
The man who makes the woman ruthless and decides to divorce: there is an act

author:Smell the sound of autumn
The man who makes the woman ruthless and decides to divorce: there is an act

Author: Wen Qiusheng

Original article, plagiarism must be investigated

01. Introduction

Marriage, like an answer sheet, for women, want to achieve high scores in this field.

But often, some women don't know that she wants to create a happy home, but men don't necessarily cooperate with her and manage the marriage together.

In marriage, when only a woman is working hard, she will gradually become inadequate.

Women will also accumulate disappointment because of men's non-participation and non-cooperation, and eventually have the idea of divorce.

The man who makes the woman ruthless and decides to divorce has one behavior: don't care.

The man who makes the woman ruthless and decides to divorce: there is an act

02, when there is an emergency at home, he will never be reliable

My neighbor, there lived a husband and wife, and they had lived together for almost twenty years. Recently, he got divorced.

A few days ago, I met my neighbor's sister who came back from grocery shopping, and after chatting for a few words, I realized that her marriage was not happy.

She said that after getting married, her husband was a hands-off shopkeeper at home and didn't care about anything.

At home, he doesn't do housework, he doesn't take care of the elderly, and the child has been in school for so many years, he doesn't know which class the child is in, and he hasn't held a parent-teacher meeting for the child.

Once, she had a stomachache in the middle of the night, acute appendicitis, and couldn't call him. Later, I learned that he and his friends sang all night at KTV.

I can't count on him for big and small things in the family. endured until her child was admitted to college, and she and he chose to divorce.

A home needs two people to run it together.

If men can't be counted on by women everywhere, women can only carry all the pressure on their bodies.

When something happens, no one helps; All the trivialities in life have to be faced alone.

When it comes to something urgent, the man's phone is never answered. Even if you find him, he will not be able to come to your side and provide you with timely help.

She couldn't feel the meaning of her husband's existence, and gradually became disillusioned with her marriage, and finally had the idea of divorce.

The man who makes the woman ruthless and decides to divorce: there is an act

03, he never took his wife's affairs to heart

Bai Zhiyong in "If the Years Can Go Back" doesn't understand why his wife has to divorce him.

At first, he always speculated that maybe his wife was in love with someone else.

However, through his slow understanding, he realized that he was too playful and didn't take the relationship between the two seriously.

After getting married, he never really took his wife's affairs to heart; He never cares about the affairs of the family.

The wife is in marriage, slowly, and despairs of him.

Li Bihua said: "He is attentive, that is when he has just fallen in love with you, he is clumsy, that is that he loves you deeply, he is calm, that is that he is tired of you." ”

Men, often do not care what their wife thinks, do not care about her feelings, she will gradually lose feeling love.

He wasn't there when his wife needed him. Too many times, and the woman will feel that the man does not care about her at all. In her life, she can't rely on him.

Women will feel that after encountering something, they are the only ones who are working hard.

The beautiful promise that a man once made to her, and the vow that he once promised to love each other for a lifetime, seemed to have become a deception.

The man's affairs are left alone for a long time, and over time, the woman will be disappointed, desperate, and gradually feel cold to him.

The man who makes the woman ruthless and decides to divorce: there is an act

04. Never take on trivial matters at home

When two people get married, it means that two people need to run a family together.

If a man doesn't care about the family, he will never know how abrasive the trivial things at home are.

Writer Su Xin said: "In this world, no one is more stupid than others, some people admit it for you, some people forbear it for you, and some people support you unconditionally, just because of deep love." ”

If a man does not care about the house and does not take on the housework, he will never know that hygiene must be taken care of day after day, and meals must be done in a different way.

Coaxing a child requires patience, meticulousness, and 24-hour readiness.

If a man never takes responsibility for the trivial things in the family, then all these trivial things will be piled on his wife.

At work, you can be lazy, and if you are tired, you can take time off to rest, but the wife who manages the family has no holidays.

When a woman is overwhelmed by trivial things, when she is unwell, needs someone to care, needs someone to take care of, and needs someone to help her in life, but the man is unreliable, she will soon be disappointed in marriage.

The man who makes the woman ruthless and decides to divorce: there is an act

05, Wen Qiusheng's message

Zhang Xiaoxian said: "No matter what a woman seems to want, there are only two things she wants, a lot of love and a lot of security. ”

If a man does nothing in marriage, then a woman will bear more in marriage and move forward with a heavy load.

After a long time, a woman will be tired and disappointed again and again, disappointed in her marriage, and lose confidence in her husband.

Marriage requires two people to run and build together. Men, please put more effort into marriage and wife, so that love can go further and go further.


About the author: Wen Qiusheng, make a living from words. Autumn wind and rain, a glass of sake, three or two stories, on the lonely road with you as a companion.