
Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

author:Savor the celebrities


Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun delivered an acceptance speech)

On the evening of June 28, 2024, the Magnolia Award Ceremony of the 29th Shanghai TV Festival was held at the Shanghai Lingang Performing Arts Center, and Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award for Best Actress for her wonderful performance in "Imperfect Victim".

This is Zhou Xun's second time winning the award after 9 years, which has aroused great attention and heated discussions among netizens.

Zhou Xun is the only daughter in the family, and her love journey is bumpy, and her parents have been entangled and anxious about her marriage and love.

In July 2014, when Zhou Xun married Chinese film actor Gao Shengyuan, he brought a beautiful vision to his parents. However, in December 2020, Zhou Xun and Gao Shengyuan divorced.

Now Zhou Xun has been divorced for 4 years, and her marriage and love are far away, and she is ashamed of her elderly parents......


Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Stills from Zhou Xun's "Red Sorghum")

In June 2015, Zhou Xun successfully won the Magnolia Award for Best Actress at the 21st Shanghai TV Festival for her role as "Jiu'er" in the TV series "Red Sorghum".

After 9 years, Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award for the second time with "Imperfect Victim".

"Imperfect Victim" has a total of 29 episodes, which will premiere on Beijing Satellite TV and Dragon TV on July 17, 2023, and broadcast simultaneously on iQiyi.

In the play, Zhou Xun plays the female number one - lawyer Lin Kan. Although Zhou Xun herself is far from the profession of a lawyer, she has shaped Lin Kan vividly with her life accumulation, experience life before filming, and understanding of the role.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

("Imperfect Victim" poster)

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Stills from Zhou Xun's "Imperfect Victim")

The Magnolia Award Organizing Committee's award-winning comment to Zhou Xun is: In "Imperfect Victim", Zhou Xun's performance accurately grasped the rich layers of the character's heart, the character creation is not visible, and the personal charm and character are integrated!

Zhou Xun deserved to win the Magnolia Award for Best Actress, but a few netizens questioned Zhou Xun's award, saying that her acting skills in "Imperfect Victim" were difficult to convince the public.

Some netizens said: The selection criteria of the Magnolia Award Organizing Committee pay more attention to the qualifications and background of the actors, and ignore the actual performance of the actors in the works.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

But the vast majority of netizens recognized Zhou Xun's performance in "Imperfect Victim", and Zhou Xun won the award based on his strength.

The news that Zhou Xun was "behind the scenes" was exposed, and quickly rushed to the hot search and became a hot topic among netizens.

Zhou Xun is a talented actor, and he has won the award. However, the actress who successfully played the roles of wife and mother in film and television dramas was scarred by emotions in her life.

She has been in love many times, divorced once, and each relationship starts with a bang and ends with a breakup. Zhou Xun was repeatedly hurt emotionally, and it also hurt his parents' hearts......

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Childhood Zhou Xun)

Zhou Xun was born on October 18, 1974 in Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, his father Zhou Tianyu is a projectionist in Quzhou Cinema, and his mother Chen Yiqin is a salesperson in a department store.

Due to the convenience of her father's work, Zhou Xun watched movies at the age of 3 in the cinema where her father worked, and her artistic enlightenment was completed in the cinema.

After graduating from junior high school in 1989, Zhou Xun was admitted to Zhejiang Art School, majoring in folk dance.

In 1993, Zhou Xun, who graduated from an art school, came to Beijing to develop, and since then he has walked out of a Avenue of Stars.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun, Huang Lei's stills from "Orange is Red")

With film and television masterpieces such as "Orange is Red", "Daming Palace Ci", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "April Day in the World", Zhou Xun became a first-line actress in 2003.


Chen Yiqin and her husband are ordinary people, and their daughter's popularity certainly surprised them, but the couple valued their daughter's normal and happy marriage and love and conceived a baby at the most appropriate age.

Zhou Xun can't do without love for a day, since her debut, she has been in love with Dou Peng, Jia Hongsheng, Li Daqi, Li Yapeng, Wang Shuo and others.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun and Dou Peng)

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun and Li Yapeng)

Every time Zhou Xun has a relationship, Chen Yiqin and her husband hope that their daughter can achieve positive results, and then give birth to a baby and become a mother. Zhou Xun was hurt again and again in love, and his parents were also heartbroken again and again.

When Zhou Xun was 25 years old, her parents expected her to get married and become a mother, and 10 years later, Zhou Xun was still unmarried and single at the age of 35.

Because her daughter is a big star, Chen Yiqin and her husband have also become local celebrities, and they are looked down upon by relatives, friends and neighbors.

When the children of relatives and friends get married, Chen Yiqin and his wife will be invited to be witnesses. The couple sent blessings to the couple, wishing the young couple a hundred years of happiness and an early birth of a precious son.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun and his father Zhou Tianyu)

However, as soon as the wedding ended, Chen Yiqin and her husband would think of their single daughter, and their hearts couldn't help but feel infinite loneliness and melancholy.

Chen Yiqin often sighed to her husband: If our daughter gets married and becomes a mother, our life will be perfect.

Zhou Tianyu comforted his wife: Don't worry, take your time, actors get married very late. Zhou Tianyu said this insincerely, and it was difficult for him to convince himself.

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, thinking that her daughter is one year older and still single, Chen Yiqin and her husband are particularly entangled.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun)

They are urging marriage, but Zhou Xun is a first-line actress, and her work and life conditions are completely different from ordinary girls, and she can't just enter into marriage casually.

Zhou Xun has thoughts and personalities, and he will not easily marry himself out in order to take care of his parents' emotions. Chen Yiqin and her husband did not approve of their daughter's attitude towards marriage and love, and the two generations had disagreements and stumbling blocks.

In 2014, when Zhou Xun was 40 years old, he finally brought good news to his parents. On July 16 of this year, Zhou Xun and Chinese actor Gao Shengyuan held a wedding ceremony at a public welfare party in Hangzhou.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun and Gao Shengyuan's wedding scene)

On July 31, the two officially registered their marriage.

At her daughter's wedding, Chen Yiqin kept crying. The husband grabbed her hand: Today we should be happy, we should look forward to it for many years, isn't it just looking forward to this day?

Before he could say a word, tears welled up in Zhou Tianyu's eyes.


After marriage, Li Daqi followed Zhou Xun's development in China, and the couple settled in Zhou Xun's villa in Beijing.

Gao Shengyuan was born on December 14, 1969 in Washington, USA, with a height of 1.78 meters, handsome appearance and a tall figure.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Gao Shengyuan)

Gao Shengyuan's mother is from Hubei and his father is from Sichuan, and the couple immigrated to Washington, D.C., in the early years, and the family moved to Los Angeles in 1993.

Gao Shengyuan graduated from George Mason University in law, but he gave up being a lawyer and entered the showbiz to film.

Since his debut, Gao Shengyuan has starred in film and television dramas such as "Dinosaur Squad", "CSI: Las Vegas", "Snowflake Secret Fan", "Unexpected Love Time" and so on.

The roots of Zhou Xun's career are in China, and he is reluctant to marry in the United States, so Gao Shengyuan stayed in Beijing after marriage in order to avoid cross-border separation.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun with his parents and Dou Jingtong (front left))

Chen Yiqin has long hoped that her daughter will be a mother. A month after Zhou Xun got married, she and her husband came to Beijing and had a heart-to-heart talk with their daughter.

Chen Yiqin told her daughter: We only have you as a daughter, and it is your responsibility and mission to give birth to one or two babies. After the birth of a child, it will not only make your life perfect, but also give me and your dad hope for life. When people are old, don't they hope that their children will have a happy marriage, and their children and grandchildren will be around their knees?

Zhou Tianyu also had a heart-to-heart with his daughter: Your mother and I are still young now, you give birth to a baby early, and then your mother will come to Beijing to help you take care of the child, and I will take care of my grandparents in Hangzhou. As long as I can help you raise the baby, your mother and I are willing to separate.

Father's love is like a mountain, mother's love is like the sea, Zhou Xun's eyes are moist. She promised her parents: I will seriously consider your suggestions. Zhou Xun's words made his parents have a beautiful fantasy in their hearts.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun)

However, in Zhou Xun's position, it is not that she can give birth to a baby casually, and her pregnancy is constrained by many parties:

First, Zhou Xun has her own studio, and more than 10 employees rely on her filming to make a living. Once she doesn't take on the show for half a year, the operation of the studio will be greatly affected.

The second is that Zhou Xun's plays are about one after another, and the drama appointments have been scheduled for more than a year, and she can't spare a lot of time to conceive a baby.

The third is when to get pregnant, Zhou Xun has to reach an agreement with Gao Shengyuan.

Born and raised in the United States and educated in the Western style, Gao Shengyuan's acting style is very different from that of Chinese actors, which is not accepted by many directors and producers.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun and Gao Shengyuan)

Therefore, Gao Shengyuan's development in Beijing was not smooth, and he was depressed. When Zhou Xun discussed the pregnancy with him, Gao Shengyuan said that he would wait until his career was stable.


Gao Shengyuan's attitude fits Zhou Xun's psychology to a certain extent. She thought: I am just 40 years old this year, and it is not too late to be a mother in two or three years.

However, the direction of the marriage is not under Zhou Xun's control. Gao Shengyuan's development in Beijing was not smooth, he was in a bad mood, and he often stumbled with Zhou Xun.

After marriage, Zhou Xun and Gao Shengyuan's wealth were separated, and their income was managed separately.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Gao Shengyuan)

In 2017, Gao Shengyuan wanted to start a company with a friend in the United States and borrowed start-up capital from Zhou Xun. Many actors around Zhou Xun were unsuccessful in their business, and as a result, they lost all their hard-earned salaries.

Therefore, Zhou Xun suggested that her husband should film wholeheartedly, and did not approve of him opening a company, so he did not lend money to Gao Shengyuan.

Soon, Gao Shengyuan did not tell Zhou Xun that he left Beijing and returned to the United States for development. Since then, Gao Shengyuan rarely came to Beijing, and he got together with Zhou Xun less and more often.

And Chen Yiqin and her husband have been waiting in Hangzhou to help their daughter take care of the baby. During the Spring Festival of 2016, Zhou Xun was filming in other places and did not return to Hangzhou for the New Year. Chen Yiqin reminded her daughter on the phone: Film and television dramas can never be filmed, so take some time to give birth to a baby.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun)

At the beginning of 2017, Chen Yiqin and her husband came to Beijing to visit relatives and asked when their daughter would become a mother. Zhou Xun's perfunctory parents: I'm thinking about it.

Knowing that Gao Shengyuan returned to the United States without authorization and artificially created a transnational separation, Chen Yiqin and her husband were very panicked, afraid that their daughter's marriage would change.

During the Spring Festival of 2018, Gao Shengyuan did not return to Beijing to accompany Zhou Xun for the New Year, and his parents came to Beijing to celebrate the New Year with Zhou Xun.

Mother persuaded Zhou Xun: There will be contradictions between husband and wife, you hurry up and give birth to a baby, after the baby is born, it can lubricate the feelings between husband and wife, and many contradictions will disappear naturally.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun and Gao Shengyuan)

Zhou Xun's eyes were red: for more than a year, she and Gao Shengyuan rarely met, and there was no chance of pregnancy at all. But how could she say such a thing to her parents? I had to let the heartache intensify.

Since 2019, Zhou Xun and Gao Shengyuan's marriage has existed in name only, and the two have not met, nor have they communicated on personal social platforms.

In December 2020, Zhou Xun endured the pain and divorced Gao Shengyuan. After 6 years of marriage, Zhou Xun failed to conceive a baby, which made his parents heartache and disappointment the most.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun)

Soon after her daughter went through the divorce procedures, Chen Yiqin fell ill in Hangzhou, and she stayed in the hospital for more than half a month before she recovered and was discharged.


After Zhou Xun returned to being single, her parents wanted her to remarry and become a mother, which became the obsession of Chen Yiqin and her husband.

In June 2021, Zhou Xun fell in love with singer Zhuo Zhuo. The young man is from Sichuan, 13 years younger than Zhou Xun, and is an unmarried boy.

Zhou Xun did not mention the relationship with Zhuo Zhuo to his parents, Chen Yiqin and her husband saw the news on the Internet, and the couple's hearts hung in the air.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Singer Excellence)

Chen Yiqin called her daughter: If you really want to get married and be a mother, just find a person of the opposite sex of the same age, is it reliable that you are so different from the age of Excellence? Your dad and I disagree.

But Zhou Xun and Zhuo Zhuo are very happy together, and their hearts are free, so she yearns for this kind of love. Zhou Xun ignored his parents' opposition and fell in love with Excellence.

And Chen Yiqin and her husband have been in anxiety, and they no longer give marriage to the children of relatives and friends. Because then they will think of their single daughter, and their hearts will be filled with sadness.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun and Zhang Ziyi)

It is undeniable that the life of Chen Yiqin and his wife is superior to that of ordinary parents, but they do not value material things, and their greatest wish is to hope that their daughter will get married and become a mother.

Chen Yiqin even envies the old people who take their grandchildren to rummage through the trash cans, because some people call them "grandma" or "grandma", and they feel happy and happy in their efforts for their grandchildren. And Chen Yiqin's home is only her and her husband, surprisingly quiet.

Sometimes hearing the noise of the neighbor's children, Chen Yiqin and her husband are very envious, and tears welled up in their eyes unconsciously.

In March 2024, Zhou Xun broke up with Excellence because of differences in age and life philosophy.

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun and Excellence)

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award on the hot search! After 4 years of divorce, she was ashamed of her elderly parents

(Zhou Xun's recent photo)

Zhou Xun said in an interview with the media that he enjoys his single life very much and has no desire to get married and be a mother.

Chen Yiqin and her husband saw this scene from the TV, and they were extremely entangled and anxious. Chen Yiqin choked up and asked herself: I don't have too high requirements for life, I just want to be a grandmother, why has this simple wish become so difficult?

On the evening of June 28, 2024, Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award for Best Actress, and Chen Yiqin and her husband watched live TV at home. They are happy and proud of their daughter's award, but the shortcomings in their hearts always exist, and they always pierce their hearts.

Zhou Xun knew the knot in his parents' hearts, and he felt uncomfortable. His parents did not live a solid life in their later years, and Zhou Xun felt ashamed of his parents.


The first work, plagiarism must be investigated!

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