
Today, the new trial complex of the Dazhou People's Court of the Qujiang District People's Court was opened!

author:Qujiang release
Today, the new trial complex of the Dazhou People's Court of the Qujiang District People's Court was opened!

On the morning of July 1, the opening ceremony of the new trial complex of the Dazhou People's Court of the Qujiang District People's Court was held. Hong Xuejun, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the Municipal Intermediate Court, attended, and Zhu Juhong, member of the Party Group and Vice President of the Municipal Intermediate Court, presided over the ceremony. Wang Huijie, Secretary of the District Party Committee, He Xiaofeng, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, and Zhou Xiaoqing, Secretary of the Party Group and President of the District People's Court, attended.

Today, the new trial complex of the Dazhou People's Court of the Qujiang District People's Court was opened!

At the ceremony, Hong Xuejun and Wang Huijie jointly unveiled the new trial complex of the Dazhou People's Court.

The Dazhou People's Court is the dispatched agency of the Qujiang District People's Court, which has jurisdiction over first-instance civil and commercial cases in the three townships of Dazhou, Quanwang and Huangtankou. The newly opened trial complex building has more complete equipment, more complete functions and a higher level of informatization, which will provide strong hardware support for the continuous development of high-quality and efficient judicial services.

Today, the new trial complex of the Dazhou People's Court of the Qujiang District People's Court was opened!

In the next step, the Qujiang District People's Court and the Dazhou People's Court will take the opening of the new trial complex as an opportunity to integrate into the overall pattern of grassroots governance under the leadership of the Party committee with a more active attitude, continuously optimize the functions and roles of the people's court, continue to improve the quality, efficiency and judicial credibility of case handling, effectively safeguard social fairness and justice, and escort the high-quality economic and social development of Qujiang.

Text丨Hong Gang

Picture丨Li Qianqian

Editor丨Zang Cheng

First instance丨Wu Lin and Yu Huixian

Second Instance丨Shu Qin

Third trial丨Zhou Zhixian

Today, the new trial complex of the Dazhou People's Court of the Qujiang District People's Court was opened!
Today, the new trial complex of the Dazhou People's Court of the Qujiang District People's Court was opened!

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