
Qingchuan County's three-person "Baba Basketball" ring match has a total of 5,816 matches in 9 months

author:Chuanguan News

Guangyuan Observation Gao Zhinong

On the evening of June 30, the 5816th game of the three-person "Baba Basketball" ring match in Qingchuan County, Guangyuan City started, and the international team composed of Serbian and American players played against the Qingchuan Takin team.

Qingchuan County's three-person "Baba Basketball" ring match has a total of 5,816 matches in 9 months

Photo by Gao Zhinong

The players on both sides were full of energy, cooperated tacitly, and went all out to fight for every opportunity to make a layup, and the wonderful goals continued one after another, and the game was exciting. In particular, the international team relied on its height advantage and skillful skills, slam dunk, wipe the cricket, backward jump and other wonderful actions, which attracted frequent applause from the audience and pushed the atmosphere of the game to a climax.

After fierce competition, the international team won the ninth month championship of the three-person "Baba Basketball" tournament in Qingchuan County.

Qingchuan County's three-person "Baba Basketball" ring match has a total of 5,816 matches in 9 months

Photo by Gao Zhinong

The Qingchuan three-person "Baba Basketball" Ring Tournament is currently the only county-level open basketball tournament in the country that has competitions every day, every week and every month. Since the start of the competition on October 10, 2023, it has attracted more than 1,700 domestic teams to participate in the competition, with a total of more than 5,800 games, and a total of 252 daily champions, 36 weekly champions, and 9 monthly champions.

Qingchuan County's three-person "Baba Basketball" ring match has a total of 5,816 matches in 9 months

Photo by Gao Zhinong

Come to Qingchuan to play Baba basketball and win the 500,000 yuan annual championship award! The continuous competition of the three-person "Baba Basketball" game in Qingchuan County has greatly promoted the development of the county's "night economy" to multi-field, high-level and healthy, and at the same time, the model of "tourism + sports" in-depth integration and development has boosted the new pattern of tourism development in Qingchuan. According to statistics, in the first half of this year, Qingchuan County received 5.648 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 6.24%, and the comprehensive tourism income reached 6.495 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.42%.

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