
The story of rural revitalization echoes in the vast fertile fields

author:Shanxi News Network
The story of rural revitalization echoes in the vast fertile fields

The delegation visited the cultural wall of Wuchengdian Village, Lianfu Town, Jiexiu City. Photo by Shanxi Evening News reporter Ma Liming

The story of rural revitalization echoes in the vast fertile fields
The story of rural revitalization echoes in the vast fertile fields

The "black and odorous water treatment and reclaimed water utilization" project in Zhongjie Village made the masses smile; The integrated development of agriculture, culture and tourism in Nanzhuang Village has achieved the double improvement of "face" and "lining"; The "point system" implemented in Wuchengdian Village has effectively improved the level of rural civilization...... From June 29th to 30th, the third stop of the series of rural revitalization activities for journalists in Shanxi Province was held in Jiexiu City, Jinzhong City, where more than 40 mainstream media and more than 150 journalists from the central and local governments were divided into three ways to visit 9 typical local villages through an all-round, multi-angle and three-dimensional in-depth visit, telling a new picture of rural revitalization in the hometown of the three sages, with strong agriculture, beautiful countryside and rich farmers.

In the past, "dirty and messy" is now "green and beautiful"

Jiexiu is located in the south-central part of our province, named after the death of Jiezi Tuixiu, a famous minister of the Jin State in the Spring and Autumn Period, with a permanent population of 432,000 people, it is a regional central city in the south of the Taiyuan metropolitan area, a sub-central city in Jinzhong City, and an important transportation and logistics hub city in the south determined by the integrated development outline of the urban agglomeration in the central basin of our province.

In recent years, Jiexiu City has taken the opportunity of learning and applying the experience of the "Ten Million Project" to build a livable, workable and beautiful village, and has combined and coordinated the promotion of the pilot pilot project of comprehensive rural reform, the protection, inheritance and utilization of traditional villages and the learning and application of the experience of the "Ten Million Project", focusing on rural governance, enriching the people's industry, digital village, talent revitalization, etc., and exploring and implementing a new path of livable, business-friendly and beautiful rural development of "landscaping with agriculture, tourism with scenery, combination of agriculture and tourism, and coordinated development", and opening up a new track for the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. It has painted a new picture of livable, workable and beautiful countryside.

Strolling through poetry and painting, looking at the verdant mountains, watching the rippling water and blue waves, entering the village is pleasing to the eye, and entering the hospital is pure and elegant, just like a picture of beautiful scenery, clean village, and people's "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map". Reporters from all walks of life breathed the sweet fragrance of the nature of the field, smelled the faint fragrance of flowers, traveled all the way, communicated all the way, and felt all the way, and used fresh language and wonderful shots to truly and vividly record the construction of Hemei countryside according to local conditions, the rapid integration and development of production villages, and the real, visible and tangible rural butterfly changes.

Walking into Bandi Village, Mianshan Town, there is a beautiful countryside as far as the eye can see: trees are patchy, roads are clean, and farmhouses are beautiful...... Wu Jiayu, the host of Taiyuan Radio and Television Station, who came to Jiexiu for the first time and walked into Mianshan Town for the first time, was attracted by the beautiful natural scenery here as soon as he arrived in Bandi Village. She said that in the process of learning and applying the experience of the "Ten Million Project" in recent years, Mianshan Town has developed its own path of rural revitalization and development, "As a journalist, we have the responsibility and obligation to use the pen in our hands and our lens to publicize and report such news stories." ”

Like Wu Jiayu, after gaining an in-depth understanding of the characteristics of cultural tourism empowering rural revitalization in the industrial development center and the live broadcast room of the cultural compound in Bandi Village, Gao Gai, the host from Linfen Radio and Television Station, also had deep feelings about the beautiful rural picture scroll full of vitality here. "Relying on the enterprises in the village, Bandi Village has embarked on a road of rural revitalization of 'industry feeding agriculture, revitalizing sleeping resources, and integrating agriculture and tourism', and I can feel the happiness of the local villagers during the interview, which makes me feel that this trip is worthwhile." Gao Gai said that he would show the achievements of Jiexiu's vivid rural revitalization to everyone through the lens and brushstrokes in his hands.

Improving the living environment in rural areas is the first move of the "10 Million Project". In recent years, Jiexiu City has been guided by the experience of learning and using the "Ten Million Project", in-depth promotion of the "Hundred Towns and Thousands of Villages" governance action, aiming at the six major actions of "hardening, greening, purification, beautification, lighting and culture", consolidating and improving the achievements of the three revolutions of garbage, toilets and sewage, building rural domestic sewage expansion and quality improvement projects, promoting the classification and collection of domestic waste, realizing the "harmless" transformation of household toilets, transforming 70,000 square meters of rural roads, "coal to electricity" clean heating 2,454 households, laying rain and sewage diversion pipe network, 12.5 km of pipelines underground...... In Jiexiu, the stories of "dirty and messy" in the past and "green and beautiful" now abound.

All industries are prosperous, all villages are harmonious and beautiful, and the people are prosperous

In Wuchengdian Village, Lianfu Town, while listening to the introduction, the reporters visited the elderly activity center and the happiness points supermarket, "immersively" felt the "model" of rural revitalization around them, and recorded happy moments with their cameras from time to time. Cheng Luyao, host of Shanxi Radio and Television Rural Story Broadcasting Reporter, said, "The villagers of Wuchengdian Village are so happy, they can exchange points for daily necessities in the happiness supermarket, and we also learned through interviews that the villagers are very concerned about points, and they shoot some positive energy content to promote Wuchengdian Village and promote the friendship between neighbors, and you can get points to exchange for goods." ”

The construction of Hemei countryside is not a "one-man show" of grassroots party organizations, but a "chorus" of multiple forces. Jiexiu City runs the party building through the whole process and all aspects of the implementation of the "Ten Million Project", gives full play to the role of the "bridgehead" of the village "two committees" as a cohesive force, continues to deepen the creation of civilized villages, civilized families and civilized points, mobilizes the enthusiasm, initiative and consciousness of villagers to participate in rural governance, turns "bystanders" into "masters", and strives to walk out of the road of rural governance with the integration of autonomy, rule of law, rule of ethics and good governance, and the villagers' sense of gain, happiness and security has been continuously improved.

Starting from Jiexiu City, go south along Zhangbi Tourist Highway, and you will come to a beautiful countryside, Nanzhuang Village and Zhangbi Village are like two pearls inlaid in the land of dragons and phoenixes. Under the guidance of learning and using the experience of the "Ten Million Project", Longfeng Town has turned beauty, ecology, scenery, culture and nostalgia into products, driven the development of industrial agglomeration effect, created a rural tourism area with a chain of scenery, and explored the integrated development path of agriculture, culture and tourism.

Nowadays, Nanzhuang Village has been beaded into a chain with Mianshan Scenic Area and Zhangbi Castle Scenic Area, and the total length of more than 10 kilometers of "Mianshan Sightseeing - Ancient Castle Tunnel - Nanzhuang Leisure" tourist route should come out from time to time, and the ancient village is really "on fire". At the head of Nanzhuang Village, Cao Li, the person in charge of running a campsite called "Sencai Yesu", was attracted by the vigorous development of rural tourism here, "Our campsite has been open for more than two years, receiving about 200 tourists every day, with a turnover of about 20,000 yuan. Rural tourism and leisure catering complement each other and form a good linkage. ”

If the industry is prosperous, the countryside will be prosperous. Jiexiu City regards industrial prosperity as the fundamental path to strengthen the village and enrich the people, based on reality, develops five economic models: gully economy, manor economy, courtyard economy, pastoral economy, and street economy, and jointly promotes the scale of agricultural industry, the base of agricultural and sideline products, the cultural and creative of intangible cultural heritage products, the street and alley of characteristic snacks and the revitalization of talents, and strives to realize the prosperity of all industries, the harmony of all villages, and the common prosperity of the people, and embarks on a road of industrial revitalization from "clean beauty" to "rich beauty".

During the interview, Zhang Jie, a reporter from CCTV, really felt the strong momentum of the integrated development of the agricultural, cultural and tourism industry, providing more choices for young people in this land. When she learned that there were more than 20 young people who had returned to Zhangbi Village to engage in tourism after graduating from university, Zhang Jie said, "The industry has revitalized the beauty of the countryside, and the young people who have left have embarked on the road back to their hometowns, which has rejuvenated the ancient village and made it more and more enduring and new." ”

Similarly, Zhou Yuli, a reporter from the Yellow River News Network, also believes that Jiexiu is inseparable from "people" in the process of promoting rural revitalization, but also for "people". "Whether it is the team of the village's 'two committees' or the point-to-point assistance enterprises, whether it is the college students working in the village or the villagers themselves, they all take the development of the village to heart, everyone is a 'participant', and everyone is a 'beneficiary', so a virtuous circle makes Bandi Village a typical and model of rural revitalization." Zhou Yuli said that Bandi Village is in full swing to carry out the creation of "3A scenic spots", and the prospect of "better and better" is inseparable from everyone in the village.

Indeed, the construction of rural talent team is an important support for effectively promoting the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas. Jiexiu City adheres to the talent cultivation mechanism, takes Nanzhuang Village as the center, integrates training resources, focuses on adopting the three modes of "head goose leading, ingenuity inheritance, and career shaping", and strives to cultivate three types of talents: production and operation, professional skills, and social service, and concentrates on building the largest rural talent training base in Jiexiu City. As of April this year, more than 320 people have been organized or booked for college students to start a business, the "leading geese" program, and the training of new farmers returning to their hometowns for 6 times; More than 50 people have been trained in intangible culture and craftsman skills twice.

Rural revitalization, towards beauty. The vivid practice of the "Ten Million Project" has left a deep imprint on Jiexiu, and the vast countryside is bursting with vitality. The new look and new changes of rural revitalization in Jiexiu will effectively promote the hometown of the three sages to play the strongest voice of rural revitalization through keen vision, unique perspective, and expressive lens.

Shanxi Evening News reporter Zhang Yang

(Editor in charge: Chu Jialin)