
New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000


On the first day of July, domestic automakers have released the list, according to the principle of reporting good news and not bad news, the first to release sales are generally good, among which new energy vehicle manufacturers are the mainstay. Domestic new energy, represented by BYD, is rewriting the pattern of the automotive industry.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

In fact, there were also domestic new energy sources with declining sales in June, such as GAC Aion, Nezha and Great Wall, but on the whole, the share of domestic manufacturers is further increasing, and now we will take a look at the specific situation.

BYD is unbeatable

BYD's cumulative sales in July were 340211, a year-on-year increase of 35.2%; Cumulative sales from January to June reached 1.6 million units, a year-on-year increase of 28.8%, and so far, this growth rate has exceeded Wang Chuanfu's previous expectation of 20%. If this trend continues, BYD may hit 4 million vehicles this year.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

In June, the sales of the Qin family were 68,450 units, the Han family 21,866 units, the Tang family 15,719 units, the Yuan family 36,222 units, the cumulative sales of the Song family exceeded 80,000 units, the Seagull 36,000 units, the seal family had the seal 06 DM-i soared directly to 24,000 units, and the destroyer 05 still had a scale of 32,000 units.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

However, the Denza N7 still can't be supported, with monthly sales of only 2,089 units; The Leopard 5 is still sluggish, with monthly sales of only 2,680 units; Looking up at the U8, it also fell to 418 units, and it seems that BYD still needs to be improved in the market of more than 300,000 yuan. But on the whole, the possibility of other manufacturers wanting to surpass BYD in a few years is almost zero.

The new forces have both joys and sorrows

The new domestic forces have been developing for several years, but in fact they are not very "new". At the same time, some new power manufacturers have been unable to keep up with the situation, and the new power camp is further divided.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

Ideal and Wenjie are in the first echelon, of which the ideal monthly sales are 47,774 units, and the monthly sales of Wenjie are 43,416 units, both brands are positioned in the high-end market, and they hold the ideal L6 and Wenjie M9 such explosive models, and the momentum will not stop in the short term.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

However, the ideal car and the question world also have their own problems, the ideal car mainly relies on the L series to win the world, it is difficult to open up other market segments, and the L series is actually a car, and the homogenization phenomenon is more obvious; However, Huawei-led Hongmeng Zhixing can only be beaten by the world, and the wisdom world has not yet gained momentum, which is not a small hidden danger.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

The second-tier NIO and Leap also performed well, with NIO selling 21,209 vehicles in June, a year-on-year increase of 98.1%; Leapmotor sold 20,116 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 52.3%. NIO mainly relies on the battery swap model to attract users, while Leapmotor uses a lower price as its main selling point, and if nothing else, they are also relatively stable in the short term.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

However, NIO and Leap have not yet achieved profitability, especially NIO, which is still in a large loss and it is difficult to reverse the situation in the short term. The financial report data shows that there is no problem with the cash flow of NIO and Leap, but the long-term loss is obviously unhealthy, and it needs to get out of this state as soon as possible.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

The new forces in the third echelon mainly include Xiaopeng, Nezha and Xiaomi. Among them, the monthly sales of Xpeng Motors were 10,668 units, a year-on-year increase of 23.8%; Nezha Automobile's monthly sales were 10,206 units, down 15.9% year-on-year, making it the only manufacturer among the new forces to decline sharply; Xiaomi Auto sells 10,000 vehicles a month, and its production capacity is still in the ramp-up stage, but it only increased by 15.9% month-on-month, proving that the Xiaomi SU7 may not be as popular as imagined.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

On the whole, the new power brands have formed a clear grade difference. Wenjie and Ideal continue to grow, and both have achieved profitability, with monthly sales twice as much as the second echelon, and the prospects are very good; The rest of the new automakers have their own problems and their performance is not stable. Three years ago, you could "go ashore" with monthly sales of more than 10,000 yuan, and now monthly sales of more than 10,000 yuan are just a passing line. If nothing else, by the end of 2024, some of the weaker new forces will not be able to hold out.

Traditional manufacturers are struggling to transform

During this time, many manufacturers have launched a siege on BYD, the vast majority of which are traditional manufacturers, their transformation speed is slow, and they are quite struggling, and there is a feeling of powerlessness under the fierce competition. This can also be seen from the sales list in June.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

Among the traditional automakers, the best performance of new energy is GAC Aion, with sales of 35,027 units in June, but it fell by 22.2% year-on-year and 12.6% month-on-month, making it the only domestic new energy brand that declined year-on-year and month-on-month. Aion's sales were previously mainly supported by a large number of B-end orders, and this decline is not surprising.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

Changan's Deep Blue Automobile sold 16,659 vehicles in June, up 107.2% year-on-year, and the overall performance was still good. However, the dark blue brand also has a more obvious problem, that is, the lack of real explosive models, and now the market competition is becoming more and more fierce, and the dark blue car needs to come up with a real blockbuster model as soon as possible.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

Great Wall Motor's cumulative sales of new energy in June were only 26,107 units, a year-on-year decline of 2.0%, and the decline was not large, but China's new energy market is going against the current. Great Wall's tanks, Wei brand, and Ora together, the cumulative sales of new energy models are only 26,107 units, which is obviously unsuccessful.

New energy sales list in June: BYD hit 4 million vehicles, and the ideal of asking the world exceeded 40,000

Dongfeng's VOYAH sold 5,507 vehicles in June, up 83.1% year-on-year, but this result clearly fell short of expectations. In fact, the price of VOYAH's models has been declining, but it can't be exchanged for sales growth, and it seems that it needs to work core technology and brand building.

Summary: China's new energy market has been developing for so many years, has entered the knockout stage, it can be seen from the sales list, many manufacturers have successfully escaped the danger zone, while some manufacturers are still struggling, and some manufacturers are even a bit of a flat trend, but no matter what, the fierce competition between manufacturers, the ultimate beneficiary is the consumer. A fully competitive market is what consumers really want.