
Chao Cuo's death: Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi's teacher, was known as a think tank, why didn't he die a good death in the end?

author:The history of a man

#长文创作激励计划#晁错, a famous political commentator in the Western Han Dynasty, was also the promoter of the policy of cutting the domain, but in the end he was beheaded by his good apprentice Liu Qi, Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, he was dragged to the execution ground in court clothes, and he didn't understand why he died until he died? Some people say that Yuan An's persuasion has played a role, some people say that it is because Chao Wrong has made too many enemies, some people say that it is Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty who is mean and unkind, and some people say that it is the slogan of "Qing Jun's side, punish Chao Wrong" put forward by Liu Biao, King of Wu, has played a role. Many people will mention "empathy", but why empathy? If you want others to accept what you say, you have to use a way that they can understand, otherwise the other party can't understand what you say, which is tantamount to playing the piano to a cow.

Chao Cuo's death: Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi's teacher, was known as a think tank, why didn't he die a good death in the end?

Many people like to talk about the pattern, in fact, the pattern is not something you want to improve, there are many factors that affect it, including knowledge, experience, age and other factors, not a simple sentence or two, you can say it clearly.

Chao Cuo's death: Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi's teacher, was known as a think tank, why didn't he die a good death in the end?

As the teacher of Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty, Chao Cuo was called a think tank by Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty. Yangmou is based on absolute strength, you can't resist, and when the feudal strategy was taken out, Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Jing Dynasty did not establish an absolute dominant position for the vassal king. That's why Dou Ying said that the strategy of cutting the feudal domain was too hasty, and it was necessary to prepare in advance to deal with the drastic changes of the vassal kings, and the rebellion of Liu Bi, the king of Wu, was because of the strength of the people, not a lamb to be slaughtered, Wu was a rich land in the world, and the troops of Wu were the strongest army in the world, and it was these two points that gave Liu Bi, the king of Wu, enough self-confidence. Therefore, when the envoy of Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty came to Wu to read the edict, Liu Bi, the king of Wu, replied contemptuously: "Do you want to cut my land?" You don't have to read it, the fief of Wu was given by Emperor Gao at the beginning, and no one has the right to take it, if anyone wants to cut my land, I will want his life! I'm sorry, it's not the right time for you to come, use your blood today to sacrifice the flag for my Wu troops! ”

Chao Cuo's death: Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi's teacher, was known as a think tank, why didn't he die a good death in the end?

"Immediately send a message to the world, and say that I, the king of Wu, Liu Bi, have rebelled!" As soon as the words of Liu Bi, the king of Wu, fell, his adviser Ying Gao interrupted him, and Ying Gao said to Liu Bi, the king of Wu: "King, you must not say rebellion, if you say it so bluntly, it is against the ancestors!" No one in the world will respond to us, we can only say that it is to eradicate the traitors around Your Majesty, in the humble opinion of the ministers, it is more appropriate to write 'Qingjun side, punish Chao wrong', nominally it is Qingjun's side, but after all, the sword has no eyes, and no one can guarantee that it will not accidentally hurt Your Majesty! Lord, the text to announce the world has been prepared by the minister, please take a look! "Okay, it's still your brain!" Liu Bi, the king of Wu, agreed very much with Gao's remarks, and immediately passed on the text to the world, so there was a saying that "the Qing monarch is on the side and the fault is punished".

Chao Cuo's death: Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi's teacher, was known as a think tank, why didn't he die a good death in the end?

In the face of the menacing rebels, Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty first found his teacher Chao Cuo, "Now the vanguard of the rebels has arrived in the Liang State, Liu Wu, the king of Liang, is my younger brother, and the Liang army is a strong army in the world, but the troops of Liu Bi, the king of Wu, are not idle, I want to enable Zhou Yafu of the thin willow, make him a captain, command the main force of the Han army, and snipe Liu Wei, the king of Wu, what do you think, teacher?" "Your Majesty's decision is really right, Zhou Yafu is a talented general, and the Xiliu Battalion under his command is the elite of our Han army. The first emperor once said that there was a crisis, and Zhou Yafu could be credited. You've made the right move! "But I can't completely pin my hopes on Zhou Yafu alone, I still want to enable a person, this person once served as the minister of Wu, knows the affairs of Wu well, and knows the king of Wu Liu Wei very well, and he is very influential in the court, many heroes are the first to look forward to him, and he can make Guanzhong heroes on my side, what does the teacher think?"

Chao Cuo's death: Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi's teacher, was known as a think tank, why didn't he die a good death in the end?

"No, no!" Chao Cuo's head shook like a rattle, and then said to Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty: "Your Majesty, he and Liu Biao, the king of Wu, are called brothers and brothers, and he covers Yuan An, who is secretly colluding with Liu Biao, the king of Wu, please think twice!" "Faced with the worry of Chao Cuo, Liu Qi, Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, gave the answer with only one sentence." But after all, he is my cousin and the queen mother's nephew, no matter what, he will not unite with Liu Bi, the king of Wu, to oppose me! ”

Chao Cuo's death: Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi's teacher, was known as a think tank, why didn't he die a good death in the end?

Chao Cuo has nothing to say, Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty said to the point, the reason why the Dou family represented by Dou Ying can be powerful is completely dependent on Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty and the Empress Dowager Dou. Dou Ying and Wu Wang Liu Bi colluded together, and it did not do Dou or him any good! The rebellion of Wu King Liu Bi was successful, and the Dou family and Dou Ying would also be doomed, in essence, the Dou family's relatives and Liu Qi, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, were grasshoppers on a rope, and their interests were fundamentally the same.

Chao Cuo's answer made Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty Liu Qi very dissatisfied, not long ago, when he had just received the news of the rebel attack, he had asked Chao Cuo what to do? And the answer given by Chao Cuo made Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty suddenly feel jealous, and he also had suspicion of his teacher. Chao Cuo said: "Although the rebels are menacing, but there is no need to be afraid, according to the opinion of the ministers, as long as you drive the expedition in person, you can retreat from the enemy in a battle?" Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty smiled after hearing Chao Cuo's words, and asked Chao Cuo: "I have led the army to the expedition, what arrangements should the teacher make for himself?" Chao Cuo said: "The prince is in charge of the capital and does a good job of logistics support for His Majesty!" "It seems a little inappropriate for me to go to the front line to fight hard, but the teacher is enjoying Qingfu in the rear, right?" "The minister is a scholar, he doesn't know much about military law, going to the front line has all kinds of harm but no benefit, His Majesty has Zhou Yafu and Dou Ying by his side, and he can be safe!" Emperor Liu Qi of Han Jing nodded helplessly, "What the teacher said is right, I am a little tired, you go back first!" ”

Chao Cuo's death: Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi's teacher, was known as a think tank, why didn't he die a good death in the end?

After Dou Ying came out of the mountain, he immediately recommended two people to Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty. One of them was Haoqiang Luanbu, who had served as a lieutenant in the former dynasty and had considerable prestige in the Guanzhong area, and he could prevent the rebels from continuing northward by guarding the Yellow River crossing. And the other person is Yuan An, who once succeeded Dou Ying and served as the minister of Wu Guoguo, recommending Yuan Ang to have selfishness in addition to public heart, in Dou Ying's mind, Chao Ao is the culprit, and Yuan Ang and Chao Wrong are rivals, so recommending Yuan Ang is also Dou Ying's killer move against Chao Kuo! After Yuan Ang was summoned by Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty, he offered Liu Qi a clever plan, "Your Majesty, during the period when the minister was the minister of Wu, he knew Liu Bi, the king of Wu, very well, this person was ambitious, and the army of Wu was very strong, I heard that the vanguard of the rebels had broken through the defense line of Liang and trapped Liu Wu, the king of Liang, in Suiyang, the capital of Liang. But the minister also heard that the slogan played by the rebels is 'Qingjun side, punish Chao Cuo', it seems that he is not against you, but only against Chao Cuo, so the minister thinks that as long as you get rid of Chao Cuo, the rebels will have no truth and will naturally withdraw from the army, but if Your Majesty does not deal with Chao Cuo, the people of the world will think that Chao Cuo's style is Your Majesty's intention, give up one person and save the world, please Your Majesty don't hesitate anymore! ”

Chao Cuo's death: Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi's teacher, was known as a think tank, why didn't he die a good death in the end?

"But Chao is a loyal minister! The strategy of cutting the domain is also for the sake of my world! When Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty said this, Yuan Ang replied: "Your Majesty, the minister also knows that Doctor Chao Cuo is a loyal minister, but he can't lose the world for the sake of a loyal minister!" So early the next morning, Chao Cuo was beheaded in court clothes, and at the last moment, he didn't understand why Liu Qi, Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, killed him? When Chao Cuo was in the limelight, his father came to the capital from his hometown Yingchuan to advise him: "The strategy of cutting the feudal domain makes the world vibrate, but he offends the king of the world, do you know how much trouble you have caused yourself?" "Father, cutting the feudal policy will strengthen Your Majesty's rule and weaken the power of the feudal king, which is conducive to the long-term peace and stability of the Han Dynasty!" "His Liu family's world has been peaceful for a long time, have you ever thought that our Chao family is about to face a catastrophe?" "For the country, not for the family, I can't take care of so much now, please forgive my father for not being able to have both loyalty and filial piety!" "Confused, confused!" Chao Cuo's father committed suicide by throwing himself into the moat of the capital that night, he didn't want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person!

Chao Cuo's death: Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi's teacher, was known as a think tank, why didn't he die a good death in the end?

Seeing this, I thought of what Han Anguo once said: People can't do things absolutely, nor can they say absolutely, even if they treat sinners, they must have three points of humanity! For Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Chao Cuo is indeed loyal, he not only formulated a policy to cut the domain, but also practiced it, the King of Jiaoxi, the King of Chu have been disposed of, for Yuan Ang who had accepted bribes, he also did not like it, once wanted to put Yuan Ang to death, but even his officials could not stand it, refused to carry out Chao Cuo's order. There is no one inside and outside the court and the opposition to see Chao Cuo, Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty is the only hope and backer of Chao Cuo, once Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty gives up on him, he will fall into a place of no return. What think-tank? What teacher? When it comes to the stakes, these words are useless, and the words of the Empress Dowager Dou can be interpreted very well, "Niang also knows that Chao Cuo is a loyal minister, and Liu Bi, the king of Wu, is a traitorous minister, but Chao Cuo is stupid!" He made enemies everywhere, almost to the point where everyone shouted and beat him, the vassal kings didn't like him, and the ministers of the humerus like Dou Ying and Zhou Yafu didn't like him either, because of him, the rebels had an excuse to rebel, because of him, the ministers of the humerus had a reason not to help, how could such a person not die! ”

Chao Cuo's death: Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi's teacher, was known as a think tank, why didn't he die a good death in the end?

From this, I thought of the champion Hou Huo going to illness, and he was sharp everywhere, leaving no room for it. sneered at Li Guang's love for soldiers like a son, which made the veteran Li Guang very faceless, and in the end, because Li Dare beat the general Wei Qing, Huo Qubing shot Li Kang, the Marquis of Guannei, in order to vent his anger, which also laid the inducement for his final death, as Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty said, as long as the knife can be used, it is easy to hurt itself if it is too sharp.

One man's history, one family's words.

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