
Industry hot spots: the three major white appliances were scheduled for July, manufacturing profits increased, and the sales data of central air conditioning in the United States in April

author:Industry Online

Industry Micro Weekly (20240701) Reading Tips: Industry Hot Spots→ Enterprise News→ International Newsletter→ Exclusive Data

Industrial hotspots, automobiles, home appliances and other trade-ins have achieved phased results, the first five months of the national manufacturing industry above designated size profits increased by 6.3%, in the first five months of this year, the total amount of cold chain logistics in the mainland increased by 4% year-on-year, the five departments jointly issued a document to cultivate new growth points of consumption, Beijing's down payment fell to 20% Baicheng mortgage interest rates further declineEnterprise dynamicsGree central air conditioning won the 45th international leading technologyMidea won the 2023 National Science and Technology Progress AwardHisense Germany's target growth this year is three percent, Skyworth 0 carbon green technology industrial park is launched, McQuay inverter air-cooled module unit is newly listed, Mitsubishi Electric air conditioning, central air conditioning access to Mijia platform, Danfoss and Hisense Hitachi unveil joint laboratory, DunAn Environment plans to acquire Shanghai Dachuang 62.95% Equity and capital increaseInternational NewsU.S. central air conditioning and heat pump air conditioning shipments released in April to cope with the shortage of skilled workers Greece will push a six-day work week, Russia has become the largest export market for Chinese automobiles, Brazil's central bank raised the country's economic growth forecast to 2.3% in 2024, Walmart uses environmentally friendly refrigerants to build low-carbon stores, with an annual output of 500,000 heat pumps, Aira's Poland factory was successfully put into production, Samsung Electronics will launch exclusive data on home appliances equipped with artificial intelligence next year, and the production schedule data of the three major white appliances in July was released, and the sales volume of the central air conditioning market from January to April increased by 5.1% year-on-year, and the sales scale of global scroll compressors in 2023 declined slightly

Industry Hotspots·

The trade-in of automobiles and home appliances has achieved phased results

The Ministry of Commerce held a press conference on June 25 and said that since the issuance of the "Action Plan for Promoting the Trade-in of Consumer Goods" in March this year, various departments and regions have acted quickly, and all parties in the market have actively participated, and all work is progressing smoothly. In terms of home appliances and home decoration, a total of about 4 billion yuan of support funds have been arranged for home appliances and home decoration in various places. In addition to government financial support, major home appliance manufacturers, home improvement companies, and e-commerce platforms plan to invest nearly 20 billion yuan to support old machine recycling, product replacement, and home decoration.

In the first five months, the profits of the manufacturing industry above designated size increased by 6.3% The National Bureau of Statistics released data on June 27 showed that from January to May, the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 3.4% year-on-year, continuing the growth trend since the beginning of the year. In terms of categories, from January to May, manufacturing profits increased by 6.3%, which remained stable overall. Among them, the profit of the equipment manufacturing industry increased by 11.5% year-on-year, which is the industry sector that has contributed the most to the growth of industrial profits above the designated size this year. The profit of the consumer goods manufacturing industry increased by 10.9% year-on-year, and the profits of the 13 major consumer goods manufacturing industries maintained growth.

In the first five months of this year, the total amount of cold chain logistics increased by 4% year-on-year, and the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing released cold chain logistics operation data from January to May, showing that under the support of market demand and policies, the cold chain logistics in mainland China maintained a steady development trend, which strongly supported the improvement of consumer quality. From January to May this year, the total amount of cold chain logistics in mainland China was 2.76 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.0%; The total demand for cold chain logistics was 191 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 4.2%. Although the unit price of cold storage rental has decreased, the occupancy rate has increased by about 10 percentage points.

On June 24, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the "Measures on Creating New Consumption Scenarios and Cultivating New Growth Points for Consumption". The "Measures" have formulated 17 policy measures in six aspects: catering consumption, cultural tourism and sports consumption, shopping consumption, bulk commodity consumption, health care and care consumption and community service consumption. Accelerate the upgrading of consumption scenario applications and digital empowerment, and further cultivate and expand new growth points for consumption.

On June 26, Beijing announced that the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans will be adjusted to no less than 20%, the lower limit of the loan interest rate will be adjusted to not be lower than the corresponding term loan prime rate (LPR) minus 45 basis points, and the lower limit of the adjusted mortgage interest rate for more than 5 years is currently 3.5%. According to data from the Shell Research Institute, the average interest rate of the first mainstream mortgage in Baicheng in May was 3.45%, down 12 basis points from the previous month; The interest rate of the second set of mainstream mortgages averaged 3.90%, down 26 basis points from the previous month. At the same time, the interest rates of the first two sets of mainstream mortgages in May fell by 55 basis points and 101 basis points respectively compared with the same period in 2023.

Company News·

Gree central air conditioning won the 45th international leading technology

At the scientific and technological achievement evaluation meeting organized by the China Energy Conservation Association, Gree Electric's "Key Technology and Application of Efficient Intelligent Environmental Control System for All Working Conditions of Metro Stations" was evaluated as the overall system reaching the international leading level. Gree Electric has 45 "international leading" technologies so far. The system was completed at the end of 2022 and put into use on Shenzhen Metro Line 12, of which 25 stations adopt the intelligent environmental control system of the centralized chilling, hydroelectric and refrigeration machine room, and after the annual operation energy efficiency monitoring from 2023 and the testing by a third-party authority, the annual operating energy efficiency of the computer room system of the demonstration station Xin'an Park Station has reached 7.17.

Midea won the 2023 National Science and Technology Progress Award, and the project "Key Technology and Application of Multi-grade Efficient Supply of Multi-grade Thermal Energy for Air Source Heat Pump" participated by Midea Group won the second prize of the 2023 National Science and Technology Progress Award. The National Science and Technology Progress Award is one of the highest honors in China's science and technology industry, and winning this award represents the top level of current scientific and technological innovation and application.

Hisense Germany aims to grow by three percent this year According to the person in charge of Hisense International Marketing Germany, Hisense Germany's sales will exceed 300 million euros in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 35%, and the company's goal in 2024 is to increase by more than 30% year-on-year. Hisense Germany was established in 2011, and in 2018, it acquired Gorenje, a European home appliance company, and operated under two brands. It covers all categories of household appliances such as TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, dryers, stoves, and small household appliances. In Hisense Germany's revenue, TVs account for 40%, refrigerators account for 25%, and washing machines account for 12.5%.

Skyworth 0-carbon green technology industrial park was openedOn June 22, Skyworth 0-carbon green technology industrial park was officially opened in Skyworth Shiyan Science and Technology Park, Bao'an District. Huang Hongsheng, founder of Skyworth Group, said that Skyworth Group will take this opportunity to accelerate the new energy 2.0 era and contribute more to the bright future of green, low-carbon and sustainable development of the world.

Recently, McQuay's annual refrigerated R32 inverter air-cooled module unit was newly launched. The product adopts full frequency conversion design, adopts R32 environmentally friendly refrigerant, IPLV up to 4.42, and the operating ambient temperature is up to -18 °C ~ 52 °C, which ensures that the unit can operate efficiently under different temperatures and climates, and the operating water temperature is up to -10 °C ~ 20 °C, and the water temperature is accurate and stable, which meets the needs of industrial projects in different fields.

Mitsubishi Electric air conditioner and central air conditioner are connected to the Mi Home platformMitsubishi Electric air conditioner and central air conditioner announced that they will be connected to the Mi Home platform to support the control of Xiaomi Surging Zhilian and Xiao Ai. After connecting to the Mijia platform, users of Mitsubishi Electric air conditioners and central air conditioners will enjoy unprecedented convenience. With the Mi Home app, you can easily turn the air conditioner on and off remotely, as well as set various functions. With just a mobile phone, you can understand and control the operating status of the air conditioner anytime and anywhere.

Recently, Qingdao Hisense Hitachi and Danfoss jointly announced the establishment of a joint laboratory. Since 2014, the two companies have been working closely together in a number of areas, especially in the field of heat pumps, where Danfoss compressors, valves and brazing plate replacement products are widely used. Qingdao Hisense Hitachi and Danfoss have established a joint laboratory, which will focus on the application of brazing plate replacement products in air conditioning and heat pump systems, integrate the technical advantages of both parties, and jointly develop high-efficiency products that meet the needs of the global and regional markets.

DunAn Environment plans to acquire 63% of the equity of Shanghai Dachuang and increase its capital DunAn Environment disclosed on June 30 that the company intends to acquire 62.95% of the shares of Shanghai Dachuang Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shanghai Dachuang") held by Jia Weixin, Dachuang (Tianjin) Automotive Technology Partnership (Limited Partnership) and other counterparties, with a transaction price of 215 million yuan and a capital increase of 30 million yuan to Shanghai Dachuang. After the completion of this transaction, the company holds 65.95% of the equity of Shanghai Daiso, and Shanghai Dachuang is included in the scope of the company's merger.

International Newsletter·

U.S. central air conditioning and heat pump air conditioning shipments released in April

Recently, AHRI (American Air Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration Industry Association) released the latest shipment data of central air conditioning related equipment in the United States, showing that in April 2024, the total shipments of central air conditioning and heat pump air conditioners in the United States will be 748 688 units (sets), an increase of 5.1% year-on-year. Among them, the shipment volume of central air conditioning in April increased from 418975 units (sets) to 434 239 units (sets), an increase of 3.6% year-on-year; Shipments of heat pump air conditioners increased from 293,074 units (sets) to 314,449 units(sets), an increase of 7.3% year-on-year.

In order to cope with the shortage of skilled workers, Greece will push a six-day work week According to foreign media reports, Greece will soon be able to provide employees with the option of working six days a week. By law, employees can receive an additional 40% more pay on the sixth working day, and even a 115% increase if it falls on a Sunday or public holiday. Still, the unions have criticized the new bill as exploitation. The main reason for the shortage of skilled workers in Greece is that the country experienced a severe financial crisis in the period 2010-2018. Despite the gradual improvement in the economy, the brain drain in Greece has not improved.

Russia has become the largest export market for Chinese automobiles According to Russian media reports, China Automotive News Network, citing data from the Passenger Car Market Information Association, reported that from January to May 2024, China exported 2.45 million vehicles, of which Russia became the country that imported the most cars from China. China delivered 372,500 vehicles to Russia in five months, almost double the number of cars exported to Mexico, which came in second with 190,600 vehicles. In terms of China's new energy vehicle exports, Brazil, Belgium and the United Kingdom are among the top three.

Brazil's central bank raised its growth forecast for 2024 to 2.3%, according to the central bank, which raised its economic growth forecast for 2.3% in 2024 from 1.9% previously. Brazil's economy grew by 0.8% quarter-on-quarter in the first quarter, beating expectations. Although the floods that occurred in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul at the end of April this year had a negative impact on the local economy, the local economy is currently recovering, and the impact of the floods on Brazil's economic growth throughout the year will be less than expected. Inflation in Brazil is likely to rise in the second quarter of this year, followed by a downward trend; Inflation is expected to be 4% in 2024.

With an annual output of 500,000 heat pumps, Aira's Poland factory was successfully put into operationRecently, Aira Group's new production base in Poland was officially unveiled. The plant has the capacity to produce up to 500,000 heat pumps per year. As Europe's decarbonization goals are met, the demand for heat pumps is set to surge. Aira's goal is to provide clean energy technology solutions to 5 million European households over the next decade, and the Wroclaw plant will play an important role in achieving this goal. Aira has received a grant of 15 million euros from the Polish government to support the construction of the Wroclaw plant.

Samsung Electronics will launch home appliances equipped with artificial intelligence next year According to news, Samsung Electronics' home appliance division is developing integrated home appliances with large language models (LLMs), aiming to be released in 2025. This is the first time that Samsung has made concrete plans to equip its home appliances with AI. Following the launch of its first AI smartphone, the Galaxy S24, earlier this year, Samsung aims to quickly dominate the "hyper-connected ecosystem" that spans appliances and smartphones, forming a strong competition with Apple in the AI race.

Exclusive data·

The production scheduling data of the three major white power companies in July was released

According to the latest report on the production scheduling of the three major white appliances released by Industry Online, the total production of air ice washing in July 2024 will be 30.34 million units, an increase of 0.5% over the production performance of the same period last year. In terms of products, the production of household air conditioners in July was 16.53 million units, an increase of 0.4% over the production performance of the same period last year; The production of refrigerators was 7.7 million units, an increase of 1.7% over the same period last year; The production of washing machines was 6.11 million units, down 0.8% from the same period last year.

From January to April, the sales of central air conditioning increased by 5.1% year-on-year, and industry online data shows that although the sales of the central air conditioning market from January to April this year showed a positive growth of 5.1%, factors such as high industry inventory and sluggish consumer market are still affecting the demand release of the central air conditioning market. Moving forward under pressure is still the main tone of the development of the central air-conditioning market.

In 2023, the global scroll compressor sales scale will decline slightly

According to industry online data, under the superimposed influence of various internal and external factors, the global scroll compressor sales scale in 2023 will be 16.536 million units, a year-on-year decrease of 1.4%.

Industry hot spots: the three major white appliances were scheduled for July, manufacturing profits increased, and the sales data of central air conditioning in the United States in April
Industry hot spots: the three major white appliances were scheduled for July, manufacturing profits increased, and the sales data of central air conditioning in the United States in April
Industry hot spots: the three major white appliances were scheduled for July, manufacturing profits increased, and the sales data of central air conditioning in the United States in April

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