
Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...

author:Charm Hutu Wall

Flame Flame Summer Sun

While cooling down from the heat

Fire safety should not be overlooked

This warm tip for fire safety in summer heat

Please take it while it is "hot".


Driving safety tips in hot weather

Hot weather

There is an increased chance of spontaneous combustion, puncture and breakdown

At the same time, the weather changes quickly and there are many rainy days in summer

Adversely affects driving safety

Xiaobian is a friend of the majority of drivers

A guide to safe driving in high temperatures has been prepared

Remember to collect~

Precautions for driving in hot weather

1. Prevent the body from overheating

In high temperature weather, the inspection and maintenance of the engine cooling system should be strengthened, including the water tank, thermostat, water pump, fan, etc., and the cooling water should be filled in time.

2. Anti-brake failure

Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...

Always check the braking system to prevent it from malfunctioning. Add or replace the brake fluid in time to thoroughly drain the air in the hydraulic system and keep the brake system in good working condition. On the long downhill journey, you should pay attention to stopping and braking; If you find that the brake hub is hot, you should stop to cool down, but do not pour cold water to prevent the brake hub from breaking.

3. Prevent tire bursting

Check the tires frequently, and repair or replace them in time if they are found to have bulges and cracks. Before long-distance driving, the tire pressure should be appropriately reduced, and the temperature and pressure of the tires should be checked in time when taking a break during the drive. If you find that the tire temperature and tire pressure are too high, you should not take the method of deflating and pouring cold water, and you should choose a cool place to stop to prevent the temperature from being too high and the tire burst.

Fourth, prevent deflagration in the car

Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...

Many car owners like to put unfinished drinks, or lighters, perfumes and other combustible items in the car, and the temperature in the car is very high under sun exposure, which can easily cause deflagration in the car. Therefore, when driving in summer, do not put flammable and explosive materials in the car.

5. Anti-"mirror effect"

In the hot weather in summer, the road surface is exposed to the sun and is easy to produce a "mirror effect", which makes people have an illusion, it is easy to be irritable, which will lead to inattention when driving, and it is difficult to avoid dangerous situations. Drivers need to have a good understanding of the "mirror effect" produced by the road surface and be fully prepared mentally.

Sixth, prevent the road surface from becoming soft

Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...

In the hot summer months, the asphalt road becomes soft and tends to stick to the wheels, and when braking, the adhesion coefficient decreases, reducing braking performance. Drivers should pay special attention while driving.

7. Anti-night driving

When driving at night in summer, there is an increase in the number of idle people enjoying the cool on the road, so you should reduce your driving speed, pay attention to the road conditions, and change the lights to remind passers-by.

Safety tips for drowning prevention

High temperatures in summer

It's time for children to drown again

The editor will take you

Let's learn about drowning prevention safety


Take the trouble to tell your child:

"Six Prohibitions":

1. Do not swim in the water without permission;

2. Do not swim with others without permission;

3. Do not swim without a parent or teacher;

4. Do not swim in waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel;

5. Do not swim in unfamiliar waters;

6. Do not go into the water to rescue without authorization.

Parents or caregivers should do the following:

1. Children should never be left alone in the bathtub, bathtub, or near an open water source;

2. Children must be supervised by adults, and children under the age of 5 cannot be handed over to minors to care;

3. When children are boating, playing in the water, and learning to swim, parents should prepare and use qualified flotation equipment, such as life jackets, etc., for children;

4. Take children to swim in public swimming places with full-time lifeguards, who can provide rescue and resuscitation first aid, and can also reduce the risk of drowning in swimming children.

Food safety tips for hot weather

With the arrival of summer, the temperature gradually increases

All kinds of pathogenic bacteria will accelerate their reproduction

It is easy to cause food spoilage

Summers are hot in temperatures and humidity

Pay special attention to summer food safety

Protect your health

You must pay attention to these things!

Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...

1. Formal shopping malls, supermarkets and markets with good storage conditions and health requirements should be selected, and food or food raw materials with normal sensory properties should be purchased. Foods that need to be refrigerated or frozen are subject to the corresponding storage conditions. Do not buy the package if it is damaged or bulging.

2. Carefully check the factory name, factory address, production date, shelf life, etc., try to choose fresh and healthy food, and do not buy "three no" food and expired food.

3. Do not purchase meat, poultry and aquatic products that have not been inspected and quarantined, and whose cause of death is unknown. Do not purchase varieties that are prohibited by laws and regulations, such as puffer fish, blue-ringed octopus, snails, poisonous mushrooms, etc.

4. Packaged food is ready to eat. Canned, bottled, canned, cartoned, vacuum-packed milk, meat, poultry, eggs, cooked food, etc., with the characteristics of safety, convenience and speed, but it is best to open the bag immediately and eat it immediately.

5. When dining at home, advocate "buying, cooking, and eating", choose food raw materials to be fresh, process and make tableware and containers to be raw and cooked, and cook food to be cooked thoroughly.

6. When dining out, you should choose a catering service unit with complete licenses and good sanitary conditions, pay attention to check whether the food senses are abnormal, whether it is cooked thoroughly, whether the tableware is clean, and keep the dining consumption bills.

7. Food preservation methods should be appropriate. Foods that need to be refrigerated or frozen should be stored in the refrigerator as soon as possible after purchase to avoid spoilage caused by prolonged exposure at room temperature.

8. Pay attention to personal hygiene, wash hands before meals, do not drink raw water and bulk cold drinks, and avoid overeating. If you have symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc., you should go to a regular medical institution as soon as possible.

Tips for safe production in hot weather

In the scorching summer, the temperature continues

It is very easy to induce all kinds of safety accidents

It brings great challenges to safety production work

Keep this summer safety tip away!

Precautions for safe production in summer

Prevent heatstroke and cool down

In summer, the weather is hot, and continuous overload work is easy to cause heat stroke accidents. It is recommended to reasonably arrange and adjust the work and rest time, avoid production during high temperature periods as much as possible, minimize overtime production, and achieve a combination of work and rest to ensure good health.

Anti-fatigue work

In summer, the temperature is high, the labor intensity increases, and the day hours are long, and employees are prone to drowsiness, excessive fatigue, and accidents.

Personal protection

In order to protect the personal safety of special workers during the construction process, workers must wear personal protective equipment, safety helmets, and fasten safety belts when working at height. Some personnel give up protective clothing due to the heat during the work process, and once the danger comes, they do not even have the most basic protection, which makes the accident that was not a big injury become more serious.

Electricity safety

Summer is the peak period for electricity consumption, and it is also a period when electric shock accidents are common. It is necessary to strengthen the education and management of electricity safety, and it is strictly forbidden to connect the power supply indiscriminately without permission; Conscientiously do a good job in the maintenance, maintenance and testing of machinery and equipment and safety protection devices to prevent the occurrence of electric shock accidents.

Fire and explosion proof

In summer, the temperature is high, and explosions and fire accidents are prone to occur. It is necessary to implement various fire prevention systems, complete fire-fighting facilities, strictly control open flame operations, strictly prohibit private connection of wires, and at the same time strengthen the management of the storage and use of flammable and explosive products, especially in the workshops and coal mines that produce dust, and must do a good job of ventilation to prevent explosion accidents where the concentration exceeds the standard.

Road traffic safety

It is strictly forbidden to carry and store flammable and explosive materials. All enterprises should strengthen high-temperature safe driving education, and strictly prevent fatigue driving, speeding and overloading. Vehicles should be parked safely to prevent spontaneous combustion accidents.

Hazardous chemical safety

Strengthen the safety management of the production, storage and operation of hazardous chemicals, and do a good job in explosion-proof, lightning-proof, and leakage-proof installations and pipelines of hazardous chemicals. In view of the characteristics of high temperature and high humidity in summer, toxic substances and substances that cause chemical reactions when exposed to water should be properly kept, and should not be placed in the warehouse with moisture, permeability and roof leakage, so as to avoid the occurrence of hazardous chemical leakage, fire and explosion accidents.

Protection against thunderstorms

In the summer, thunderstorms increase, and enterprises should deploy, inspect and implement flood control and lightning protection facilities and materials in advance; Strengthen the safety education of employees on the precautions for thunderstorms, and improve the awareness of lightning safety precautions for employees.

Pressure vessel safety

Many enterprises are involved in gas welding, gas cutting operations, due to the high temperature in summer, the temperature of high-pressure gas rises under the scorching sun, the volume expands, serious gas cylinder explosion will cause casualties and property losses, once the explosion will also bring secondary accidents (such as fire), so that the loss becomes larger.

Prevent leakage poisoning

With the advent of high temperature weather in summer, the volatilization and diffusion of toxic gases are accelerated, and operators who are exposed to toxic gases are prone to toxic gas poisoning. To this end, it is necessary to strengthen the protection against toxic gas poisoning of personnel in relevant jobs.

Confined space operations

In summer, when the temperature is high, facilities that accumulate sewage and sewage such as sewer pipes, inspection wells, cellar wells, septic tanks, pump house sumps, and sewage treatment structures are prone to biogas due to the action of microorganisms, low terrain and relatively closed. When the concentration of biogas is high, it will not only cause poisoning to personnel, but also may cause explosion.

Safety tips for electricity use in hot weather

The weather is hot in summer

Air conditioner, fan, refrigerator

They have become good partners that we can't live without

But while enjoying the coolness

We can't ignore electricity safety!

Tips on summer electricity safety

Let's be in the heat of summer

Enjoy comfort and safety at the same time!



Do not overload the electricity with electricity

  • Avoid using high-power appliances at the same time, especially during peak hours.
  • Large-capacity electrical equipment such as air conditioners and ovens must use dedicated lines.
  • Wires should not be connected randomly, and multiple electrical appliances should not use the same socket.
  • When turning on the air conditioner, the doors and windows should be closed to minimize unnecessary energy consumption.


Inspect electrical wiring regularly

Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...
  • Conduct regular inspections of electrical wiring.
  • Focus on inspecting the joints of the line, and find that the line is aging, and it should be replaced with a new line in time.
  • The sockets of various electrical appliances should be kept away from the fire source, and if the power cord is damaged, it should be wrapped with insulating tape in time to prevent short circuits.
Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...


Proper placement of electrical appliances

In summer, the sun is strong, electrical appliances should be placed in a place without direct sunlight or shady, keep good ventilation, use electrical appliances for a period of time, let them rest properly, try to avoid continuous use for a long time, and it is forbidden to place flammable materials around electrical appliances.


Be careful with live equipment

Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...
  • In the hot season, people sweat a lot, and their hands are often wet, while sweat is electrically conductive.
  • Do not use your hands to move running household appliances such as table fans and washing machines on hot days.
  • If you need to move, you should turn off the switch first and unplug the power supply.
  • If someone is found to be electrocuted, the power switch should be turned off immediately or the power plug should be unplugged so that the person who is electrocuted can quickly disconnect from the power supply.
  • When using electrical appliances such as irons and hair dryers, people should not leave.
  • Do not ask unqualified renovation teams and personnel to lay wires and connect electrical equipment.
Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...


Respond to thunder and lightning weather scientifically

  • Before a thunderstorm, turn off indoor electrical appliances and unplug plugs, telephone lines and closed-circuit antennas.
  • During a thunderstorm, do not touch the power switch and electrical equipment, do not use solar water heaters, and avoid standing next to the metal water pipes entering the house and the sewer pipes connected to the roof to prevent lightning shocks.
  • If you are outdoors, do not go near power facilities such as iron towers, poles, transformers, distribution boxes, etc., and stay away from high-voltage power lines.


Equipment to prevent "dirt and conduction"

Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...

In the long run, the plug-in board full of dust will have the potential safety hazard of "dirty conductivity", which will cause poor circuit contact, and in serious cases, it will also lead to local heating, resulting in the deformation of the insulating resin of the socket, and then cause a short circuit to cause a fire.

Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...


Keep a safe distance from power and ignition sources

Keeping a certain distance between the power source and the fire source can reduce the risk of fire. First of all, the high temperature of the fire source may cause the power supply equipment to overheat, which in turn can damage or even cause a fire. Secondly, if there is a fault in the power line or equipment, such as short circuit, leakage, etc., contact with the fire source may directly lead to a fire or electric shock accident.

In hot weather, beware of heatstroke

Summers are scorchingly hot

It's not just easy to cause people to suffer from heat stroke

In severe cases, it can even cause heatstroke

Heatstroke is a severe form of heat stroke

If they do not receive timely and proper treatment

The mortality rate is higher

So, as a "killer" in the high temperature world

What are some common symptoms of heatstroke?

What can we do to prevent it?

Keep this summer heatstroke prevention guide!

Attention Hutubi people! Don't let yourself be involved in these things...

Hot weather

Everyone take precautions
