
Men have outward manifestations: 3 rejections

author:Zhou woodcutter
Men have outward manifestations: 3 rejections

The beginning of love.

Many men will play the role of initiative.

They remain enthusiastic and use active behavior to bring a sense of reliability to the girls.


"It's easy to fall in love, but it's hard to get along."

From time to time, there will be some men who show a fickle side in love.

When love, there is no freshness and passion.

Such a man will often get tired of it, and he will show his true face of not loving.

Only in time to detect these transformations in men.

Girls can be less hurt in love and stop losses in time.

Men have outward manifestations: 3 rejections. Let's take a look.

Men have outward manifestations: 3 rejections


Refusal of Responsibility

What is Liability?

Mr. Zhou Guoping said:

"Responsibility is to have a love for what should be done."

If a man loves his family.

If you care, your lover and children around you.

Then he will take the initiative to take responsibility, and at the same time, there will be a show of love.

Like a man, he began to evade responsibility.

It shows that this man has found a new sense of satisfaction outside.

Here's an example.

In the film and television drama "The First Half of My Life", Chen Junsheng is a typical example.

He originally had a happy family.

And when he betrayed his marriage, he began to distance himself from his wife.

He began to shirk his responsibilities and blame his wife for the family's problems.

This kind of behavior not only hurt the wife's heart, but also destroyed their originally happy family.

Men have outward manifestations: 3 rejections


Refuse to care

In "Thirty Only".

Xu Huanshan's character is also a man who has changed his mind.

At the beginning, he and his wife Gu Jia were a loving couple.

And when he had an affair.

He began to work overtime frequently, refusing to care about his wife's feelings and ignoring his wife's needs.

This act of refusing to care.

In fact, it has already been revealed that Xu Huanshan has changed his mind.

Leo Tolstoy once said:

"Love is caring, and caring is respect."

If a man cares about his wife, then he will give it enough attention and care.

If one day, a man has an outside heart.

Then they tend to become apathetic and blind to their partner's concern.

They may use busy work, stress, etc., to escape their partner's care, or even start to distance themselves from their partner.

Men have outward manifestations: 3 rejections


Rejection of intimacy

Stand at the starting point of love.

Two people, in order to fulfill the fate in front of them.

Everyone continues to break boundaries and let each other have more intimate contact.

These intimate acts sublimate the relationship between the sexes.

There's no denying it.

Couples often interact with each other in close proximity.

These interactions can not only enhance the relationship, but also make both parties feel each other's love.

Especially men, if they love the women around them.

Then he will maintain active and intimate behavior in this relationship.

If a man changes his mind, deep in his subconscious, he will refuse to have intimate behavior with his lover.

Because of this man, there is already a replacement person in his heart.

In this case, the girl should be alert and communicate openly and honestly.

If the man, it is true that he has betrayed you.

Next, how to choose, everyone has to make rational judgment and analysis.

Men have outward manifestations: 3 rejections


Fate is beautiful.

But many times, it can also bring hurt and regret to people.

Many men will have a fickle side.

Therefore, to be a smart woman, you must not only have a sense of "trial and error", but also maintain enough caution.

In this way, you can choose a man who is really good to you.