been known for its relaxed management and free and casual academic environment, with no dress code for students, no control over electronic products, and no strict inspection of most homework...... Give students a lot of autonomy.

When everyone is in a more volatile learning atmosphere, "lying flat" is a bit out of place, students are embarrassed to be lazy, and they will slowly begin to plan their time, and their ability to learn independently will be cultivated.

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

△Opening hours of SZSE Library

In addition to self-management in learning, Dabai learned that the students of SZSE are also independent and have a lot of autonomy in school affairs.

For example, the school's school newspaper and school magazine, from program planning, content editing, typesetting and printing, etc., are basically operated by the students themselves.

At the same time, campus activities are even more colorful, such as the International Exchange Talent Show, Drama Week, and Humanities Week, which are generally carried out after school and do not conflict with class time.

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

△ Fukakoku Dance Party

There are also many clubs in the school, many of which are founded by students themselves, such as the debate club, the feminist club, the philosophy club, and so on.

"Our feminist club basically has a sharing session every week, and I will prepare the content to be shared through extra reading, and I will speak in English for half an hour for each lecture, which is really training for me."

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Every year, the school has many international competitions, in the national exchange, the school is only responsible for the release of the competition time, and the rest of the leadership is handed over to the students, from team discussion, planning and project establishment, to the competition, the whole process, the teacher only plays a role in assisting.

In addition, Dabai also often brushes students from SZSE on other platforms:

With the help of sharing the daily life of SZCE, they have a lot of fun with the media, receiving advertisements and shooting videos, and they are already well-known bloggers, and they also take the initiative to find a third party to discuss cooperation and sponsorship to support the funds for their on-campus activities.

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

If you can adapt, the children who come out are generally very assertive, have strong self-discipline, can cope with various challenges, and do a good job in time and energy planning!

The entrance examination of SZSE is generally concentrated in the first half of the year, and the registration time for the entrance examination in 2025 is early January.

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Besaith: A rigorous and efficient gathering place for top students

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

BSS can be regarded as one of the most volatile and chicken schools, and excellent academic results have always been the admissions business card of BSS.

In high school, Besaith requires 6 AP courses, but the students of Beth School can take 10 AP exams per capita, and even some cow babies can take more than 20 AP exams.

Because in BSS, it is impossible to adapt to the school's concept of advanced learning without rolling. And the school's advanced education maintains this involution culture, which is essentially interlocking.

In this kind of learning atmosphere, it is not surprising that Besaith has achieved outstanding results in higher education and frequent competitions.

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Not only academically, but many of the activities of BSS students revolve around academics.

Students tend to participate in science competitions in the direction of physics and chemistry, or do scientific research experiments and write papers, even if they do some non-academic activities, it may be related to the advantages of future studies.

Students said that because they are already busy with their studies, they tend to choose "cost-effective" and beneficial to their studies when participating in activities, killing two birds with one stone.

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Of course, this is not the case for all Besaith students.

BSS also places great emphasis on diversity, with a wealth of outreach activities and clubs, and most of the after-school clubs are art courses.

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

It's just that under normal circumstances, the education system of Beisaisi hierarchical teaching, advanced learning and elimination system attracts chicken baby families with the goal of eventually going to a prestigious school.

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What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Interested parents are welcome to scan the QR code to make an appointment:

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Harrow: A gentleman and lady with a very aristocratic temperament

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Some people say that Harrow has a parent-teacher conference, and that is the Entrepreneur Summit.

This is because Harrow School is a British aristocratic education, and the students who can enroll in Harrow have families that are either rich or expensive, and their parents are either executives and CEOs, or elite artists, and their connections, strength, and resources are all top.

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Therefore, among so many international school students in Shenzhen, Harrow students are the most recognizable.

Courteous, humble and generous, with a temperament that exudes between gestures, Harrow students are all aristocratic little gentlemen and little ladies.

At the same time, they are surrounded by very high-quality network resources, so students are good at socializing, good at thinking, not only pay attention to academics, they pay more attention to multi-faceted development.

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Harrow's aristocratic positioning determines Harrow's top circle, and the school can not only provide hundreds of extracurricular activities, but also pay great attention to the cultivation of students' art and comprehensive literacy.

Harrow believes that while not every student will become a Churchill, everyone should have the ability to become a prime minister, reflecting Harrow's strong focus on developing student leadership.

"The school is committed to developing them into mature individuals with outstanding influence, values, and skills that will benefit students, even if they are just standing in the boardroom of a normal company."

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Harrow currently has two campuses in Shenzhen:

One is Harrow International School Shenzhen, which officially landed in Qianhai in 2020, and despite the high tuition fees, it still has a hot enrollment and a continuous stream of students, which has won the favor of a large number of Shenzhen parents.

The other is Harrow Hong Kong Children's School:

On 10 July, three baby elephants will have an exclusive visit to Harrow Harbour School, and parents are welcome to sign up for a field trip to Harrow Harbour School! Slide to the poster at the end of the article to scan the code to register.

What is the difference between students from SZCE, BSS, Harrow and ordinary international schools?

Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

What kind of school parents want their children to go to and what kind of people they want to be cultivated to become, it is inevitable to pay attention to the student source group in the school, what kind of people their children will associate with and be friends with, and it is also an important school choice consideration to choose a school based on the circle.

If you're not sure if your chosen school is really right for you, you can chat with a Vivi colleague for more information.