
These 4 kinds of "natural melatonin" delicacies, women eat more in summer, whitening and dampness, and tanning are not afraid

author:Zou Bajie food

Reading guide: These 4 kinds of "natural melatonin" delicacies, women eat more in summer, whitening and dampness, and tanning are not afraid!

In the hot summer, it is always difficult for us to resist the invasion of ultraviolet rays under the sun. Especially for female friends, whitening and sunscreen are the top priorities of summer skin care. However, did you know that in our daily diet, there are 4 miracle substances known as "natural melatonin"? Not only does it whiten the skin, but it also helps to remove dampness from the body, allowing you to enjoy the summer sun while keeping your skin fair and hydrated.

These 4 kinds of "natural melatonin" delicacies, women eat more in summer, whitening and dampness, and tanning are not afraid

1. Understanding "Natural Melatonin"

When mentioning "melatonin," many people first think of it as a sleep-regulating hormone. However, the term "natural melatonin" here does not refer to melatonin in the physiological sense, but refers to a natural substance that can inhibit the production of melanin and promote skin metabolism. This substance is widely found in some of the foods we consume every day, and they help the skin to achieve a whitening effect by regulating the internal environment.

These 4 kinds of "natural melatonin" delicacies, women eat more in summer, whitening and dampness, and tanning are not afraid

2. Uncover the mysterious ingredients of "natural melatonin".

Vitamin C: As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C inhibits the production of melanin and promotes the renewal and repair of skin cells. Citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwifruit, etc. are all excellent food sources rich in vitamin C.

Lycopene: Lycopene not only has a strong antioxidant capacity, but also effectively inhibits the formation of melanin. Red or orange fruits such as tomatoes, watermelons, and grapefruit are rich in lycopene.

Green tea polyphenols: The tea polyphenols in green tea are able to scavenge free radicals in the body and reduce the deposition of melanin. At the same time, green tea is also anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and helps to improve the condition of the skin.

Anthocyanins: Anthocyanins are water-soluble pigments with strong antioxidant properties, which not only inhibit the production of melanin, but also enhance the vitality of skin cells. Blueberries, purple cabbage, purple potatoes and other foods are rich in anthocyanins.

These 4 kinds of "natural melatonin" delicacies, women eat more in summer, whitening and dampness, and tanning are not afraid

3. Summer whitening recipe recommendation

  1. Lemon honey water

Ingredients: 1 lemon, appropriate amount of honey, appropriate amount of warm water

Method: Slice the lemon, put it in warm water, add an appropriate amount of honey and stir well. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and honey moisturizes the skin, and the combination of the two effectively whitens the skin.

These 4 kinds of "natural melatonin" delicacies, women eat more in summer, whitening and dampness, and tanning are not afraid
  1. Tomato and egg drop soup

Ingredients: 2 tomatoes, 2 eggs, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of chicken essence

Method: Cut the tomatoes into cubes and set aside; Beat the eggs and set aside; Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, add tomatoes and cook until soft, add salt and chicken essence to taste; Finally, pour in the egg mixture and stir until it becomes an egg blossom shape. Tomato egg drop soup is not only delicious, but also provides rich nutrients to the skin.

These 4 kinds of "natural melatonin" delicacies, women eat more in summer, whitening and dampness, and tanning are not afraid
  1. Green tea fruit salad

Ingredients: green tea in moderation, fruits (such as apples, bananas, oranges, etc.) in moderation, yogurt or honey in moderation

Method: Brew the green tea and cool it for later use; Wash the fruit and cut it into cubes for later use; Put the fruit in a bowl, pour in the cooled green tea water, add an appropriate amount of yogurt or honey and stir well. Green tea fruit salad is not only refreshing, but also helps to detoxify and nourish the skin.

These 4 kinds of "natural melatonin" delicacies, women eat more in summer, whitening and dampness, and tanning are not afraid
  1. Blueberry yogurt cups

Ingredients: blueberries, yogurt, oatmeal

Method: Wash the blueberries and set aside; Spread a layer of rolled oats on the bottom of the cup; Pour in some yogurt; Sprinkle with blueberries at the end. Blueberries are rich in whitening ingredients such as anthocyanins and vitamin C, yogurt moisturizes the skin, and oatmeal increases satiety.

These 4 kinds of "natural melatonin" delicacies, women eat more in summer, whitening and dampness, and tanning are not afraid

4. Whitening tips

Stick to diet: In addition to the above recommended recipes, you should also pay attention to a balanced diet and consume more foods rich in vitamin C, lycopene, green tea polyphenols and anthocyanins.

Do a good job of sun protection: The summer sun is strong, so be sure to do a good job of sun protection when you go out, apply sunscreen, wear a hat, wear long-sleeved clothing, etc.

Maintain a good routine: Adequate sleep and regular sleep can help regulate the internal environment and promote skin metabolism and repair.

Regular exfoliation: Regular exfoliation of the skin's surface can help promote skin renewal and whitening.

Maintain a happy mood: A happy mood helps to reduce the negative effects of stress on the skin, promoting healthy and whitening of the skin.

These 4 kinds of "natural melatonin" delicacies, women eat more in summer, whitening and dampness, and tanning are not afraid

In conclusion, "natural melatonin" is a miracle whitening substance that is widely present in our daily diet. As long as we pay attention to diet, sun protection, and maintain good work and rest habits, we can effectively whiten the skin and resist the attack of ultraviolet rays. Let's enjoy the sunshine in the summer and have fair and hydrated skin at the same time!

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