
Avoid the morning rush hour and be quiet! The residential area of Sijing town implements "delayed garbage removal"

author:Shanghai Songjiang
Avoid the morning rush hour and be quiet! The residential area of Sijing town implements "delayed garbage removal"

While ensuring that the garbage is cleared every day, it also solves the problems of noise disturbance and traffic congestion. Since the beginning of this year, Sijing Town has further promoted the grid, refinement and standardized operation of domestic waste removal and transportation, and the innovative "delayed cleaning and transportation" model has become the first garbage removal and transportation model implemented in the residential area of Songjiang in the town.

Although it is good to remove garbage in a timely manner, the noise of early morning cleaning and transportation has a huge impact on the lives of residents and also troubles relevant functional departments. In October last year, taking the "four hundred" visit as an opportunity, the Sijing Town Environmental Sanitation Company went deep into the residential area to investigate the problems related to garbage removal and transportation, and it was generally reflected that the garbage removal and transportation time was early, and it was often woken up in sleep, hoping to delay the cleaning time and avoid disturbing the people.

Avoid the morning rush hour and be quiet! The residential area of Sijing town implements "delayed garbage removal"

According to the opinions and suggestions collected in the survey, combined with the actual situation of each residential area and the experience of front-line cleaning personnel, the town sanitation company decided to pilot the implementation of the new model of "delayed garbage removal and transportation" in Southwest Mingyuan, Gemdale Phase II and Jingang Garden. Under the new mode, the time for the clearance vehicle to enter the community has been extended from the original 6 hours to 7 and a half hours. After a period of operation, the staff found that the complaints about "garbage removal and nuisance" in the three pilot communities have been reduced by more than half.

Avoid the morning rush hour and be quiet! The residential area of Sijing town implements "delayed garbage removal"

After determining the effectiveness of the "delayed clearance", the town sanitation company stepped up its efforts to promote this model throughout the town. According to the actual situation during the pilot period and residents' suggestions, and at the same time avoiding the morning rush hour, the time of "delayed clearance" was adjusted again, and it was stipulated that the operation in the community would be entered after 8:30 a.m. every day.

There are 42 neighborhood committees and 110 residential areas in Sijing Town, not including scattered public housing, etc., and the town produces about 200 tons of dry and wet garbage and food waste every day. The huge volume of cleaning and transportation, the cleaning time has been repeatedly delayed, and the formulation of the cleaning route is the key to achieve the daily cleaning of garbage. After a comprehensive survey and thorough study of the cleaning route, in February this year, Sijing Town implemented the "delayed garbage removal" mode in the residential areas of the town. The town sanitation company has developed a total of 5 dry garbage removal routes and 2 wet garbage removal routes, and at the same time, the number of garbage removal operations has been increased from the original 2 trips per day to 3 trips, and the drivers of the removal vehicles have been trained in a unified manner.

Avoid the morning rush hour and be quiet! The residential area of Sijing town implements "delayed garbage removal"

△ Part of the cleaning route after the implementation of "delayed clearance".

Avoid the morning rush hour and be quiet! The residential area of Sijing town implements "delayed garbage removal"

△ Garbage "delayed removal" driver training

"In the first three days of the implementation of the global 'delayed cleaning and transportation', the new mode and new route caused some residents to question the timeliness of garbage removal and transportation, and we explained and publicized it, and adjusted the cleaning route again according to the actual operation situation." The person in charge of the town sanitation company introduced.

Today, the "delayed garbage removal" has been running throughout the town for several months and has received many positive reviews from residents. "Now the cleaning truck only came to work at about 9 o'clock, and my sleep in the morning has been guaranteed, which is great!" Residents living in the second phase of Gemdale Zizai City said.

Contributed by: Sijing Town Branch Center

Editor: Zhang Xiaoxiao

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