
Winter disease and summer treatment, uterine fibroids, urinary tract stones... Don't miss out on the Internet Wellness event in July

author:Health Hangzhou

After the summer

Heat stroke, urinary stones and other problems

"Hit" if you are not careful?

I want to transform into a "small waist"

Does healthy weight loss work wonders?

Children develop quickly

Is it precocious puberty?

Allergies come and go

How is it treated?


Winter disease and summer treatment, uterine fibroids, urinary tract stones... Don't miss out on the Internet Wellness event in July


In July, we expect to launch

28 live health broadcasts and 2 free clinic activities

Experts face to face

Answer them all for you!


Winter disease and summer treatment, uterine fibroids, urinary tract stones... Don't miss out on the Internet Wellness event in July

Note: Each activity will generally be displayed on the homepage of the Internet hospital when the activity day is approaching, please pay attention to all citizens and friends~

How to access the Hangzhou Internet Hospital platform?

1. You can enter the Hangzhou Internet Hospital platform through the following two ways.

(1) Search for "Hangzhou Internet Hospital" on the homepage of WeChat or Alipay, and click to enter.

Winter disease and summer treatment, uterine fibroids, urinary tract stones... Don't miss out on the Internet Wellness event in July
Winter disease and summer treatment, uterine fibroids, urinary tract stones... Don't miss out on the Internet Wellness event in July

2. Click on the activity section, enter and follow the prompts to participate in the event.

Winter disease and summer treatment, uterine fibroids, urinary tract stones... Don't miss out on the Internet Wellness event in July
  • Contributed by: Hangzhou Health Development Center
  • Please indicate "Healthy Hangzhou"

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Winter disease and summer treatment, uterine fibroids, urinary tract stones... Don't miss out on the Internet Wellness event in July

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Winter disease and summer treatment, uterine fibroids, urinary tract stones... Don't miss out on the Internet Wellness event in July

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