
started the live broadcast with trembling, gave up a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan to return to the village, and mobilized his son to take the lead in returning to his hometown to start a business...... The Internet celebrity secretary broke a new way to get rich

author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily

Peninsula All Media reporter Sun Zhaohui

"Welcome to my live broadcast room......" The people who promote agricultural products in the short video are not ordinary anchors with goods, they have a common identity, that is, the secretary of the village party organization. As village leaders, why do they bring goods and what is the story behind them? What is the impact of live streaming e-commerce on the development of villages?

started the live broadcast with trembling, gave up a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan to return to the village, and mobilized his son to take the lead in returning to his hometown to start a business...... The Internet celebrity secretary broke a new way to get rich

Three "Internet celebrity village secretaries" are on the same stage

started the live broadcast with a shudder, and sold out more than 100,000 catties of fungus in two months

Black fungus is a native product of Yuanqian Natural Village, Dacun Town, Huangdao District. But in the past, the price of fungus was kept very low due to the purchase of the fungus by the vendors, and the common people could not earn a few dollars a year after hard work.

Wang Benshun, member of the party committee, member of the village committee, and secretary of the party branch of the natural village in front of the hospital, carried fungus on his back to sell all over the country, and he had to pay three or four thousand yuan for the road and accommodation expenses for one trip. Despite this, there is no improvement. When Wang Benshun first came into contact with the live broadcast of agricultural products, he found that this was a good way.

started the live broadcast with trembling, gave up a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan to return to the village, and mobilized his son to take the lead in returning to his hometown to start a business...... The Internet celebrity secretary broke a new way to get rich

Secretary Wang Benshun

Easier said than done. Looking at what people said in the live broadcast room, when it was Wang Benshun's turn, he was so nervous that he couldn't open his mouth. "The first time I broadcast live, I was so nervous that my legs were trembling and my body was sweating! I walked around the house several times, and I went to the toilet three or four times. Finally, I finally mustered up the courage to stand in front of the mobile phone screen, put my hand on the start button, and when I hesitated to open it or not, because I was nervous, my hand shook like this, and I started the broadcast hard. I remember very well that the first live broadcast sold 148 yuan, although it was not much, but I think it is very reliable. I don't want to be an Internet celebrity, I just want to help people sell fungus and increase their income. In just two months, the whole village has sold out more than 100,000 catties of fungus, and the price of one catty is five or six yuan more than before, which is a real increase in income for the people.

Give up a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan to return to the village, and the income of the former petition village is expected to exceed 10 million this year

In the past, although Mangong Village had a beautiful natural environment, it lacked industry, and it was a poor village, and it was also a well-known petition village.

Liu Yonglong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of Mangong Village, Longquan Street, Jimo District, gave up the income of more than 10,000 yuan a month from the general manager of the farmers' market at the age of 30, adhering to his feelings for his hometown, and planned to return to his hometown to do a great job.

"We have to find a way to develop the industry, so that the collective income can increase and the villagers will become rich. If there is no development platform, we will organize and lead cooperatives; Without funds, we organized the party to mobilize villagers to become shareholders; If there is no space, we will revitalize the abandoned primary school; There are no high-quality products, so we introduce special agricultural products such as aerospace triticale, black peanuts, and special taro. There was no sales channel, and our 'two committees' team started to sell everywhere as a salesman. Liu Yonglong said.

started the live broadcast with trembling, gave up a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan to return to the village, and mobilized his son to take the lead in returning to his hometown to start a business...... The Internet celebrity secretary broke a new way to get rich

Secretary Liu Yonglong (first from right)

Since March last year, he began to try to shoot short videos abroad and sell village specialties through live broadcasts. This year, the sales of their cooperative are expected to exceed 10 million yuan, driving more than 200 villagers to achieve doorstep employment.

From mobilizing his son to return to the village, to more than 100 young people returning to their hometowns to start their own businesses

A small cherry tomato condenses the painstaking efforts and efforts of the villagers for more than 20 years, which is the fruit of turning over, revitalizing and getting rich in Xiangyang Village, Cuijiaji Town, Pingdu City.

Xiangyang Village was originally a saline-alkali beach, nine floods in ten years, growing grain is not long, planting vegetables and vegetables are not harvested, it is a well-known poor village, in order to get rid of this poor hat, Ju Bingjin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee of Xiangyang Village, Cuijiaji Town, Pingdu City, found that the soil and water quality in the village are most suitable for growing cherry tomatoes through going out to inspect and invite experts.

"I had an idea at the time, I had to build the greenhouse!" Ju Bingjin said.

started the live broadcast with trembling, gave up a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan to return to the village, and mobilized his son to take the lead in returning to his hometown to start a business...... The Internet celebrity secretary broke a new way to get rich

Secretary Ju Bingjin (second from left)

After 8 months, 22 greenhouses were built, but as soon as the seedlings were planted, they were completely soaked by a torrential rain. Ju Bingjin took the lead in leading the party members and cadres to set up water pumps and fish seedlings, and soaked their legs and feet in the water for five or six days, and finally kept the hope of the whole village.

The scale of the industry is getting bigger and bigger, and sales have become a problem. "The town party committee came to me and said that if our industry wants to develop, the road of e-commerce must be opened. As the village secretary, I first took the lead in mobilizing my son, giving up the iron rice bowl of state-owned enterprises, and returning to the village to develop live broadcast e-commerce. At first, the whole family was against it, and my son also had concerns, so I paid my son a month's salary, and he sold well in the first month through online e-commerce and offline logistics, and in the second month, the kid jumped out and worked alone. He is also the first young man in our village to return to his hometown to start a business! He said.

At present, more than 100 young people in Xiangyang Village have returned to their hometowns to start businesses. "In the past, the kindergarten in our village could not recruit students at all, but now young people have brought their children back when they return to the village for development, and we are also preparing to expand the kindergarten."