
Famous actor Ren Dahua: Don't want children because of love, tears broke down when he saw his daughter at the age of 50

author:Rural Apocalypse
Famous actor Ren Dahua: Don't want children because of love, tears broke down when he saw his daughter at the age of 50

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The grinding of youth: from poverty to the impermanence of fate on the catwalk and the responsibility of youth

In Hong Kong in 1955, the sea breeze of Victoria Harbour blew this vibrant but full of unknown cities, in this year, Ren Dahua was born in a police family, although the family is not wealthy, a family of five crammed into a small police dormitory, but the father's love and mother's tenderness, still let the young Ren Dahua feel the warmth of home, fate always seems to love to joke with people, at the age of 11, his father died in a mission, which made the already poor family even worse

Famous actor Ren Dahua: Don't want children because of love, tears broke down when he saw his daughter at the age of 50

The blow of losing the pillar of the family put the family in a difficult situation, the mother had to bear the burden of raising three children, and the young Ren Dahua also witnessed the hardships of life and the hard work of his mother, in order to share the burden of the family, he began to look for job opportunities at a young age, by chance, he saw an advertisement in the newspaper for a recruitment model, with excellent appearance conditions, he stepped into the modeling industry

From the catwalk to the screen: the first time to enter the entertainment industry and the unremitting pursuit

Although the work of a model can temporarily relieve the financial pressure on the family, but Yam Dahua knows that this is not a long-term solution, he longs for a broader stage, an opportunity that can allow him to play a greater value, so when he learned that Hong Kong TVB was recruiting actor trainees, he resolutely decided to seize this opportunity, after hard study and training, he successfully graduated from the training class and officially stepped into the entertainment industry

Famous actor Ren Dahua: Don't want children because of love, tears broke down when he saw his daughter at the age of 50

The road to the entertainment industry is far more difficult than he imagined, he can only receive some tricky roles when he is a fledgling, and his meager income is even difficult to make ends meet, in order to survive, he had to take on some controversial "Fengyue films", but this did not make him give up his love for acting, he regards every performance as an opportunity to learn, constantly hone his acting skills, and wait for the day when he accumulates

The turning point and breakthrough of his career: from a supporting role to a powerful actor

In 2001, a "Panicked Holiday" ushered in a turning point in Ren Dahua's acting career, and his outstanding performance in the film was recognized by industry insiders and audiences, and won him a nomination for Best Supporting Actor at the Golden Horse Awards

Famous actor Ren Dahua: Don't want children because of love, tears broke down when he saw his daughter at the age of 50

Since then, he has starred in a series of acclaimed and popular films such as "PTU", "Underworld", "Kill the Wolf", etc., every role he has created is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, showing one vivid character image after another in front of the audience, in 2010, he finally stood on the podium of the Academy Awards with his superb acting skills in the movie "The Thief of Years", and realized his dream of being an actor for many years

Encounter with supermodel Qiqi: A love story that transcends identities and regions

Ren Dahua's love in the steady rise of his career also quietly came, by chance, he was deeply attracted by an advertisement on TV, the elegant and beautiful girl in the picture is the supermodel Qiqi, Ren Dahua fell in love with Qiqi at first sight, and began to ask around for her news

Famous actor Ren Dahua: Don't want children because of love, tears broke down when he saw his daughter at the age of 50

The arrangement of fate is always wonderful, in a foreign trip, Ren Dahua and Qi Qi met unexpectedly, he bravely expressed his love to Qi Qi, and gradually touched her heart with sincerity and thoughtfulness, in 1997, the two entered the marriage hall hand in hand, this love across identity and geography has also become a good story

Belated Fatherly Love: A Perfect Interpretation of Love and Responsibility from Dink to "Daughter Slave".

After marriage, Qiqi has no intention of having children because of the pursuit of his career, although Ren Dahua longs to be a father in his heart, but he chooses to respect his wife's choice, and supports her career with practical actions, he carefully cares for Qiqi, and gives her meticulous care and love

Famous actor Ren Dahua: Don't want children because of love, tears broke down when he saw his daughter at the age of 50

Perhaps because he felt Ren Dahua's love, in 2004, Qiqi finally changed his mind and gave birth to a lovely daughter for Ren Dahua - Ren Qingjia, Ren Dahua, who was only a father at the age of 50, poured all his love into his daughter and became a veritable "daughter slave"

"Icebreaker" has created another brilliance: a breakthrough for old drama bones and another peak of challenging acting career

In 2019, a TV series "Icebreaker" that reflects the real life of the anti-narcotics police hit the screen, in which Ren Dahua played an experienced and loyal old policeman, in order to bring the drug dealer to justice, he has been incognito for many years, and even sacrificed the opportunity to reunite with his family

Famous actor Ren Dahua: Don't want children because of love, tears broke down when he saw his daughter at the age of 50

Ren Dahua used superb acting skills to portray the inner world of the old policeman vividly, and the kind of adherence to justice and love for his family he showed touched countless audiences, with his outstanding performance in "Icebreaker", Ren Dahua won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actor, becoming the first Hong Kong, China actor to win this award, and his acting career has once again climbed to a new peak

The 68-year-old "ageless male god": the gift of time and the wisdom of life, face the future elegantly and calmly

In November 2023, 68-year-old Ren Dahua appeared in a shopping mall to participate in an event, he was wearing a white suit, radiant, graceful, no traces of time at all, in the face of enthusiastic fans and media, he always maintained a cordial smile, showing the charm of a mature man

Famous actor Ren Dahua: Don't want children because of love, tears broke down when he saw his daughter at the age of 50

From the hard work of his youth, to the brilliant career in middle age, and then to his calm and calm now, Ren Dahua has used his own experience to interpret what is real success, and his serious dedication to his career, careful and responsible treatment of his family, and consistent low-key attitude have become valuable assets on his life path

Be a low-key person and live with heart: Ren Dahua's philosophy of life sets an example for us

Looking back on Ren Dahua's life, whether it is the hardships of his youth or the glory after becoming famous, he has always maintained a humble and low-key quality, takes every job seriously, and manages his family with his heart, he tells us with practical actions that the real success is not only in the achievements of the career, but also in how to balance the career and family, and how to maintain the heart in Vanity Fair

Famous actor Ren Dahua: Don't want children because of love, tears broke down when he saw his daughter at the age of 50

Ren Dahua's story inspires us to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, bravely face challenges, and manage life with heart, no matter what situation we are in, and his experience also inspires us to be a low-key person and live with heart in order to achieve true fulfillment in life

Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment section to share your views on Ren Dahua or the inspiration you have gained from him

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