
Menstruation is dark, there are blood clots, indicating that the body is detoxifying? Rumor! This article will take you to understand the real reason

author:Health Week Talks

  The periodic changes in a woman's uterus can trigger menstruation, which many people call "big aunt", and this relative does not seem to be particularly friendly to women, not only affecting daily activities, but also making many women feel so painful that they doubt their lives.

  However, some problems in women's bodies can be reflected through menstruation, such as excessive menstrual flow, too little menstruation, early or delayed menstruation, etc., which may be caused by some gynecological diseases. Some people say it's a sign that the body needs to detoxify, but is that really the case?

Menstruation is dark, there are blood clots, indicating that the body is detoxifying? Rumor! This article will take you to understand the real reason

  1. Does the body need detoxification due to the darkening of menstruation?

  Many people believe that when the body contains a large number of toxins, toxins will exist in a large amount of human blood, resulting in black blood color, and black menstrual blood is an important manifestation of the body's need for detoxification. In fact, this statement is incorrect.

Menstruation is dark, there are blood clots, indicating that the body is detoxifying? Rumor! This article will take you to understand the real reason

  Some toxic substances may be introduced into the daily diet, some of which are digested and absorbed into the human blood, and then excreted with urine through liver detoxification and kidney filtration, and the other part is excreted from the human body with feces, so there will be no large amount of toxins in the human body, and the blood will not be black due to this small part of toxic substances.

  In addition, we assume that the statement is true, the toxic substances in the human body cause the blood to turn black, since the blood toxin content is very high, then the toxic substances in the body will be very serious, ordinary people simply can not bear it, it can be seen that the menstrual blackening shows that the body needs to detoxify the statement that there is no scientific basis, there is no need to believe it.

Menstruation is dark, there are blood clots, indicating that the body is detoxifying? Rumor! This article will take you to understand the real reason

  2. Causes of dark menstruation and blood clots.

  1. Causes of menstrual darkening

  First of all, menstrual blood is different from the normal blood of the human body, menstrual blood contains endometrial exfoliation, mucus and exfoliated cells, etc., so its color may be darker than normal blood, there will be a dark state, and menstrual blood may also remain in the uterine cavity for a period of time, which will also lead to color deepening.

Menstruation is dark, there are blood clots, indicating that the body is detoxifying? Rumor! This article will take you to understand the real reason

  In addition, many women will have the problem of insufficient qi and blood, which will lead to the smooth discharge of menstrual blood, resulting in the menstrual blood staying in the uterus for a longer time, making the menstrual blood appear black.

  It can also be caused by too little oxygen in the blood. Women with this condition should pay attention to regulating the body, replenishing qi and blood, and at the same time exercising appropriately to enhance cardiopulmonary function and increase blood oxygen content.

Menstruation is dark, there are blood clots, indicating that the body is detoxifying? Rumor! This article will take you to understand the real reason

  2. Causes of blood clots during menstruation

  Menstrual blood contains endometrial fragments and shedding vaginal epithelial cells, which can occasionally lead to blood clots in menstrual blood, which is a normal phenomenon, and if menstrual blood is blocked in a certain area of the uterus, it will coagulate into a blood clot if it is not discharged for a long time, and it will be discharged with menstrual blood, which usually appears in the morning or after sitting for a long time, which is also a normal phenomenon.

  If women do not pay attention to their diet during menstruation, eat raw, cold, irritating foods, and participate in strenuous exercise, the endometrium will be shed prematurely, which will lead to the appearance of blood clots. In addition, some gynecological diseases, such as uterine fibroids and endometritis, can cause blood clot problems, accompanied by abnormal vaginal discharge and abdominal pain.

Menstruation is dark, there are blood clots, indicating that the body is detoxifying? Rumor! This article will take you to understand the real reason

  From the above, we have learned that black menstruation and blood clots do not indicate that there are toxins in the body, which is a statement without scientific basis.

  The causes of this phenomenon are mostly physiological problems, such as how long menstrual blood stays, and there are also pathological reasons, such as insufficient qi and blood, low blood oxygen content, uterine fibroids, endometritis and other problems.