
CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

author:Yu Xiansen

As we all know, as the highest temple in the domestic hosting industry, CCTV has a large number of excellent hosts, although they have different reputations, they are all very good hosts.

At the age of 22, she entered CCTV development, hosted the program "News 30" for 15 years, and has been working on the CCTV stage for 30 years.

Whether it is her appearance, or her temperament, personality and work ability, she is quite outstanding, and she definitely belongs to the outstanding crowd.

What people didn't expect is that such an excellent person should have reaped happiness a long time ago, but she is now 52 years old and still remains single, why is this? What exactly is she after?

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52


Liang Yan's hometown is in Rongcheng City, Weihai City, Shandong Province, she was born in Heilongjiang in 1972, and when she was very young, due to the transfer of her parents' work, she followed her parents back to live in her hometown in Shandong.

Her parents both work in public institutions, and although the family is not very wealthy, the economy is acceptable, the family is harmonious and warm, and the life is very happy.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

From childhood to adulthood, Liang Yan's parents have valued her very much and have been cultivating her with all their hearts, hoping that she will be able to work in public institutions in the future and live this life in peace.

Liang Yan initially developed according to the plan given to her by her parents, but the plan could never catch up with the changes, and when Liang Yan was in kindergarten, she formed an indissoluble bond with the art of broadcasting and hosting.

In a Children's Day performance, Liang Yan was arranged to be the host, and when she went on stage that day, she was too nervous to walk smoothly, which made the audience laugh.

However, Liang Yan finally calmly said on stage: "Hello audience friends, our report performance will start ...... now"

This experience was Liang Yan's first contact with the profession of host, which made her have a strong interest in the profession.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

After entering elementary school, Liang Yan fell in love with recitation, and every time she recited a text, her clear words and pleasant voice were convincing.

The principal discovered her talent for recitation, and deliberately used a tape recorder to record the sound of her reciting texts and played them in each class, which made Liang Yan feel unprecedented joy, and she became more passionate about recitation.

As the level of recitation became higher and higher, Liang Yan began to participate in various large and small recitation competitions, and the results were very good.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

Since then, Liang Yan has slowly deviated from the plan given to her by her parents, and unknowingly, she has embarked on the road of pursuing her dream of broadcasting and hosting.


When she was in middle school, Liang Yan was selected by the school to participate in the first National Recitation Art TV Grand Prix.

In this competition, Liang Yan entered the finals with a unique attitude, and although she failed to win the championship and runner-up, she still won the third place.

This experience made Liang Yan even more eager to become a host and announcer, but her parents did not support her dream.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

Liang Yan's parents have always hoped that she can be down-to-earth, and they don't particularly understand her broadcasting and hosting industry, but Liang Yan is extremely persistent, and her parents have to compromise.

In 1991, in the third year of high school, Beijing Broadcasting Institute recruited new students, and Liang Yan, who was in high school in Jinan, wanted to take the exam, and her parents said: "As long as the school interviews in Jinan and does not delay your college entrance examination review, then you can go to the exam." ”

Fortunately, this year, Beijing Broadcasting Institute happened to come to Jinan to enroll students, and Liang Yan took the exam as she wished.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

In order to be admitted to Beijing Broadcasting Institute, before taking the exam, Liang Yan made careful preparations, she had never put on makeup before, and even deliberately put on makeup, but when she arrived at the scene, she found that she was not allowed to wear makeup.

Later, when recalling this incident, Liang Yan smiled: "I was so stupid at that time, I deliberately put on a little makeup, and later I heard that I was not allowed to wear makeup, so I quickly and obediently wiped it off." ”

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

That year, there were a lot of candidates from Shandong who applied for the Beijing Broadcasting Institute, but the number of places recruited by the Guangzhou Institute was very limited.

To her surprise, with her outstanding appearance and super talent, she passed all the way, and finally successfully stood out from more than 2,000 candidates and became one of the three people who met the standard.

After reaching the standard of professional results, Liang Yan later forgot to study and improved her cultural achievements, and finally successfully entered the Broadcasting Department of Beijing Broadcasting Institute, becoming the only one among the new high school graduates in Shandong who was admitted to the Beijing Broadcasting Department this year.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52


In the fall of 1991, Liang Yan entered the Beijing Broadcasting Institute with her dream, and when she first entered the school, in order to check their strength and foundation, the Guangzhou Institute conducted a preliminary examination.

Among the many high-achieving students from various provinces across the country, Liang Yan won the third place in the class with her super strength and solid basic skills.

Although she is a leader among her classmates, Liang Yan is not proud, and after entering the university, she has been studying humbly and constantly honing herself.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

In the past few years in college, Liang Yan has been studying every day, from the most basic letter pronunciation to pronunciation, to sentences, articles, long essays, etc., no matter whether it is windy or rainy, she will come early every morning to practice under the poplar tree on the edge of the playground of Guangyuan.

It can be said that compared with many seed contestants who are appreciated by God, Liang Yan was able to become an excellent host later, in addition to benefiting from her talent, more due to her diligence and hard work.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

During her college years, in addition to studying hard, Liang Yan also actively participated in various activities of the school and was active on various large and small stages of the school.

Through practice, she has accumulated a lot of stage experience, and her hosting and control skills have become more and more proficient.

Compared with many people who only started hosting on stage after graduating from college, Liang Yan showed her talent as a host when she was in college, which laid the foundation for her later development.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52


In October 1994, Liang Yan entered CCTV as an intern and was arranged to work in the broadcast team of the news center.

The program group she was in at the time was "Noon News", which was broadcast on time at 12 o'clock at noon every day and lasted for 30 minutes.

From the behind-the-scenes at the beginning to the appearance, and then to gain a firm foothold in this show, Liang Yan quickly proved herself with her strength.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

In April 1995, Liang Yan's "Midday News" was revised and renamed "News 30 Minutes".

In the same year, when this program was broadcast live, Liang Yan served as the host of the live broadcast and became one of the first hosts to broadcast this news program in a live broadcast manner.

Because of her atmospheric broadcast and hosting style and particularly good image, she has been recognized and concerned by the audience.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

From the "Noon News" before the revision in 1994 to the revised "News 30 Minutes", Liang Yan has been deeply involved in this program and has hosted it for 15 years.

During this period, she also hosted many other programs, and the audience's response and reputation were quite good, and she also gained a firm foothold in CCTV with these programs.

It wasn't until 2009 that the program "News 30 Minutes" was revised again, and Liang Yan finally bid farewell to this show.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

It is worth mentioning that after leaving the program "News 30 Minutes", Liang Yan was not in a hurry to develop her career, but chose to improve herself.


In 2009, Liang Yan went to Columbia University in New York for a year as a visiting scholar on public mission in China.

During her studies at Columbia University, she put down her CCTV career, continued to improve herself, and finally successfully obtained a degree from Columbia University.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

In 2010, after graduating from Columbia University, Liang Yan returned to CCTV and was arranged to serve as the anchor of "News Live Room".

When she returned to the development of CCTV, she later hosted news programs such as "China News", "Midnight News", and "24 Hours", and the response was very good.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

In addition to news programs, Liang Yan was no longer limited to news columns, and hosted many cultural programs.

From "Cultural Ten" to the first, second, and third seasons of "Chinese Character Dictation Conference", she has also hosted these cultural programs very well.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

With Liang Yan's years of hard work, she has successfully changed from a little girl with a dream of broadcasting and hosting to a well-known CCTV host.

She treats the audience as family, and has always presented her best side to the audience on the stage, and this is one of the main reasons why the audience loves her and supports her.

However, compared with the development of her career, Liang Yan has never improved emotionally, and she is still unmarried even after half a hundred years old!

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52


In the past 30 years, from being admitted to the Guangzhou Academy to entering CCTV, and then to the development of CCTV, Liang Yan has been obsessed with her career in order to pursue her dreams.

In order to work, she bothered to eat, forgot to sleep and eat, and often traveled around the world, probably because of this, she did not have much time to develop her own love life.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

Liang Yan didn't worry too much about her relationship status, on the contrary, she was keen to be a matchmaker in her life and match others.

For example, after learning that a pair of divorced colleagues still have feelings for each other, she actively matched the two parties to get back together, and with her many efforts, the two finally reunited and came together again.

In addition, she often acts as a matchmaker for others and matches friends of the opposite sex who are interested in getting together, and it is worth saying that these people who were matched by her later lived very happily.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

However, although Liang Yan has matched so many people, she still hasn't been able to reap happiness and her own marriage.

In 2024, Liang Yan will be 52 years old, and she will be an ordinary person, let alone get married and have children, and even many people will become grandmothers at this age, but she is still unmarried.

Seeing that Liang Yan is still single when she is over half a hundred years old, not only her family is anxious for her, but many viewers and fans who like her are also anxious for her, but she herself still maintains a Buddhist mentality and looks at her feelings naturally.

CCTV host Liang Yan: Hosted "News 30 Minutes" for 15 years, obsessed with his career, and is still unmarried at the age of 52

As a host, Liang Yan's appearance and temperament have nothing to say, and her hosting skills and abilities are also quite good, she is a very good host, even on CCTV.

It's a pity that such an excellent person, obviously he has nothing to say about all conditions, but he has not reaped happiness so far, which is really puzzling.

I hope she can reap happiness as soon as possible, after all, no matter how good a person is, it is better to have someone to accompany and share the beauty of life together.

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