
Let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood control│Mayang: Party members and cadres are in the front line of flood control

author:Huaihua News Network
Let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood control│Mayang: Party members and cadres are in the front line of flood control

(Daqiaojiang Township Rural Cadres Dredging Shantang Floodway)

Huaihua Daily All-Media News Since the evening of June 30, Mayang has been hit by heavy rain and heavy rain. According to statistics, as of 19 o'clock on July 1, heavy rain fell in Mayang, with an average precipitation of 144.8 mm, and the cumulative precipitation in Mayang County was 152.5 mm, including 24 stations of heavy rain, with a maximum cumulative precipitation of 210.9 mm. The continuous heavy rainfall caused the water level of the Mayang River to soar, many landslides, serious water accumulation on the roads, many landslides on the roads, and serious damage to crops.

In the face of the severe flood control situation, Mayang planned and deployed carefully in advance, raised the flood control emergency response level to Level II., and held a county-wide flood prevention and disaster relief situation research and judgment and work scheduling meeting, and issued the "Seven Instructions on Flood Control Level II Response Actions", requiring all staff to arrive at their posts, organize the masses to urgently avoid danger in advance, conduct comprehensive investigations and inspections, and strictly prevent casualties caused by disasters.

Let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood control│Mayang: Party members and cadres are in the front line of flood control

(Tongxi Village, Gaocun Town, helps the masses transfer goods)

After the order was given, all the staff acted quickly. The main leaders of the county party committee and the county government are dispatched in the county emergency command center, the leaders of the township and county go to the front line to command, and the relevant departments and cadres and workers of the townships and towns are all on duty, 24 hours a day, and make every effort to organize the people in high-risk areas, hidden danger points, slope cutting houses and other dangerous areas to avoid danger and transfer in advance, so as to ensure that no household is missed and no one is left behind.

After the issuance of the flood control emergency instruction, the county's emergency broadcasting system immediately responded and broadcast flood control information in Mayang urban area and various towns and villages (communities). In a short period of time, the circle of friends of the people in Mayang was swiped by the early warning information, which was quickly spread among the owners and friends of the community, reminding everyone to strengthen prevention. Relevant departments and townships acted quickly, and the flood control campaign began in the middle of the night.

In Group 9 of Huchi in Huangsang Township, rural cadres helped the left-behind elderly in low-lying areas move overnight. On the evening of June 30, Huangsang Township strictly implemented the "631" call response mechanism, and knocked on the door to transfer the people in dangerous areas in accordance with the requirements of the "four laws".

At 22 o'clock on June 30, Sun Kaijun, deputy captain of the party member commando team of Jiangkou Market Town, and Cheng Chunxia, secretary of the party branch of Huangnixi Village, found that there were potential safety hazards in the self-built house of villager Shu Xiangjian's family when they carried out inspections in key areas of the disaster site, and immediately took measures. At about 9 o'clock on July 1, a landslide occurred in the place, but due to the evacuation in advance, the safety of the villagers' lives was successfully guaranteed.

Let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood control│Mayang: Party members and cadres are in the front line of flood control

(Three groups of Wanli cadres in Changshougu Village, Guogongping Town, work together to divert and discharge floodwater)

Scenes of fighting are constantly being staged in towns and villages across the county. In Guogongping Town, town and village cadres joined hands to clean up road landslides and rockfalls to ensure smooth flow; In Zhumu Village, Hepingxi Township, village cadres and members of the emergency rescue team rescued Li Changgang's family of six who were trapped by floods; In Wenchang New Village, Wenchangge Township, village cadres jumped into the pond to dive and open the drain hydrant to drain the flood......

Let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood control│Mayang: Party members and cadres are in the front line of flood control

(Rural cadres and members of the emergency rescue team in Hepingxi Township rescued people trapped by floods)

According to the flood forecast, the second flood peak of the "7.1" flood passed through Mayang County at 20:00, with a peak flow of 7,000m³/s and a water level of 149.50m (the super-alert water level was 2.50m). The party members and cadres in the county are still sticking to the front line, and the flood control campaign in Mayang is still continuing......

(Fu Ningbo)

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