
Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

author:Nansai Lonely Wind

U.S. Department of Defense Defense Security Cooperation Agency.

A big decision was recently announced.

The arms sale includes two advanced loitering missile systems:

“弹簧刀-300”和ALTIUS 600M-V。

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

Able to hover in the air to provide soldiers with instant battlefield information.

and, if necessary, quickly switch to attack mode, striking enemy targets.

The ALTIUS 600M-V is a larger unmanned aerial system that provides longer air support and a wider reconnaissance range.

The introduction of this kind of cruise missile will greatly enhance the Taiwan military's reconnaissance capability and long-range strike capability.

It makes it more mobile and responsive in modern warfare.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

Immediately afterwards, the US Department of Defense issued a statement, saying that it had agreed to sell about $75 million worth of tactical data link system upgrades to Taiwan.

Since 2021, when Biden took office.

That's a lot of money.

There are no winners

These arms sales plans are not just simple deals, they are a tactic of the United States in the international arena.

The United States did this, on the one hand, to strengthen military ties with Taiwan;

On the other hand, it is also to counter China's influence geopolitically.

This practice of the United States has aroused strong dissatisfaction and opposition from China.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

On the surface, the United States claims that through arms sales, it can help Taiwan improve its own defense capabilities, thereby balancing the regional balance of power to a certain extent.

However, the Taiwan issue is one of China's core interests.

Any intervention by external forces may be seen as interference in China's internal affairs.

The United States is very shrewd and always tries its best to lay it out.

set his sights on Taiwan, China,

In doing so, the United States may be determined to drag Chinese mainland into the quagmire of war.

This would not only cause problems for Chinese mainland, but could also plunge the entire region into turmoil.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

They want to fight for their own interests through force, regardless of Taiwan's harmony and stability.

Their behavior with the United States is like two people with evil intentions, colluding with each other and acting in cahoots.

This kind of behavior is undoubtedly dangerous.

However, this behavior is also short-sighted.

Whether it is the United States, or Lai Qingde and his ilk.

We should all realize that peace and development are the last word and truly benefit the people.

Good for the region, good for the world.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council recently issued a strong condemnation of the US arms sales to Taiwan.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

At the same time, we have also launched countermeasures in the military field.

At the same time, they are also strengthening their own precautions to ensure the safety of their homes.

China's actions

The data shows that from January to May this year,

Uranium, which is an important material for making nuclear weapons, is like the fine iron used to make swords.

Import of these elements from Russia.

It will not only increase the technological level of the mainland's nuclear arsenal, but also strengthen our national defense capabilities.

It's like quenching the sword of the Patronus.

Make it sharper and more reliable.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

This kind of counteraction is not only a response to US arms sales to Taiwan.

It is also a guarantee of national security.

According to the report of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Although the total number of nuclear warheads in the world is slowly decreasing.

But the total number of actually usable nuclear warheads is increasing.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

Both the United States and Russia have increased the number of actually deployed nuclear warheads.

The United States has increased from 1,744 in 2022 to 1,770 in 2023.

Russia, on the other hand, increased from 1,588 in 2022 to 1,674 in 2023.

Both countries have invested significantly in upgrading their nuclear arsenals, increasing the risk of nuclear proliferation and nuclear accidents.

Countries such as China, France, China, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel are also continuing to increase the number of nuclear warheads.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

For example, China currently has about 500 nuclear warheads.

The U.S. military has a plan

The US military has a plan to make Taiwan's armed forces more flexible methods of small-scale combat when fighting wars in the future.

It's like fighting guerrillas, fighting on the streets of the city.

For this purpose, they pay special attention to providing Taiwan with some small ones.

But a new weapon with no less power.

For example, drones flying in the sky, cruise missiles that can stay in the air for a long time, and weapons that are particularly powerful in fighting tanks.

There are also man-portable anti-aircraft missiles capable of protecting against enemy aircraft.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

These are all for the sake of the Taiwanese army, even in the face of a strong adversary.

You can also rely on flexibility and resourcefulness to protect yourself.

These drones are like little eyes in the sky.

It can help them better understand the battlefield situation, and they can also perform some special missions.

Not only that, but the big leaders of the US military have also come up with a plan that sounds like science fiction.

It is necessary to use thousands of drones and unmanned ships to lay a wide net in the waters close to Taiwan.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

That way, if there is a real conflict going on.

That sea area will become a battlefield for machine warriors.

Drones and unmanned boats are busy everywhere, and it's like a scene from a science fiction movie has come to life.

The heavy weapon of the continent

If the U.S. repeatedly violates the rules, we are not vegetarian either.

The "Liaoning," "Shandong," and "Fujian" warships have very strong ocean-going combat capabilities.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

Type 055 is equipped with an advanced radar system and a vertical launch system.

Leading position among ships of its class in the world.

The J-20 has excellent stealth performance, advanced avionics system, and powerful weapon payload capabilities.

Rivals with American F-22 and F-35 fighters.

The DF-41 is a long-range strategic nuclear weapon with extremely high accuracy and multiple warhead carrying capabilities, with a range of up to about 12,000 kilometers.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

China has also made great strides in drone technology.

These systems play an important role in reconnaissance, strike, surveillance, etc.

Despite the H-20, it is still in the research and development stage.

However, it is speculated that this long-range strategic bomber will greatly enhance the strategic strike capability and projection capability of the Chinese Air Force.

Imports of $311 million in nuclear materials, NATO: China will have 1,000 nuclear warheads in 2030, second only to the United States and Russia

China resolutely opposes US arms sales to Taiwan.

He believes that this violates the one-China principle and the three Sino-US joint communiques.

In particular, the stipulations of the "17 August" communiqué have seriously undermined China's sovereignty and security interests, and at the same time threatened the security and well-being of the Taiwan compatriots.

The actions of the United States have encouraged the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces in the Taiwan region.

It has exacerbated tensions in the Taiwan Strait.

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