
From 1.6 million to 390,000, no one cares, what should people who buy houses at high prices do now?


Somewhere in Tianjin, the price of a two-bedroom apartment of 83 square meters at the peak was more than 1.6 million yuan per set, but now the same house type, 390,000 yuan a set, is not cared for, what should people who buy houses at high prices do now?

In the past two days, the news that the house price of a community in Tianjin has "dropped from 1.6 million yuan to 390,000 yuan" has detonated major social platforms. Some Tianjin netizens said that the house price in their place has indeed dropped a lot, and the house was sold for 20,000 yuan per square meter at the highest time, and now it cannot be sold for 3,500 yuan per square meter.

From 1.6 million to 390,000, no one cares, what should people who buy houses at high prices do now?

How could a house worth 1.6 million yuan fall to 390,000 yuan?

Many netizens said that such news was too one-sided and not credible. But there are also some local netizens said that there are many such places in Wuqing, Tianjin, the most expensive time to sell to 21,000 yuan, I am now listed at 8000 yuan, no one asks at all, to prevent being cut in half, this is still a trivial matter, many people have spent most of their life savings, the house has fallen like this, and the total price of selling the house is not as high as the down payment at that time.

As for the price of the house, why it has fallen so much in the past two years is actually related to these reasons.

In the first two years, Beijing's housing prices were far ahead, so it led to fire, and the housing prices in these places around Beijing, Langfang, Hebei, especially Yanjiao, have also been soaring. As a municipality directly under the central government and close to Beijing, housing prices in Tianjin are naturally rising.

From 1.6 million to 390,000, no one cares, what should people who buy houses at high prices do now?

At that time when house prices rose sharply, people who bought houses never thought that house prices would fall one day, and always thought that house prices would continue to rise, and if they didn't buy, they would be even more unaffordable in the future.

Coupled with the various marketing methods of real estate, as well as the various ways of real estate agents to urge orders, house sales around the country are also extremely hot.

However, in the past two years, as the real estate market has gradually cooled down, those investors have long since fled, and they have made a lot of money, and these idle and vacant houses are left for those who "just need" buyers.

From 1.6 million to 390,000, no one cares, what should people who buy houses at high prices do now?

In addition, in the past two years of the epidemic, everyone's income has been affected to a certain extent, and many people not only did not have a salary increase, but even had a disguised salary cut. In addition, today's employment environment is also more stressful, and more and more people are worried that they will encounter layoffs and company closures.

According to the data given by the central bank, as of the end of April, the national residents' deposits have exceeded 145 trillion yuan, and if calculated according to the country's population of 1.4 billion, the average deposit has now reached almost 110,000 yuan per capita.

Everyone is reluctant to spend their money, and they are even more reluctant to take on a 30-year mortgage for a house. In such a situation, it becomes more and more difficult to sell the house. Some investors desperately need to get their money back, so they sell their houses at a low price.

And some people who bought houses with high-interest loans before could not repay their mortgages due to various reasons such as reduced income, so as to prevent them from being seized by the court and auctioned.

Originally, the house was not easy to sell, so the price of the house that was seized and auctioned was even lower, and some even had to be discounted on the basis of the market price.

From 1.6 million to 390,000, no one cares, what should people who buy houses at high prices do now?

Therefore, if the house bought for more than 1.6 million yuan before is seized by the court due to supply interruption and other reasons, it will be auctioned publicly, and the price of the real estate market has fallen a lot. In the case of unsuccessful auction and re-auction, it is normal to be auctioned off by others at a price of more than 300,000 yuan.

In addition to this reason, some developers will also dispose of the remaining properties in the form of internal prices in order to be able to recover the money as soon as possible.

The money they make from these developers has long since paid off. Faced with so many vacant houses on hand, in order to be able to return the funds as soon as possible, they will sell them at a discount. Not only that, but some developers even pay these unsellable houses directly to suppliers.

The supplier wants to get the money, and the house will be sold at a relatively low price.

From 1.6 million to 390,000, no one cares, what should people who buy houses at high prices do now?

What should people who bought at a high price do now?

More than 1.6 million yuan to buy a small two-bedroom apartment, if calculated according to the down payment ratio of 30% at that time, you need to pay a down payment of 480,000 yuan to afford such a house.

After that, you will have to take on a mortgage of 1.12 million, and if you calculate it according to the annualized interest rate at that time, you may need to repay more than 5,000 yuan per month.

According to the data given by the tax department, only about 14% of the country's employees have reached the level of paying individual income tax. This also means that the monthly salary of 85% of the country's employees is less than 5,000 yuan.

The monthly mortgage is more than 5,000 yuan, for an ordinary worker, every month's salary is all used to repay the loan, and what to do with the rest of life?

From 1.6 million to 390,000, no one cares, what should people who buy houses at high prices do now?

In addition, in the two years affected by the epidemic, most people's wages have not increased as expected, but have declined, and even some people have lost their jobs because of the company's company, plus the two years affected by the epidemic, most people's wages have not increased as expected, but have declined, and some people have even lost their jobs because of the company's closure and company layoffs.

After losing your job, you still need to pay your mortgage every month, and the mortgage will not stop you just because you have no salary income. Once your mortgage is out of payment for more than 6 months, it is likely that you will be sued by the bank and eventually the house will be seized by the court and auctioned.

Although the price of the house has also decreased in the past two years, for those of us who buy houses at a high price, we only signed a loan contract with the bank, and we are borrowing from the bank and the house is not directly related, and the party is just a collateral.

That is to say, the bank does not care about the rise and fall of the house price at all, it is earned by the person you buy the house, and if the house falls, it will also be borne by the person you buy the house.

The loan contract relationship with the bank has always existed, even if the house is worthless in the end, the loan owed to the bank for the house bought from the bank loan still needs to be repaid to the bank.

From 1.6 million to 390,000, no one cares, what should people who buy houses at high prices do now?

Although the current mortgage interest rate has decreased, and the stock mortgage interest rate has also dropped to about 4.2%, it is still a high level for the current mortgage interest rate for home purchases.

In such a situation, the house price may be facing a significant reduction, and the mortgage interest rate is relatively high, so should the house be cut off or continue to grit its teeth and hold on?

To illustrate this problem, we only have a loan relationship with the bank. Once our house is out of supply, the bank has the right to ask the court to seize our property. Eventually, our house will be auctioned by the court, and the proceeds from the auction will be used to pay for the legal costs of the case, and if it is not enough to repay the bank loan, the remaining debts will still need to be carried by the buyer.

This also means that it is very likely that the down payment of more than 400,000 yuan we spent to buy a house before is gone, and the monthly payment for five or six years is gone, and we may eventually owe a lot of debt to the bank.

From 1.6 million to 390,000, no one cares, what should people who buy houses at high prices do now?

And if you choose to grit your teeth and persevere, the current salary income of four or five thousand yuan per month is not ideal. Life is very stressful, the mortgage interest rate is so high, the monthly payment is so high, life will be more and more difficult to pay back, and there is no deposit in hand.

If it were you, what would you choose?