
Xiaomi SU7 picks up the car for three days, the car machine is stuck, and the automatic parking collides, who is responsible?

author:Fun Car Workshop

Recently, Xiaomi SU7 owners reported in the car complaint - that they bought the 2024 700km rear-drive long-range intelligent driving version of the model. On the second day of pick-up, the car machine was stuck, and on the third day, a collision occurred when using the automatic parking function.

Xiaomi SU7 picks up the car for three days, the car machine is stuck, and the automatic parking collides, who is responsible?

From the accident scene provided by the owner, it can be found that the right rearview mirror has been cracked in a large area, and the right side of the body has been crushed and deformed. The scene where automated parking is used is an underground garage with a regular parking area.

Xiaomi SU7 picks up the car for three days, the car machine is stuck, and the automatic parking collides, who is responsible?
Xiaomi SU7 picks up the car for three days, the car machine is stuck, and the automatic parking collides, who is responsible?

When the owner of the car reported this fault to the official, the reply was that the car owner should report the insurance by himself and make an appointment to repair it at the store.

Xiaomi SU7 picks up the car for three days, the car machine is stuck, and the automatic parking collides, who is responsible?

For such a treatment method and attitude, the owner is obviously unacceptable. XiaomiSU7The main focus is intelligent driving,Three days after picking up the car, it was planted in terms of intelligent driving,The body was damaged in the standardized parking lot,The official perfunctory attitude is like this,No one can accept it。

The owner of the car requires the manufacturer to be responsible for maintenance, provide you with a means of transportation or transportation during the maintenance period, and compensate for the depreciation of the new car.

This is not the first time that a similar smart driving failure has occurred, and the owner bought the Xiaomi SU7 Founding Edition MAX. When I picked up the car, I specially asked the staff whether the automatic parking was reliable, and I got a positive answer, so there is no need to worry.

Xiaomi SU7 picks up the car for three days, the car machine is stuck, and the automatic parking collides, who is responsible?

The owner of the car drove all the way home with complete happiness, but after arriving at the underground parking lot of his own community, after turning on the automatic parking function, the automatic parking speed was very fast, and he hit the pillar directly without the alarm sound.

Xiaomi SU7 picks up the car for three days, the car machine is stuck, and the automatic parking collides, who is responsible?

Judging from the scene of the accident, the brightness of the lighting in the basement parking lot is normal, and it is also a standard parking marking. The automatic parking accident occurred on the day of pick-up, and it is difficult not to make people doubt the intelligent driving of the Xiaomi SU7.

At present, automatic parking is the most basic function of L2 assisted driving, and many fuel vehicles can do it. As a technology company, Xiaomi SU7 has frequent errors in the most basic intelligent driving functions, isn't it worth reflecting on?

Xiaomi SU7 picks up the car for three days, the car machine is stuck, and the automatic parking collides, who is responsible?

The follow-up progress is that the Market Supervision Bureau and Xiaomi Auto After-sales Service jointly gave the car owner a processing result, and the car owner agreed to the compensation bill and ended with the deletion of the post.

Xiaomi SU7 picks up the car for three days, the car machine is stuck, and the automatic parking collides, who is responsible?
Xiaomi SU7 picks up the car for three days, the car machine is stuck, and the automatic parking collides, who is responsible?

It is reported that Xiaomi SU7 delivered more than 10,000 new cars in June, and for a new power car brand, the data is something to be proud of. However, the problem cannot be glossed over again, intelligence and price-performance are the labels of the Xiaomi SU7. Now that there is a problem with intelligent driving, it is time to focus on product quality.

Xiaomi SU7 picks up the car for three days, the car machine is stuck, and the automatic parking collides, who is responsible?

Finally: intelligent driving is the mainstream of the future of new energy vehicles, if it cannot be qualified in this regard, the delivery data in front of it is just a flash in the pan.

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