
The better the couple, the more they rely on love, not on money

author:Night reading
The better the couple, the more they rely on love, not on money

Marriage is the result of two people running together.

A happy marriage does not depend entirely on love and money, but on the attitude, thoughtfulness and character of both parties.

These three aspects determine the temperature, sweetness and length of the marriage.


What determines the temperature of a marriage is the attitude of speaking

The atmosphere of a family often depends on the way the couple communicates with each other.

The attitude of speaking determines the temperature of the marriage.

Good communication is the cornerstone of a happy marriage.

A gentle and respectful attitude can not only reduce conflicts, but also enhance mutual affection.

If a husband and wife can communicate with each other in a gentle tone and respectful manner, they can solve problems through mutual understanding, even if they discuss differences.

On the contrary, rough rhetoric and reproachful tones will only escalate the conflict and cool each other's feelings.

In the long run, the temperature of the marriage will naturally drop, and the distance between the husband and wife will become farther and farther apart.

Warm language and attitude are the best lubricant in marriage.

Whether it's the small things in everyday life or facing big decisions, gentle and respectful communication can keep your marriage as warm as ever.

The better the couple, the more they rely on love, not on money


What determines the sweetness of marriage is the degree of thoughtfulness

The sweetness of marriage often comes from the thoughtfulness of life.

The degree of thoughtfulness determines the sweetness of marriage.

In married life, subtle care and thoughtfulness can make each other feel love and warmth.

These thoughtfulness may be a greeting every day, a cup of hot tea when you're busy, a piece of clothing when you're cold, or a good care when you're sick.

These seemingly ordinary little things can accumulate strong love and make marriage sweeter.

The thoughtfulness between husband and wife is also reflected in the attention to each other's needs.

Knowing how to pay attention to each other's emotional changes, understand each other's psychological needs, and give timely support and comfort, this kind of thoughtful care can make marriage more sweet and harmonious.

Thoughtfulness is not only a concern in action, but also a psychological resonance.

Understanding and respecting each other's feelings and being considerate of each other is the key to maintaining the sweetness of marriage.

The better the couple, the more they rely on love, not on money


What determines the length of each other is the thickness of character

The longevity of a marriage depends not only on the depth of love, but also on the thickness of the character of both parties.

What determines the length of each other is the thickness of character.

Character is the most basic quality of a person and the foundation of a long-term marriage.

Integrity, sense of responsibility, loyalty, tolerance, etc., are all specific manifestations of character.

A person with a strong character will treat his partner consistently in marriage and always adhere to his responsibilities and commitments to the family.

In married life, it is inevitable to encounter various challenges and trials.

Only people with strong character can never give up in the face of difficulties and consistently support and accompany each other.

In the face of temptation and adversity, they will protect their marriage with tenacity and faithfulness, and resolve conflicts with tolerance and understanding.

The thickness of character is also reflected in the selfless dedication to the family and partner.

Willing to sacrifice personal interests for the family, willing to give time and energy for the partner, this kind of selfless dedication can make the marriage go further.

A happy marriage does not only depend on love and money, but also on the joint management of both husband and wife.

The attitude of speaking determines the temperature of the marriage, the degree of thoughtfulness determines the sweetness of the marriage, and the thickness of the character determines the longevity of the marriage.

May each of our couples be able to communicate with a gentle attitude, care with a considerate attitude, and keep each other with a strong character.

In this way, the marriage can get better and better, and the happiness can last for a long time.