
The damselfly flew down the small lotus horn

author:Qilu one point

The damselfly flew down the small lotus horn

The damselfly flew down the small lotus horn
The damselfly flew down the small lotus horn
The damselfly flew down the small lotus horn
The damselfly flew down the small lotus horn
The damselfly flew down the small lotus horn
The damselfly flew down the small lotus horn
The damselfly flew down the small lotus horn
The damselfly flew down the small lotus horn
The damselfly flew down the small lotus horn

In the scorching summer, the lotus flowers in the lotus pond of Daming Lake in Jinan bloom, and some dragonflies and damselflies fly and rest in the lotus pond, adding a different charm to the summer lotus. A damselfly flies down on the tip of the lotus.

One o'clock number Zhong Fusheng photography

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