
Prediction of nine development trends of humanoid robots

author:Robot Lecture Hall

The world of robotics is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and humanoid robots are at the forefront of this technological revolution. Driven by the progress of artificial intelligence, materials science and other related fields, the dawn of the integration of humanoid robots and multi-technology development has arrived, which will reshape the real world of human beings in a way that we can only imagine a few decades ago, and play an increasingly important role in various fields. 2024 may be the most rapid year for the development of humanoid industrialization in the past decade, but 2024 will certainly only be the tip of the iceberg in the magnificent picture of the next decade.

Chinese humanoid robots are expected to make breakthroughs in a number of key technologies such as "brain", "cerebellum" and "limbs" to achieve the safe and effective supply of core components. This determines the five major technological development trends that humanoid robots can quickly achieve, namely the integration of AI large models and humanoid robots, unstructured cognitive recognition and motion control technology, humanoid robot sensory system explosion, strong perception of tactile dexterous hands, lightweight materials and structural design optimization. At the same time, the foreseeable industrial application development direction of humanoid robots includes industrial manufacturing, business services, pension services, emotional and social interactions, etc., and the related industrial chain has begun to diversify, and the market price has shown a downward trend. Lead Robotics believes that the development trend of humanoid robot technology includes the following nine directions.

(1) Integration of AI large model and humanoid robot

Due to the advancement of artificial intelligence algorithms and machine learning technology, artificial intelligence technologies such as large models are transforming the decision-making logic of robots, helping humanoid robots to have strong solutions at the software level, and making humanoid robots more and more intelligent. AI technologies such as large models have enabled humanoid robots to play a vital role in perception, reasoning, and acting in dynamic environments. For example, deep learning techniques can be used for tasks such as object recognition, gesture understanding, and natural language processing. Reinforcement learning is also used to allow robots to learn from experience and improve their decision-making capabilities over time.

Prediction of nine development trends of humanoid robots

These technologies allow robots to better perceive and interact with their environment, understand human language, and learn from their experiences. It is foreseeable that artificial intelligence will be at the heart of humanoid robotics, enabling robots to perceive, learn, reason, and act autonomously. The focus of AI technology, especially on deep learning and reinforcement learning technology, is mainly used for tasks such as object recognition, speech recognition, decision-making, and adaptive behavior. At the same time, at the level of application technology, artificial intelligence based on LLM large language model will gradually transition to VLM image-language model and VLA image language action multimodal model, so that humanoid robots have a high degree of generalization ability and thinking chain ability, and realize the motion control and interaction of humanoid robots through voice decision-making, so as to achieve the ultimate form of embodied intelligence.

(2) Unstructured cognitive recognition and motion control technology

Currently, researchers and engineers are working to improve the mobility and agility of humanoid robots, enabling them to navigate complex environments, manipulate objects more precisely, and walk, run, and jump to perform a wider range of tasks, helping humanoid robots become more autonomous and adaptable, able to operate in diverse and dynamic environments without human intervention. This requires not only technological advances in localization and mapping, path planning, and decision-making algorithms, but also adaptive control technologies that enable robots to adapt their behavior to changing conditions and unforeseen obstacles.

Prediction of nine development trends of humanoid robots

(3) The "sense" and "sense" systems of humanoid robots exploded

Humanoid robots require powerful "sight, hearing, force, smell" functions to navigate and operate in complex environments. Localization technologies such as Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) enable robots to determine their position relative to their surroundings, and the addition of map creation and environment update algorithms facilitates navigation and interaction. The premise of these technologies is that humanoid robots will inevitably be equipped with advanced "sense, sense" systems, including cameras, lidar, LiDAR (light detection and ranging), depth sensors, inertial measurement units (IMUs) and tactile sensors, and perception algorithms process data from these sensors to improve the comprehensive perception of the environment. Enable autonomous navigation, recognize objects, and interact with objects and humans in a more natural and safe way.

(4) Tactile dexterous hands with strong perceptual ability

There is a growing emphasis on making interactions between humans and humanoid robots, and between robots and objects, intuitive and natural. As a result, advances in dexterity and manipulation are essential for humanoid robots to perform a variety of tasks, from simple household chores to complex industrial operations. This involves not only developing better hand designs, tactile sensors, and control algorithms to enable robots to manipulate objects with greater precision and versatility, but also advances in manufacturing technology, materials science, and component miniaturization.

Prediction of nine development trends of humanoid robots

(5) Lightweight material and structural design optimization

Electricity and energy systems provide the necessary energy for humanoid robots to operate autonomously, and advances in materials science and soft robotics have made it possible to develop humanoid robots that are more flexible, adaptable, and resilient. Under the demand for energy-efficient special power components for humanoid robots, the development of lightweight is conducive to improving the mobility, speed, accuracy and endurance of humanoid robots, which is an inevitable trend of technological development. The lightweight of the robot is mainly realized from two aspects: material and structure. Emerging technologies such as efficient battery systems, power management technologies, and energy-saving strategies are essential to extend the robot's uptime and autonomy, and emerging technologies such as energy harvesting and energy-efficient actuators are expected to further enhance the robot's endurance and sustainability. Soft materials such as PEEK, elastomers and hydrogels are used in robot skins, grippers and actuators to reduce the weight of robot components and enable safer interaction with humans and delicate objects. In addition, the bionic design and bionic structure brought by 3D printing and other technologies will enhance the agility and compliance of robots. At the same time, the modular design and scalable architecture make it easier to customize, maintain, and upgrade humanoid robots, and this flexibility allows robots to adapt more effectively to different tasks and environments, thereby reducing development costs and time to market.

(6) The application of industrial scenarios is moving towards scale

One of the major industrial directions of humanoid robots is to enter the production process as a supplement to traditional industrial robots. This has led to ongoing efforts to reduce the cost of humanoid robotics and make it more accessible to businesses, researchers, and consumers.

In terms of industrial scenario application, the industry is currently focusing on key manufacturing areas such as 3C and automobiles, building humanoid robot demonstration production lines and factories, and achieving in-depth application in typical manufacturing scenarios. At the same time, the industry is also trying to integrate humanoid robots with the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing platforms, giving them access to vast amounts of data and computing resources to enhance their capabilities and deliver new services. At the same time, the needs of different industrial scenarios have also made humanoid robots begin to be subdivided into various basic machines and functional machines, forming a certain differentiation in price.

Prediction of nine development trends of humanoid robots

(7) The commercial service scene has a broad space

Another line of research for humanoid robots aims to create products that understand human emotions, intentions, and social cues to facilitate more seamless communication and collaboration. Advances in natural language processing (NLP) have enabled humanoid robots to understand and respond to human speech more effectively. Some researchers are exploring the integration of "emotional intelligence" into humanoid robots, allowing them to recognize and respond to human emotions. This feature is particularly useful in settings such as therapy, education, and healthcare, where industry advancements are critical for applications such as customer service, personal assistance, and companionship.

This has led to the focus on HRI technology and related industries that enable seamless communication and collaboration between humans and humanoid robots, including speech recognition and synthesis, gesture recognition, facial expression analysis, and natural language processing, which will make user interfaces and interactions designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, enhancing the usability and acceptance of robots.

Prediction of nine development trends of humanoid robots

(8) The industrial chain is parallel in multiple subdivisions

The mechanical design and component optimization of humanoid robots are essential to achieve human-like movement and flexibility, and industrialization is progressing rapidly, which brings high added value to new industries. Among them, the separation trend of the "limb" industry is obvious, and enterprises in the field of traditional humanoid robotic arms, dexterous hands, legs and feet and other subdivided parts of the whole machine have begun to appear in the market. For example, in the joints and limb parts used to drive robots, motors, servos, pneumatics, hydraulic actuators and artificial muscles have risen in different directions.

At the same time, innovative mechanical design will also become a trend worthy of attention in industrialization, and for example, the conformity mechanism and series elastic actuator industry that can achieve smoother and safer interaction with humans and the environment have emerged vertical enterprises, and some listed companies have begun to get involved in humanoid robot related industries such as electric drive rotary joints and electric push rods. For example, humanoid robots use new control systems to regulate motion and behavior, including low-level control for motor control and feedback, and advanced control for trajectory planning, motion coordination, and task execution, and multi-level "sense-computing-control" integrated high-performance motion controllers are beginning to appear in the market.

Prediction of nine development trends of humanoid robots

(9) Ecological opportunities emerge

In order to ensure the stability, agility and efficiency of robot motion and manipulation systems and multi-module integration, the integration of software and hardware and the software framework industry ecology are also worth paying attention to. These frameworks include robot operating systems (ROS), simulation environments, development kits, and software libraries, and standardized interfaces and protocols that facilitate interoperability and collaboration between researchers and developers, provide the infrastructure for developing, programming, and controlling humanoid robots, and create new software integration industry opportunities.

In addition, as humanoid robots become more common, people will pay more and more attention to customization and personalization to suit specific applications and user preferences, which includes designing humanoid robots with different appearances, personalities, and capabilities, customized solutions tailored to specific use cases are becoming more common, which will drive innovation and adoption in various fields, and the customization industry is expected to accelerate with the growth of the humanoid robot industry. These trends are likely to continue to impact the development of humanoid robotics in the coming years, with potential industries ranging from entertainment and education to healthcare and industry.

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