
Poetry: A father's love is like a mountain, unshakable

author:Writer 荟


Text/Li Mingjian

Poetry: A father's love is like a mountain, unshakable


You can't say that

You say that

It's going to hurt your father

It will make the father and son affectionate

Born with a chill


Your father told you to pay attention to saving

It's to teach you to live

Thin water flows


Material resources are struggling

Not because

What you said

You spent him a few bucks on things



You're wrong

A father's love is like a mountain


Poetry: A father's love is like a mountain, unshakable

"Birthday Greetings to Mother"

Birthday greetings to my mother

Didn't wait for the birthday

There was a wave of heat in my heart

It almost soaked my eyes

I held back tears

I don't want that true feeling

Flowing in front of people


Birthday greetings to my mother

Speak of the hard work of my mother

That's all kinds of thoughts

Blend into old-fashioned etiquette

Prostrate to your mother


Prostrate to your mother

Let the mother feel her victory

Her harvest

Poetry: A father's love is like a mountain, unshakable

My Vegetable Garden

My family's vegetable garden


Never idle

Grow this dish

Long that dish

The sun grows brightly


It also grew some floral fragrance

Grow some rain and dew

Make the sky deep

Will be the crescent moon in the sky

Grow into a thin bend


I will also take time to grow a few corn plants

Grow a few cotton plants

to the hospital

Grow an autumn color

Always be able to will

The cold in winter

Grow into a wisp of spring warmth