
After the newborn is born, it is necessary to apply for these 6 certificates as soon as possible, which can not only save money, but also prevent abduction

author:Jingying's mother

Text: Jing Ma

After the newborn is born, it is necessary to apply for these 6 certificates as soon as possible, which can not only save money, but also prevent abduction

Every child is born with the expectations of parents, and every parent hopes that their children can grow up healthily!

Some children are born with jaundice or low birth weight, or need to be admitted to the neonatal department for some reasons, and some children are born prematurely, or because of improper parental care, they get sick not long after birth.

The younger the child, the more difficult it is to care for when he is sick, and generally the child will have to go to the hospital for hospitalization if he is not feeling well.

But as a parent, as long as you get these six certificates in time when your child is born, one of them can also save parents money, and all the expenses of your child after birth can be reimbursed! Therefore, as a parent, you must handle it in a timely manner.

After the newborn is born, it is necessary to apply for these 6 certificates as soon as possible, which can not only save money, but also prevent abduction

After the baby is born, these six documents should be handled as soon as possible, which can help parents save money

The first certificate: birth certificate

The child's birth certificate is the basis of all documents, because the birth certificate records the child's name, the child's father and mother, and the child's birth weight, etc., these basic information, not only the child needs a birth certificate when he is registered, but also the child needs a birth certificate when he is in elementary school, so the birth certificate is very important.

When parents apply for a birth certificate for their child, they must give the child a good name, because after the child writes the name, it has entered the entire official system, and it will be very troublesome to change the name at that time, so once the child's name is good, do not change it casually.

The child's birth certificate is handled in the hospital, and the child's hospitalization and discharge certificate are required, as well as the parents' marriage certificate, ID card or parents' household registration book, etc.

After the newborn is born, it is necessary to apply for these 6 certificates as soon as possible, which can not only save money, but also prevent abduction

The second certificate: the child's vaccination certificate

The child's vaccination certificate is also very important before the child goes to primary school, because the child has to receive various vaccinations every year, if the vaccine is not complete, then when the relevant staff are in the kindergarten to check, parents may need to go to the child to make up the vaccine before going to kindergarten.

Because there are many children in the kindergarten, if you are not vaccinated, if you are infected with this disease, it may lead to a big outbreak.

Generally, some of these vaccination certificates are obtained at the hospital where they were born, and some of them are handled at the local health center or community hospital. Of course, if it is a health center or a community hospital, but the child needs to be vaccinated with BCG and hepatitis B vaccine 24 hours after birth, the hospital will give a certificate of vaccination, and parents can directly take it to the relevant departments after the child is discharged.

After the newborn is born, it is necessary to apply for these 6 certificates as soon as possible, which can not only save money, but also prevent abduction

The third card: Children's Health Handbook

The children's health handbook records the annual physical examination report from the child's birth to the full month, two months, three months, six months, nine months, one year old, one and a half years old, two years old, etc., in addition to the child's length and weight, as well as the child's head circumference, chest circumference, and the child's gross and fine motor development.

If it is abnormal, the doctor will promptly advise parents to go to the relevant departments to correct it, so this child health handbook is also very important, so that you can understand the child's development when he is a child, and in case the child grows up, he can also find the root cause.

After the newborn is born, it is necessary to apply for these 6 certificates as soon as possible, which can not only save money, but also prevent abduction

The fourth card: household register

That is, to register the child, where to register the child? It can be with grandparents, parents, or even grandparents, which many parents consider differently.

For example, some parents consider dividends in the future, some have dividends in rural areas, and more parents consider where their children go to kindergarten? Where to go to primary school, or even where to go to secondary school? After all, the house is also a large item in the home, there are no special circumstances, many families just buy a set, and the household registration is generally followed by the house.

Only after the child has registered can he apply for the other two certificates.

After the newborn is born, it is necessary to apply for these 6 certificates as soon as possible, which can not only save money, but also prevent abduction

The fifth certificate: the child's medical guarantee

Medical insurance is actually to pay medical insurance fees directly to the child, the child's resident medical insurance is generally a few hundred yuan a year, after the birth of the child to do a good job of household registration should be done as soon as possible to the child, because the medical insurance in the three months after the birth of the child can be reimbursed to the child, the child after the birth of the hospitalization expenses can be reimbursed, which can actually greatly save money.

After the newborn is born, it is necessary to apply for these 6 certificates as soon as possible, which can not only save money, but also prevent abduction

The 6th card: the child's ID card

According to the advice of the public security department, the child can take the child to apply for an ID card after birth, and the ID card can only be done for 5 years at a time when the child is young, but there is an important procedure for the child to apply for an ID card, which is to press the fingerprint on the child, and the fingerprint left behind is actually a sharp weapon to prevent abduction.

If the child is abducted and trafficked, when he goes to someone else's house to register his or her household registration, he also needs to press his fingerprint, which is easy to match, and once the child is abducted, it is easy to find.

After the newborn is born, it is necessary to apply for these 6 certificates as soon as possible, which can not only save money, but also prevent abduction

So do you know the reason for these certificates after the child is born? Hurry up and do it!

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