
85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

author:Recreation camps
85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

Text / Xiaole

85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

Liu Shikun is known as a Chinese pianist and music educator. If you are 85 years old, you may already be enjoying your old age at home, and you will not go out easily.

But Liu Shikun has an eternally young heart, even though he is in his old age, he still has a straight waist, speaks loudly, and is full of energy. It is no wonder that at the age of 78, he was able to give birth to a daughter with his wife Sun Ying, and at the age of 84, he had a second son, which can be said to have refreshed the cognitive outlook of netizens.

85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

Liu Shikun is a national treasure musician, and the contacts he has accumulated in his life can be described as super strong. was able to be invited to a birthday banquet by the wife of the former Japanese Prime Minister Hatoyama, but ordinary people don't have this treatment.

On June 30, Yukio Hatoyama, the wife of former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, ushered in her 81st birthday. A number of celebrities from China came to participate, and the interaction and harmony on the scene were very warm.

85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

Some netizens even said: "I wish Mrs. Hatoyama a happy 18th birthday." "It's not flattering to think of Hatoyama as 18 years old, but when we saw Hatoyama himself, we were instantly surprised.

85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

I saw that Hatoyama Yuki wore a small black suit that day, and cut a bang, which looked a little playful and cute, and his skin was very well maintained, and he looked like he was only about 50 years old at most. Do you dare to believe that the woman in front of you is 81 years old?

85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth
85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

The scene is also very low-key and simple, without too much luxury, and the main food of the birthday banquet on that day is also sashimi, seaweed, bread and so on. It seems that Yukio Hatoyama and Yuki Hatoyama have a very simple style of life, and unlike other Japanese prime ministers and wives, Yukio Hatoyama and Yukio Hatoyama have a very deep reflection on history, and have publicly apologized for it, and it is very rare to be able to face the history of their country so seriously.

85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

In addition, Yuki Hatoyama worked as a song and dance actor in the 60s of the 20th century, and retired from the stage in his 20s to go to the United States, and later met her current husband Yukio Hatoyama. Therefore, although she is the wife of a prime minister, she is also half of the art circle. This may also be one of the reasons why Hatoyama was able to get the blessing of Liu Shikun's family!

85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

Liu Shikun, who hadn't shown up for a long time, was still so upright, holding a wine glass and drinking with friends at the scene. Compared with her husband's spirits, Sun Ying looked a little haggard, perhaps because she gave birth to two children one after another, and her physical recovery was slower.

85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

At this birthday banquet, Liu Shikun actually appeared with his family, which shows that he has a great friendship with Hatoyama and his wife. It is worth mentioning that the 1-year-old son is not afraid of strangers at all, and sits obediently on Yuki Hatoyama's lap. Sun Ying kept staring at her son with doting eyes, letting the little baby play by herself.

85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

Liu Shikun's pair of children are very good-looking, especially their daughter, who has fair skin, a small face, and is still very ghostly at a young age, so it is no wonder that Liu Shikun is very fond of her.

85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth

Since Liu Shikun had a son and a daughter in his later years, he was once ridiculed and ridiculed by many netizens, and some people complained that Liu Shikun was too irresponsible and had to have children at such an advanced age.

In fact, netizens don't have to worry about it, because Liu Shikun has already made plans for the future of the children, and the 500 million Hong Kong dollar education fund is enough to make a pair of children worry about food and clothing.

85-year-old Liu Shikun's connections are too strong! Attended the birthday banquet of the Prime Minister's wife with his family, and his 1-year-old son was not afraid of birth