
The Economic Operation Observation Point of the Standing Committee of the Gangnan District People's Congress was launched

author:Konan release

On the morning of July 1, Gangnan District held the launching ceremony of the Economic Operation Observation Point of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress. Liu Jiansen, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, attended the ceremony and unveiled the plaque. Wei Changan, Lin Mei, Tan Lituan, and Li Shiwei, deputy directors of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, attended the launching ceremony.

The Economic Operation Observation Point of the Standing Committee of the Gangnan District People's Congress was launched
The Economic Operation Observation Point of the Standing Committee of the Gangnan District People's Congress was launched
The Economic Operation Observation Point of the Standing Committee of the Gangnan District People's Congress was launched

At the kick-off meeting, Liu Jiansen pointed out that the establishment of economic operation observation points is the political consciousness, ideological consciousness and action consciousness of implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on adhering to and improving the people's congress system, and is the practical need to promote the industrial transformation and upgrading of our district and solve the problems of enterprises, and it is also an important measure to strengthen the supervision of the people's congress and improve the work of government departments.

The Economic Operation Observation Point of the Standing Committee of the Gangnan District People's Congress was launched

Liu Jiansen demanded that we should give full play to the role of the main body of deputies in grasping the overall requirements, ensure that the observation points of economic operation are effective and practical, accurately grasp the position of responsibilities, and accurately grasp the advantages of performing duties. It is necessary to promote in place in strengthening coordination and cooperation, actively do a good job in the service guarantee of economic operation observation points, strengthen overall planning, increase practical results, strengthen guarantees, excellent services, strengthen publicity, and establish models.

The Economic Operation Observation Point of the Standing Committee of the Gangnan District People's Congress was launched

On the same day, the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress inaugurated the establishment of economic operation observation points in six enterprises, including Guigang Dingxiang Wood Industry Co., Ltd., Guigang Lantai Down Products Co., Ltd., Guigang Jialong Haijie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., Stanley Fertilizer Guigang Co., Ltd., Guangxi Yangxiang Co., Ltd., and Guangxi Liancheng Construction Group Co., Ltd., covering six leading industries and characteristic industries in Gangnan District, including intelligent home furnishing, down deep processing, electronic information, fertilizer and feed processing, modern agriculture and construction industry. The six first batch of economic operation observation points of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress set up this time have wide coverage and strong representativeness, which will provide a new perspective for the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress to strengthen the observation, analysis and research of the economic operation of the whole region, improve the quality and efficiency of the supervision of the economic work of the People's Congress, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and serve the high-quality economic and social development of the whole region.

The heads of the District People's Congress organs, the District Government Office, the District Development and Reform Bureau, the Industry and Information Technology Bureau, the Finance Bureau, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, the Statistics Bureau, the Forestry Bureau, the District Industrial Park Management Committee, the Investment Promotion Bureau, the Town (Street) People's Congress Working Committee and the relevant enterprises attended the meeting.


▍Content source: Gan Guoli Huang Lingyu

▍Edited and produced: Propaganda Department of Gangnan District Party Committee Gangnan District Financial Media Center

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