
In summer, eat this dish hard, one to protect the eyes, two to moisten the intestines, three to increase immunity, no matter how expensive it is, you have to eat it!

author:Big Mouth Chef

Reading guide: In summer, eat this dish hard, one to protect the eyes, two to moisten the intestines, three to increase immunity, no matter how expensive it is, you have to eat!

As summer approaches, everything grows and flourishes, and nature's gifts become more abundant. In such a vibrant season, there is a vegetable that has become the darling of our table with its unique nutritional value. Not only does it protect the eyes and moisturize the intestines, but it also boosts immunity, and it is an indispensable delicacy in summer - that is, green beans.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one to protect the eyes, two to moisten the intestines, three to increase immunity, no matter how expensive it is, you have to eat it!

1. Green beans: a good eye care product in summer

The green beans are verdant in color and plump, as attractive as jade. It is rich in vitamin A and carotene, two nutrients that are essential for the eyes. It can promote night vision and reduce eye strain. Carotene, on the other hand, can be converted into vitamin A in the body to further protect the eyes.

In the hot summer days, people often feel eye fatigue due to long outdoor activities or long hours of use of electronic devices, at this time, eating more green beans can effectively relieve this discomfort and make the eyes fresh and bright again.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one to protect the eyes, two to moisten the intestines, three to increase immunity, no matter how expensive it is, you have to eat it!

2. Green beans: a good helper for moistening the intestines

In addition to the eye protection effect, green beans are also a good helper for moisturizing the intestines. It is rich in dietary fiber, a substance that stimulates intestinal peristalsis and promotes bowel movements. At the same time, the dietary fiber in green beans can also combine with harmful substances in the intestines to reduce their damage to the intestines. In the hot summer, people are often prone to dehydration because of sweating, at this time, eating more green beans can play a good role in moisturizing the intestines, so that the intestines remain smooth and comfortable.

3. Green beans: a powerful assistant for strong immunity

Green beans are also rich in vitamins and minerals, all of which are important for boosting immunity. In summer, when the temperature is active, eating more green beans can help us strengthen our immunity.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one to protect the eyes, two to moisten the intestines, three to increase immunity, no matter how expensive it is, you have to eat it!

Fourth, the cooking and matching of green beans

Green beans can be cooked in a variety of ways, either as a main course on their own or as a side dish to add color and texture. Here are a few simple and easy-to-make green bean dishes:

1. Stir-fried green beans: Wash and drain the green beans for later use. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot and heat it, add the minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add the green beans and stir-fry until cooked. This dish is refreshing and green, making it a summer table.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one to protect the eyes, two to moisten the intestines, three to increase immunity, no matter how expensive it is, you have to eat it!

2. Stir-fried shrimp with green beans: Remove the shell of the shrimp and wash the shrimp thread for later use. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot and heat it, add the shrimp and stir-fry until it changes color, remove and set aside. Then fry the green beans until they are raw, then add the shrimp and continue to stir-fry until cooked. This dish is a dish with tender shrimp and crisp green beans, making it a delicious dish with both color and flavor.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one to protect the eyes, two to moisten the intestines, three to increase immunity, no matter how expensive it is, you have to eat it!

3. Stewed pork ribs with green beans: Wash the pork ribs, cut them into pieces, and blanch them for later use. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot and heat it, add green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, then add pork ribs and stir-fry until the surface is slightly yellow, add cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar and other seasonings, stir-fry evenly, add green beans and an appropriate amount of water, and simmer until cooked. This dish is a nutritious home-cooked dish with crispy pork ribs and delicious green beans.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one to protect the eyes, two to moisten the intestines, three to increase immunity, no matter how expensive it is, you have to eat it!

In addition to the above cooking methods, green beans can also be combined with a variety of ingredients to make more delicious dishes, such as green bean fried rice, green bean stewed tofu, etc. When pairing, you can choose according to your personal taste and needs, so that the flavor of green beans is more diverse.

5. Selection and preservation of green beans

When choosing green beans, we should choose green beans with bright green color, full grains, and no insect eyes, which are of better quality and taste. At the same time, we can also judge the freshness of green beans by smelling the smell, fresh green beans should have a fragrant smell, and fresh green beans will emit a peculiar smell.

When preserving green beans, we can put them in a plastic bag, seal them well, and put them in the refrigerator for refrigeration, which can prolong the freshness of green beans. However, it should be noted that green beans should not be stored for a long time, and it is best to eat them as soon as possible to maintain their best taste and nutritional value.

In summer, eat this dish hard, one to protect the eyes, two to moisten the intestines, three to increase immunity, no matter how expensive it is, you have to eat it!

VI. Conclusion

As a seasonal vegetable in summer, green beans not only taste tender and delicious, but also have rich nutritional value, eye protection, intestinal moisturization, and strong immunity. In the summer, we should eat more green beans to make the body more comfortable, and no matter how expensive it is, we should eat more.

At the same time, we can also make the delicious taste of green beans more diverse through different cooking methods and combinations, adding more color and nutrition to the table. Let's enjoy this summer full of life and vitality together!

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