
Lu Liang: Collect red archives and inherit red genes

author:Palm Qujing

Recently, the Veteran Cadres Bureau of the Luliang County Party Committee carried out a normalized visit to the retired cadres in the jurisdiction, deeply excavated the county's "red archive" resources, and carried out the "red archive" collection work through multiple paths.

Lu Liang: Collect red archives and inherit red genes

Every time they went to the home of a retired cadre, the staff took the initiative to talk with them cordially, looked through the dusty photos with them, looked back on the burning beacon years, and listened to the touching heroic stories...... At the same time, learn about their living conditions, their thoughts, needs and hopes.

Lu Liang: Collect red archives and inherit red genes

"When I was in the army, I could read and write, so I became a pharmacist through my studies, and I was responsible for managing medicines in the army. After the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea began, I was assigned to the first battalion of the 443rd Regiment of the 148th Division of the 50th Army of the Chinese People's Volunteers, mainly responsible for the transfer of medicinal materials. Don't look at this work, it is not difficult, but it is also dangerous to take medicine for soldiers on the battlefield in Korea...... "In October 1950, as the first batch of volunteers to enter North Korea, Wang Jianchang followed the troops to Sinuiju in North Korea. War readiness medicine is a life-saving medicine for soldiers. However, US planes often strafe and bomb the air, and once they go out to get medicine, there will be unpredictable dangers. Wang Jianchang, 97 years old this year, recalled this experience with great emotion, and he sent a deep message to the young cadres: "Today's happy life is not easy to come by, we must listen to the party's words, feel the party's kindness, carry forward and inherit the legacy of the revolutionary martyrs, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." ”

Lu Liang: Collect red archives and inherit red genes

It is reported that there are 9 retired cadres in Luliang County, and a total of 14 photos of the revolutionary period, 7 precious medals, 3 precious manuscripts, and 5 other precious materials of historical value have been collected in this collection work. The "red archive" is a witness of our party's arduous and glorious struggle, the most precious spiritual wealth, and the "source of living water" for casting souls and educating people. In the next step, the Veteran Cadres Bureau of the Luliang County Party Committee will continue to integrate resources, continuously enrich the resources of the "red archive", activate the vitality of the "red archive", enhance the appeal of red culture, and use the red stories around them to carry out patriotic education, so as to inject strong spiritual strength into the continuous struggle.