
New January – Learning and progressing through the record

author:The first appearance of life

Time flies so fast, June has ended, July has quietly arrived, half of the time of 2024 has passed, and it has officially entered the second half of 2024. In our official account, there are always intermittent and various factors, but no matter what the factors are, the record is like life, no matter what you experience, you have to continue to move forward, and life only comes out of the wonderful, not waiting for the brilliance.

New January – Learning and progressing through the record

In this period of time, I would like to define "record" as a learning record, grow in learning, and progress in recording. Today's content, I still chose 6 questions of verbal comprehension, which I did wrong, and after doing it, I am also analyzing, what is wrong? Why is it wrong? It is a record and a self-reminder, and the specific content is as follows:

1. The historical era in which the people with lofty ideals lived in different generations have made such an interpretation with their own behavior: "loyalty" is ( ), when the country and the nation are in danger, the righteousness is awe-inspiring, and they stand up; "Loyalty" is ( ), in the face of right and wrong, the banner is clear, upright; "Loyalty" is ( ), to be determined in the face of various temptations, and not to be moved.

The most appropriate entry to fill in the underlined part in order is ( )

A. Responsibility, integrity, and persistence

B. Brave, upright, and persevering

C. Responsible, upright, and persistent

D. Courage, integrity, and perseverance

2. With China's development to this day, we do not need to look up to and affirm Western civilization, and our call for the return of traditional culture must also be based on scientific rationality, and we must not fall into the trap of overconfidence in "ourselves" and complete rejection of "others".

The most appropriate entry to fill in the underlined part in order is ( )

A. Definitely but also

B. Of course, but

C. Although but

D. Even if again

New January – Learning and progressing through the record

3. The history of the development of the Chinese nation is written by the Chinese people, and the Chinese civilization of ( ) is created by the Chinese people.

The most appropriate entry in parentheses is ( )

A. Magnificent, broad and profound, timeless

B. Magnificent and magnificent, with a long history, in the same boat

C. Majestic and flowing with the times

D. Continuous, accumulating, and working hard

4. From the 19th National Congress to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it is the historical convergence period of the "two centenary goals". We must not only build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and achieve the first centenary goal, but also ( )

A. Rise to the challenge

B. Ride the momentum

C. Kick it out

D. Medium stream hitting water

5. New, but also often accompanied by fast. The growth of new forms of business is sometimes fast ( ) ( )

The most appropriate entry in parentheses is ( )

A. A thousand miles a day, quick success

B. Leaps and bounds, great joy

C. Ever-changing flashes of light

D. Overwhelmed and far-reaching

6. Under the system of step-by-step request for instructions and layer-by-layer approval, we have become accustomed to the authoritative ( )( ) ( ) ( )

The most appropriate entry to fill in the underlined part in order is ( )

A. Obedience believes in contempt

B. Obedience believes in contempt

C. Obedience, credulity, contempt

D. Obedience, credulity, contempt

In the process of doing the question, I found that what I did wrong seemed to be very reasonable, but among the correct options, I chose the wrong option, not because I chose the wrong one, but because my knowledge reserve could not allow me to make the right choice. There is still a long way to go. The answer to questions 1-6 is: CBABAD

New January – Learning and progressing through the record

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