
Celebrate the party's birthday! The officers and soldiers of the Honghe County People's Armed Forces Department greeted the "July 1st" in this way

author:Defense Times

On the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, the People's Armed Forces Department of Honghe County, Yunnan Province organized a variety of commemorative activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and expressed its confidence and determination to listen to the party and follow the party with practical actions.

Tell about the special party class and polish the background color of loyalty

Celebrate the party's birthday! The officers and soldiers of the Honghe County People's Armed Forces Department greeted the "July 1st" in this way

Political Commissar Liu Qiuxiong gave a special party class guidance on "feeling the glory and devoting oneself to the party".

Combined with the opportunity to study and implement the spirit of the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference, Political Commissar Liu Qiuxiong gave special party class guidance to all personnel of the organ with the theme of "Feeling the Glory and Wholeheartedly Devoted to the Party". Through in-depth study, everyone realized that the light of faith can be seen better in the darkness, and it is necessary to have faith in the heart; In the sunshine, we cannot ignore the glory of the party, and we must have the party in our hearts; When it is difficult, we should not neglect the brilliance of the organization, but be organized; When you are confused, you should not lose the brilliance of party members, and you must have party spirit in your heart. We should earnestly transform the results of our study into political consciousness and practical ability to uphold the party's absolute leadership over the armed forces, and ensure absolute loyalty, absolute purity, and absolute reliability.

Keep in mind the identity of party members and strengthen the original mission

Celebrate the party's birthday! The officers and soldiers of the Honghe County People's Armed Forces Department greeted the "July 1st" in this way

Review the oath of joining the party

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution...... We are ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people at any time, and never betray the party. All party members of the organ raised their right fists, solemnly swore to the party flag, showed their party membership, and celebrated their "political birthday" together, expressing their determination and will to make unremitting efforts for the party, the people, and the country. Through the review of the oath of joining the party, wearing the badge of party members and other ceremonial activities, the identity and mission of all party members were further strengthened. Everyone said that they should not forget their original intention, keep their mission in mind, and give full play to the role of the party branch as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

Accept party spirit education and strengthen ideals and beliefs

Celebrate the party's birthday! The officers and soldiers of the Honghe County People's Armed Forces Department greeted the "July 1st" in this way

Visit the Honghe County Anti-corruption and Integrity Warning Education Base and the Party's Special Education Hall

According to the party discipline study and education plan, the officers and soldiers of the county people's armed forces department came to the Honghe County anti-corruption and clean government warning education base, and the commentator used detailed information, rich plots, and vivid analysis to restore the degenerate trajectory of corrupt elements from "good cadres" to "prisoners under the ranks", so that everyone can feel the ideological vigilance and spiritual touch, and further remind party members and comrades to be strict with party member standards at all times in their work and life, and use the party constitution, party rules and party discipline to restrain every word and deed, and further strengthen the "knowledge and awe, guard against fear, and keep the bottom line" The sense of discipline and rules is truly learned, known, clear and disciplined. In the party's special education hall, photos record the glorious course of the party, so that everyone can truly understand that "no matter how far you go, no matter how glorious the future is, you can't forget why you started". The party school of the county party committee was invited to give a theoretical party class to all officers and men, and explained the spirit of "daring to be the first, daring to break through, and daring to do" and the profound connotation of "daring to struggle and being good at struggle."

Do a good job in the training of party members and consolidate the construction of the team

Celebrate the party's birthday! The officers and soldiers of the Honghe County People's Armed Forces Department greeted the "July 1st" in this way

The People's Armed Forces Department of Honghe County has carried out centralized training for party activists and development targets

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of President Xi's important instructions on strengthening the construction of the ranks of Party members, the Party branches of the organs have set up centralized training courses for Party activists and development targets, covering the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, Several Guidelines on Political Life within the Party, and Regulations on the Work of Party Organizations in the Military on the Development of Party Members. Through the training, the trainees have an all-round understanding of the party's basic knowledge, further understand the historical connotation and value of the people's army's loyalty to the party, enhance the enthusiasm and initiative of theoretical study, further improve the party spirit, theoretical literacy and practical ability, further correct the motivation for joining the party, truly join the party ideologically, establish the belief of fighting for the communist cause for life, and lay a solid foundation for the construction of the party member ranks.

Share stories and experiences, and strive to be a pioneer in struggle

Celebrate the party's birthday! The officers and soldiers of the Honghe County People's Armed Forces Department greeted the "July 1st" in this way

Veterans tell red stories

A promising nation cannot be without heroes, and a promising country cannot be without pioneers. The veterans and workers told everyone about the party's fine traditions and fine work style, and the cadres on active duty shared their mental journey in their military careers, and earnestly passed on the party's advanced nature, the great trust of the organization, and the idea of loyalty to the party to the young party members. Civilian personnel told the story of joining the party and their growth, as well as the changes in their personal and hometown under the leadership of the party, and expressed their enthusiasm and enthusiasm to the party...... A period of life experience, a moving story, and different protagonists connect common beliefs. Everyone's stories inspired each other, and strengthened their belief in their respective meritorious posts, responsibilities, and determination to strengthen the army.

Sing the red classics and express the pride of the times

"Let's start again from Gutian", "Sing a song to the party", "Blood-stained style", ...... The sonorous melody sings the chapter of the Communist Party of China leading the people's army to be reborn from the ashes and move towards rejuvenation. "He pointed out the path to the liberation of the people, and he led China to the light...... Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" finally came to an end in the singing of "No Communist Party, No New China" by all the staff, singing the unforgettable revolutionary years, creating a strong atmosphere of loving the party and the people, so that everyone can cherish the struggle platform of the new era more while recalling the eventful years, and encourage all the staff to continue to move forward, strive to be the first, and make unremitting efforts for the great cause of strengthening the army!

(Li Kang, Li Nan)

Source: Defense Times

Editor: Yuan Yi

Editor: Wang Shuhan

Defense Times Press Center [email protected]