
When a man is aging, 3 parts will "alarm" first, if you don't say that you are still young

author:Family Doctor Famous Doctor Online

Longevity is not only the ultimate pursuit of women, in fact, there are few men who are willing to go bald on the top of their heads, bulge their bellies, and have a rickety body in the passage of time. However, if you want to slow down the pace of aging, men also need to be aware of those subtle "signs of aging".

When the following three organs issue an "early warning", it is a reminder that the body has embarked on the journey of aging. At this time, it is necessary to immediately abandon bad lifestyle habits and take appropriate recuperation measures to delay the aging process.

When a man is aging, 3 parts will "alarm" first

1. There is a problem with the lower back

For men, the importance of the waist is obvious. However, when men cross the 30-year-old threshold, they may gradually perceive a decline in waist strength, accompanied by a decrease in stiffness and mobility. A little physical exertion may cause soreness in the lower back, back pain, and even a chill in the lower back.

These discomforts in the lower back are actually a reflection of the function of the kidneys, reflecting the signs of aging. Some unhealthy lifestyle habits tend to affect the kidneys first, causing them to show signs of aging, among which back pain is one of the most common manifestations.

Not only that, but these symptoms may also be accompanied by decreased sexual function. Once you encounter such problems, you must pay close attention to them and take timely measures to recuperate, in order to achieve the purpose of delaying aging.

2. Problems with the legs

At a young age, men are able to trek long distances with a pair of strong legs. However, once they cross the threshold of their thirties and forties, they may realize that even a short walk can cause problems such as leg pain and cramps.

These symptoms are a sign that the body is gradually aging. In the prime of adolescence, especially in the 20s, men's bodies have an excellent ability to repair themselves. Even if you take an injury, you can quickly recover with proper rest.

However, as the years go by, the body's functions begin to decline gradually, and the ability to repair itself is no exception. When there is damage to the body, the repair process can become unusually lengthy, and some injuries may never heal completely. Therefore, if the symptoms of leg pain appear frequently, then it is necessary to give it enough attention and attention.

3. Problems with the prostate

Many men over the age of 40 experience frequent urinary urgency, frequency, incomplete urination, and nocturnal polyuria, which they often mistakenly attribute to kidney problems. However, in reality, these symptoms are likely to stem from an abnormality in the prostate. When the prostate gland develops, it can lead to a series of symptoms related to urination, as well as memory loss, insomnia, and forgetfulness.

In view of the importance of the prostate gland to men's health, once such symptoms appear, it is necessary to seek medical help immediately for timely conditioning and treatment of the prostate.

When a man is aging, 3 parts will "alarm" first, if you don't say that you are still young

Why do women age faster than men and live longer?

According to data provided by the World Health Organization, in 2023, the average life expectancy of women worldwide reached 81.1 years, compared to 76.1 years for men, showing that men are on average 5 years less than women.

It is also worth noting that the gap between the life expectancy of men and women on the mainland is also quite significant. According to research published in The Lancet, the average life expectancy of mainland residents is expected to rise to 81.3 years by 2035. Broken down further, life expectancy will then reach 78.1 years for men and 85.1 years for women, a gap of 7 years.

In fact, there are three main reasons for this disparity:

1. Women have unique biological advantages

Males have chromosomes made up of X and Y, while females have double X chromosomes. It is important to note that the male Y chromosome is actually an incomplete form of the X chromosome because it is missing a portion of the genetic material. This deletion means that if there is a problem with the Y chromosome, the entire system is affected, increasing the risk of developing the disease.

In contrast, females' double X chromosome configuration provides them with a genetic "backup" mechanism. Even if one of the X chromosomes is abnormal, the other normal X chromosome can compensate. This double guarantee gives women a certain biological advantage over men.

2. Women have more estrogen and less testosterone

A study in the journal Nature Medicine showed that an increased risk of endometrial cancer and breast cancer in women, as well as prostate cancer in men, was associated with high levels of testosterone.

At the same time, another study in the Biology of Sex Differences also found that estrogen in women plays a positive role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. The results of the study showed that higher estrogen levels and lower testosterone levels in women were closely related to a lower risk of death compared to men.

3. Women have a healthier lifestyle

In daily life, the proportion of women who smoke and drink alcohol is significantly lower than that of men, which is mainly due to the fact that women are more inclined to pursue health and healthy lifestyle habits. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men are twice as likely to drink alcohol as women. Globally, smoking rates are as high as 35% for men and significantly lower for women, at 6%.

It is important to note that both tobacco and alcohol are clearly classified as a class of carcinogens. Long-term exposure to these two substances significantly increases the risk of many diseases and thus shortens life expectancy.

If you want to live as long as women, men should cultivate these 3 good habits

1. Quit smoking

Smoking significantly increases the risk of lung cancer, with up to 90% of lung cancer patients having a smoking habit. Specifically, male smokers have a 23-fold higher risk of developing lung cancer than non-smokers, while female smokers have 13 times more likely to develop lung cancer.

2. Don't drink alcohol

The core component of wine is alcohol, and the liver is responsible for metabolizing more than 90% of it. In the cytoplasm of hepatocytes, the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase induces the conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde. It is worth noting that ethanol and acetaldehyde have direct stimulation and toxicity to hepatocytes, and their presence may lead to degeneration and necrosis of hepatocytes, which in turn can lead to alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic cirrhosis and other diseases, and may aggravate the condition of fatty liver, and even eventually induce liver cancer.

3. Drink plenty of water

The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2016 recommends that 1500 to 1700 ml of water should be drunk daily. In terms of eating habits, it is recommended to drink water on an empty stomach before meals, and soup or water should also be consumed after meals. When drinking water, lukewarm water is the most suitable. In hot weather or sweaty situations, you can increase your water intake moderately; After sweating profusely, supplementing with a moderate amount of light salt water will be more beneficial to your health. However, it is important to note that coffee and strong tea are not a substitute for water.