
Blue alert, take precautions!

author:Moling Online


Issued by the Jiangning District Meteorological Observatory

Blue Warning Signal for High Winds

Blue alert, take precautions!

It is expected that from tonight to tomorrow day, most of the streets in our district, such as Dongshan, Moling, Chunhua, Guli, Qilin, Tangshan, etc., will have gusts of more than 8 from north to south, during which there will be strong convective weather locally, and short-term gusts can reach 9-10, please pay attention to precautions. It is expected that the windy weather process will end around 17 o'clock tomorrow.

Blue alert, take precautions!
Blue alert, take precautions!

Recent weather in Jiangning

First semester of the main lap

There was a heavy precipitation weather process in our area

From the 4th to the 7th, the weather was mainly sunny and hot

The week ahead:

Cloudy with showers or thunderstorms tonight to tomorrow, heavy rainfall, southwest winds of 5 to 6 with gusts of 7, short-term gusts of 8 to 10 during thunderstorms in thunderstormy areas, 25 °C to 29 °C;

Cloudy to overcast with showers or thunderstorms on the 3rd, southwest wind level 4 to 5, 25°C to 31°C;

Cloudy on the 4th, southwest wind 4 to 5 gusting to 6, 26°C to 35°C;



It was cloudy on the 7th, 28°C to 36°C.

How to prevent windy weather?

Knock on the blackboard to make the point

Blue alert, take precautions!
Blue alert, take precautions!

Source: Jiangning Release Editor: Zhang Zewei Review: Xia Xiaodong Zhou Runtian Zhu Xuejiao Release: Zhang Zewei