
What is a positive relationship? 6 truths don't be overlooked

author:Zhou woodcutter
What is a positive relationship? 6 truths don't be overlooked

Saying goes:

"It's hard to hold hands on the other side."

Every day of life.

will be staged, countless encounters.

Why do so many people meet each other, but they can't see each other happily and hold hands smoothly?

Most of the reason is that they don't have a relationship with each other.

If two people are each other's fate, they are destined fate.

Once you meet, you can feel a sense of sympathy, and holding hands is just a matter of course.

So, what is the right relationship? 6 truths don't be overlooked.

What is a positive relationship? 6 truths don't be overlooked


Positive fate is destined

In the vast sea of people.

Why do some people meet together?

Regardless of distance and age, after two people meet, they can spark love.

Next, the two sides can also join hands and walk in the long time of the rest of their lives.

I have to admit it.

Fate has many subtleties.

Two people who didn't know each other were able to be pulled by the red line.

ushered in an encounter, produced a heart-pounding feeling, and finally achieved a long-term stay.

From this point of view, the right fate is not a doomed!


Positive fate needs to be cherished

Can a relationship last?

It is not only necessary for both sides to have the opportunity to meet.

It also takes two people who can be grateful and cherish this fate.

Time flies, and the two of them run together.

Even if there is a disagreement, both sides can stick to the original intention and solve the problem.

Cherish each other and be willing to give.

This is precisely the second characteristic of positive conditions.

At the same time, it is also one of the key factors for the long-term intimacy of two people.

What is a positive relationship? 6 truths don't be overlooked


Reciprocal aspiration

Li Shangyin wrote in Untitled:

"There are no colorful phoenix wings, and the heart is a little clear."

This poem depicts that the third truth of the positive relationship is that there is a fit between each other.

This kind of fit will make both parties attracted to each other.

Of course, this attraction is not just about external conditions and substances.

More importantly, mutual understanding and empathy within the heart.

When two people are together, they are able to feel each other's inner world.

Therefore, we can support and encourage each other.

This tacit understanding and resonance is also one of the important characteristics of positive relationship.


Time will tell

Time is silent.

But he can silently witness everything.

And the right fate can pass the test of time and make two people cherish each other more and more.

Many couples break up when they walk hand in hand.

The main reason is that they are not related to each other, so they will become passers-by for the rest of their lives.

The positive edge is different.

In the process of acquaintance, acquaintance, and love.

Two people together, through all kinds of ups and downs and challenges, there is no intention of repentance.

Over time, both parties will be able to see the strengths of their lovers and accept each other's shortcomings.

Eventually, more determined to come together.

What is a positive relationship? 6 truths don't be overlooked


Running together


It was never a one-man show.

It's the process of two people, you and me.

Even if one day, the relationship enters a quiet period, both parties can still keep the years quiet.

Just because they have the will to go together.

Another truth about the positive relationship is that it is a common choice for both parties.

When two people decide to walk together.

Not only did they choose each other, but they also chose to face the future life together.

This choice is based on trust and commitment to each other, and it is also a common pursuit of a better life in the future.


Respect and inclusion


Actually, all are independent individuals.

Everyone has their own personality and habits.

This means:

When two people come together, there will be disagreements and contradictions.

In this case, how to continue the fate?

This requires both parties to be tolerant and understanding, and to be able to respect each other.

Even in marriage, there are unexpected tests.

If two people are in a positive relationship, then both parties can keep this beauty and find a long-term sense of happiness.