
In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

author:Rice Xiaoqi

The summer heat makes us feel tired, sleepy, and have no energy, and we have no strength in our legs and feet. Many people don't know what the reason is, but they just think that it is because they have a small appetite and eat less in summer, so they have no energy, which is actually wrong. As the saying goes: "Summer is not sick and there are three points of deficiency", which is the wisdom of the ancients. According to modern science, sweating is more in summer, metabolism is fast, and the body's energy and nutrients are consumed, and with the sweat passing, there is also potassium. Potassium deficiency can cause symptoms such as weakness in the limbs, drowsiness, and lack of energy. It is very important to supplement potassium in time in summer, and the following are 3 "high-potassium dishes", eat more on hot days, and the whole body will be energetic.

1. Roasted bamboo shoots with squid

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

【Ingredients】: Squid, sweet bamboo shoots, edamame, pickled cabbage, garlic, carrots, shallots, ginger.

[Seasoning]: salt, vinegar, cooking wine, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, sugar, edible oil.


In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

1. Peel and slice sweet bamboo shoots, carrot slices, edamame, and cabbage, and then cut some green onions, ginger and garlic for later use.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

2. Clean the squid, remove the skin of the squid, and then cut it into sections for later use.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

3. Heat the oil, add the cabbage, green onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry for 2 minutes, then add the sweet bamboo shoots, edamame and carrots and continue to fry for 2 minutes.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

4. Pour in an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

5. Pour in the squid, add some cooking wine, vinegar, soy sauce, salt and sugar to taste, and continue to cook for 2 minutes.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

6. Finally, sprinkle some green onions, add some monosodium glutamate to taste, and you can get out of the pot. The ingredients of this dish: squid, bamboo shoots, and edamame are all high-potassium ingredients.

2. Stir-fried snow peas with sausage

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

[Ingredients]: Snow peas, Sichuan sausage, garlic.

[Seasoning]: salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, edible oil.


In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

1. Wash the Sichuan sausage, then put it in a pot, add some water and cook for more than 10 minutes.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

2. Clean the snow peas, cut off the head and tail, then boil water in a pot, add snow peas, add a spoonful of salt and cooking oil, blanch and cook for 1 minute.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

3. Blanch the sausage and slice it for later use, blanch the snow peas and then pass through the cold water, and then cut some garlic slices for later use.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

4. Heat the oil, add the sausage and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes, then add garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

5. Add snow peas, add a spoonful of salt, monosodium glutamate and sugar to taste, stir-fry for about 2 minutes, and then you can get out of the pot. eat

3. Braised eggplant

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

[Ingredients]: Long eggplant, garlic, chili, green onion.

[Seasoning]: 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of monosodium glutamate, salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of starch, cooking oil.


In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

1. Wash and slice the eggplant, sprinkle some salt and mix well, and marinate for more than 10 minutes.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

2. After the eggplant is marinated soft, rinse twice with the faucet, and then squeeze out the water.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

3. Heat the oil, add the eggplant and stir-fry for a while until the eggplant is soft.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

4. Add minced garlic, chili pepper and chopped green onion to the bowl, then mix all the seasonings, add 2 tablespoons of water and stir well, then put in the pot.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic

4. Reduce the juice over high heat, cook until the eggplant is flavorful, stir-fry for a while, and then it can be out of the pot.

In summer, it is very important to replenish potassium in time, eat more 3 "high-potassium dishes", and the whole body will be energetic
