
It's time to assemble! Emergency Little Hero! Xicheng safety education theme activities into the brain and heart→

author:Xicheng, Beijing

June of this year is

The 23rd National Safety Month

This year's theme is:

"Everyone talks about safety, and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies

—— Smooth the passage of life"

In the past few days, the theater in Xicheng District has been carried out one after another

Various forms of safety education theme activities

Be a firefighter once

"Uncle, I can hardly see the road in the escape cabin, I feel that there is smoke all around, if there is a fire, it is also very dangerous on our escape road, it is better to pay more attention to fire prevention at ordinary times, it is better not to catch fire." 8-year-old Xiaoliang said with emotion after experiencing the simulated escape pod.

It's time to assemble! Emergency Little Hero! Xicheng safety education theme activities into the brain and heart→

In the Capital Cinema Zhonghua Store, a parent-child emergency fire safety education theme activity is being carried out. Accompanied by their parents, the children followed behind the firefighters and entered the simulated escape pods in batches for evacuation drills. The escape chamber is equipped with simulated smoke, and children and adults wear gas masks and quickly find a safe exit and successfully escape according to the escape skills instructed by firefighters.

It's time to assemble! Emergency Little Hero! Xicheng safety education theme activities into the brain and heart→
It's time to assemble! Emergency Little Hero! Xicheng safety education theme activities into the brain and heart→

At the same time, the children put on fire extinguishing protective clothing, listened to the firefighters' explanations, learned safety knowledge, and asked the firefighters about the curiosity of the fire truck one by one, so that they had a little more understanding and worship of the fire truck. Outside, the children put on professional fire extinguishing water cannon equipment and climbed the fire ladder to experience the profession of "firefighter".

After the exercise, the children watched the rescue film "You Are My Hero". The film is based on real cases and tells the noble spirit of solidarity and selfless dedication of the most ordinary people in urgent rescues.

It's time to assemble! Emergency Little Hero! Xicheng safety education theme activities into the brain and heart→
It's time to assemble! Emergency Little Hero! Xicheng safety education theme activities into the brain and heart→

Parents said, "Today's activity is really good, there is not only personal experience, but also theoretical explanation, entertaining and educational, children learn a lot of fire knowledge." Let us experience the importance of safe production. ”

Fire safety into the theater

In the past few days, the District Bureau of Culture and Tourism and the emergency fire department of the district have entered the Grand Theater of the National Cultural Palace, the Railway Art Troupe and other theaters to carry out safety education theme activities.

The fire alarm sounded suddenly, the evacuation and fire extinguishing drill officially kicked off, and the cast and crew of the Grand Theater of the National Cultural Palace evacuated to the safety exit in an orderly manner according to the fire escape and self-rescue methods mentioned in the training.

It's time to assemble! Emergency Little Hero! Xicheng safety education theme activities into the brain and heart→

At the same time, the detachment's "fire fighting and rescue force" has arrived at the scene, the commander issued an order after the on-site investigation, the vigilance group launched a vigilance, the fire extinguishing group carried the air breathing apparatus to carry rescue lighting lines, demolition tools and other rescue equipment, under the cover of water cannons, firefighters attacked the "fire ground" inside the entrance and exit echelons, and used water cannons and water cannons to jointly intercept the "fire".

After the elevated jet fire truck arrived at the scene, the rescue was immediately carried out to cool the outside of the "fire" to prevent the spread of the "fire", and the water supply team occupied the nearest fire hydrant to supply water to the "fire scene" rescue vehicle.

After learning that there were trapped people inside, the rescue team immediately rescued the trapped people and successfully rescued the trapped people to safety. After intense rescue, the "fire" was finally successfully extinguished.

In the courtyard of the Railway Art Troupe, an emergency evacuation and fire extinguishing drill is also in progress, with more than 100 staff participating. The professional firefighters of the Yuetan Fire Detachment in Xicheng District explained on the spot, and all the personnel who participated in the drill were evacuated from the office building to the emergency place in an orderly manner.

It's time to assemble! Emergency Little Hero! Xicheng safety education theme activities into the brain and heart→
It's time to assemble! Emergency Little Hero! Xicheng safety education theme activities into the brain and heart→

At the event site, the firefighters explained the common fire-fighting equipment and operation methods, and the participants in the drill really experienced the whole process of using fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire, so as to achieve "real fire extinguishing and real water", and improve the fire emergency response ability of all employees.

Text: Shi Wei, Bing Meiqiao, Shi Huanfeng

Photo: Xicheng Fire Detachment District Culture and Tourism Bureau

Proofreading: Hou Mingyue and Li Yiran

Editor-in-charge: Wang Zhao

Review: Yao Miaomiao

Issued by: Li Zhuo

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