
On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

author:Yunnan Police

In Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County of Kunming City, there is a place called Kyaukpingdu, which is the junction of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, and there has been an unforgettable red history here.

On May 3, 1935, 6 small boats and 37 boatmen broke the old custom of "never crossing the Jinsha River at night since ancient times", and more than 30,000 Red Army troops crossed the Jinsha River for seven days and seven nights, got rid of the encirclement and interception of hundreds of thousands of Kuomintang troops, and won a decisive victory in the strategic transfer of the Communist Party of China, which played an immeasurable role in the northward resistance against Japan, wrote a rich and colorful page in the history of the Chinese revolution, and wrote the magnificent legend of "Jinsha water beats the clouds and cliffs are warm".

Since then, Kyaukpyeongdu has not only become a ferry for the fate of the 30,000 Red Army, but also a ferry carrying the flame of the Chinese revolution to the new shore.

Red Kyaukping, rolling golden sand, northern Yunnan lock key.

History has gone far, with the completion of China's fourth largest hydropower station - Wudongde Hydropower Station for power generation, the ferry has become a reservoir area, but the "Luquan Shanle Red Army Long March Memorial Hall" located in Shanle Village, Kyaukpingdu Town, is still telling the story of the red epic.

On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

Towering stool mountain, surging golden sand. Nestled in the mountains and rivers, the 42-year-old red cultural police station - Kyaukpingdu Police Station is located here. It is the perfect fusion of red integrity and modern innovation, it is the "integrity and innovation" that makes you unconsciously walk in history, and you can quickly sort out an iterative upgrade map: it has grown from a public security commissioner in 1982 to 5 police officers and 9 auxiliary police, although it is middle-aged, it has lasted for a long time.

On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

The red flag of the wind exhibition is picturesque, and the eventful years are like songs

On December 30, 2023, Zhou Kang's first day at the Kyaukpingdu Police Station, he was the 13th person in charge of the Kyaukpingdu Police Station. This is also a "small classroom" for the police of the Kyaukpingdu Police Station to receive red education.

On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

What I heard the most from the mouths of the old boatmen was: In the past, the common people here listened to the party, followed the party, and used the strength of the whole village to help the Red Army cross the Jinsha River smoothly, and the common people and the Red Army formed a deep relationship between fish and water.

Nowadays, the people feel the party's kindness, read the party's feelings, the police station gives full play to the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress, so that the people in the jurisdiction feel care and warmth, do a good job in the basic work of the masses, where they are needed, they appear there, and the people and the police deeply constitute a harmonious picture of the police and the people.

On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

Kyaukpingdu Police Station firmly believes that small offices also have great achievements, and takes the creation of a national-level "Fengqiao-style public security police station" as the driving force, accumulates big with small things, and sees big with small things, and launches a series of convenient service measures to upgrade sweat policing to innovative policing, smart policing, backpack policing, and fire pond policing.

On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

In the past five years, Kyaukpingdu has been awarded the "Collective Third-class Merit" 5 times, and has been rated as an "Advanced Grassroots Party Branch" for 5 consecutive years, successfully created a "Five-Star" demonstration party branch in 2020, and was rated as a "Top Five Party Branch" by the Provincial Department in 2021, and was named the "Chuncheng Pioneer Demonstration Party Branch" by the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee in 2022, the provincial "Fengqiao-style Public Security Police Station" by the Provincial Public Security Department in the same year, and the first-class public security police station by the Ministry of Public Security in 2023, and the team has achieved 42 years of "zero discipline violations" and "zero violations".

Overcome all the way and march triumphantly all the way

Among the five policemen at the Kyaukpingdu Police Station, most of them are young people, who are energetic and energetic. Among them, He Lina is the only post-95 police flower in the institute, and in 2022, after graduating from the Yunnan Police Academy, she was assigned to Kyaukpingdu and became a people's policeman. "When I came here, my biggest realization is that the relationship between the people and the police station is very good and harmonious, and I feel the power of inheritance in the old police."

On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

With a land area of 254.6 square kilometers, the highest elevation is 2,879.6 meters, and the lowest elevation is 890 meters.

"Although the road to the village has been basically realized, the mountain road is still rugged, and it takes six or seven hours to get to and from the town." He Lina said.

On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

"The Red Army is not afraid of difficult expeditions", and the auxiliary police of the Kyaukpingdu Police Station are not afraid of "climbing the mountain". For many years, in order to serve the masses, it is almost the norm for the police and auxiliary police of the police station to go up and down the mountains and villages in the rain and mediate disputes with a hungry stomach.

On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance
On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

The annual rings of history engrave the footprints of the strugglers

One day in 2024, Brother Zhang, a villager, came to the Kyaukpingdu Police Station to deal with traffic violations, but found that his ID card was also lost. To his surprise, the police station was also able to apply for ID cards and temporary ID cards, and the violation was dealt with immediately after the reissue was completed, which only took more than 10 minutes. After only running the window once, he directly handled two types of business, thanks to the effectiveness of the reform of "exchange integration".

"In the little things that serve the people in the jurisdiction, we have always had a sincere heart." Yan Mingqiang, a young policeman, said.

On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

The Red Army won the war, and the people were the backers. Since 2023, the Kyaukpingdu Police Station has opened 146 "Online Police Room" WeChat groups in the way of "one village and one industry", accepting the public's call for help, business consultation, and legal popularization publicity 24 hours a day. The police station adheres to the implementation of window services such as "24-hour convenience and benefit" and "no closing on weekends".

On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance
On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

Located in the red land, generations of police officers from Kyaukpyeongdu Police Station have never forgotten where they started, and they have never forgotten that they are red guardians.

On the banks of the Jinsha River, 42 years of red perseverance

The villagers living in the mountains are old and have inconvenient legs and feet, so the police go up the mountain to take pictures of the elderly and apply for ID cards; Outside the crowd, they were injured and could not move, and despite the bumpy and rugged mountain roads, the police still carried stretchers to send them to the hospital......

The Kyaukpingdu Police Station under the scorching sun in July is clean and tidy, the small courtyard is full of flowers, and the big stone in the courtyard is eye-catching engraved with the word "Long March", revealing a rich red atmosphere, and in and out of the footsteps, a string of silhouettes serving the people are sprinkled.

The years have changed, and the chapter is changing day by day, which coincides with the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party. The surname of the public security is the party, absolutely loyal, walking on this red hot land, perhaps, you will be like us, forgetting the time and the region. It is a power that transcends time and space, illuminates the way forward and inspires the future.

(Contributed by: Kunming Luquan County Public Security Bureau)