
The reason for the extinction of the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul is that Tang Wutong has become the last generation, and Tang San is not the strongest Haotian disciple

author:Diffuse fungus
The reason for the extinction of the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul is that Tang Wutong has become the last generation, and Tang San is not the strongest Haotian disciple

Introduction: Why did the Haotian Hammer gradually disappear, Tang Wutong became the last generation of Haotian Hammer descendants, why was the real strength not inherited?

Pay attention to Yunmanji and watch Douluo's wonderful stories! Hello everyone and welcome to my channel.

Throughout the Douluo series, there are a total of four peerless Haotian Hammer powerhouses who can handle it, namely Tang San, Tang Hao, Tang Chen of Dou Yi, and Tang Wutong of Dou Er. Needless to say, the three heroes of the Tang family in front of him, because Tang Wutong has the aura of the heroine, so Haotian Hammer is barely strong. Since Tang Wutong, Tang San's sons and grandsons have never appeared in the Haotian Hammer Martial Spirit, and they have been replaced by Blue Silver Grass. Tang Wutong was forced to become the last generation of Haotian Hammer powerhouse of the Tang family. So why did the Haotian Hammer gradually "go extinct"? Who is the best among these hammer masters?

The reason for the extinction of the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul is that Tang Wutong has become the last generation, and Tang San is not the strongest Haotian disciple

Tang San

Let's start with Tang San, when it comes to the Haotian Hammer, you can't avoid Tang San, and even some friends can only think of Tang San when they mention the Haotian Hammer. Tang San is indeed one of the people who carried forward the Haotian Hammer, the hammer was delayed a lot in Tang Hao and Tang Hao's father's generation, and it was Tang San who regained the majesty of the Haotian Hammer. But if you want to say that Tang San used the hammer the best, Yun Man personally didn't dare to agree, Tang San had a lot of means, and powerful ones abounded, so the Haotian Hammer was definitely not the best means to use. The strongest of the hammer is someone else.

The reason for the extinction of the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul is that Tang Wutong has become the last generation, and Tang San is not the strongest Haotian disciple

Tang Xiang

It's not Tang San, isn't the best hammer to use Tang Hao? After all, even Tang San's hammer method was taught by Tang Hao himself, as a rare talent of Hao Tianzong, Tang Hao's talent is there, isn't it too much to give the strongest? However, he is not actually the strongest. In terms of the degree of utilization and understanding of the hammer alone, Tang Hao's level should be below Tang Chen, don't look at him as the master of the face position in the end, if there is no Tang San, the existence of his hanging son, he will not be able to get anything.

The reason for the extinction of the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul is that Tang Wutong has become the last generation, and Tang San is not the strongest Haotian disciple

Tang Chen

On the other hand, Tang Chen, I personally feel that her own strength is far beyond Tang Hao's, as far as the Shura God Examination is concerned, with her own strength to reach level 99, she entered the killing capital alone, was chosen by the Shura God, and was also interfered with by the Rakshasa God, and finally became a demigod for a short time with the help of Tang San. If there was no Rakshasa God at the beginning, maybe Tang Chen would have obtained the Shura God Position, this combat power is all based on the use of one of the abilities of the Haotian Hammer, everyone think about how deep his understanding of the Haotian Hammer is?

The reason for the extinction of the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul is that Tang Wutong has become the last generation, and Tang San is not the strongest Haotian disciple

Tang Mai Tung

Haotian hammer has become the last generation when he arrives at Tang Wutong, why is the last generation Tang Wutong, or why does Tang Wutong become the last generation? In fact, from the time of Tang San, to Dou Er, the protagonist Huo Yuhao has almost nothing to do with Tang San, Tang Wutong can only be the heroine as Tang San's daughter, Haotian Hammer is the inheritance of Douyi, so it was given to Tang Wutong, but with the protagonist, Tang Wutong's Haotian Hammer has no way to show it at all, so that there is no description of soul skills in the whole play, and Haotian Hammer has gradually gone downhill.

The reason for the extinction of the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul is that Tang Wutong has become the last generation, and Tang San is not the strongest Haotian disciple

Fall into the shade

Tang Wutong, as the heroine, can only be a foil in the Douluo Continent of the big male protagonist, and the Haotian hammer bound to her has naturally become a foil, Douyi can be said to be the world of Haotian Hammer, in that setting, Haotian Hammer is dazzling, unavoidable, Sanshao wrote Haotian Hammer to nothing to write, to Dou Er, with Huo Yuhao, with so many novel hangings, Haotian Hammer naturally began to walk off the stage of history and disappeared, which may be the real reason for the gradual disappearance of Haotian Hammer.

The reason for the extinction of the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul is that Tang Wutong has become the last generation, and Tang San is not the strongest Haotian disciple


Starting from Tang Wutong, in fact, we have seen the shadow of Haotian Hammer being destroyed. Haotian Hammer is powerful, but it is gradually living between everyone's tongues, and if you want to appear again to shock everyone, it is estimated that you can only wait for the spread of the word. So what do you think, in the later works, is there a weapon martial soul that can surpass the Haotian Hammer?

Well, that's all for this issue, the separation is for a better encounter, and the friends who like it can pay attention to it! I'm a cloudy fungus, and we'll have a long time in the future!

Text|Yunmanji original|Plagiarism must be investigated

Figure|from the Internet|infringement deleted

The reason for the extinction of the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul is that Tang Wutong has become the last generation, and Tang San is not the strongest Haotian disciple