
The second half of life: don't endure, don't save, don't wait, don't hate!

author:Night reading
The second half of life: don't endure, don't save, don't wait, don't hate!

I've heard the saying:

"Middle age is a period of chaos."

I have had joy, I have tasted sorrow, I have had consummation, and I have left regrets.

There is less enthusiasm when I was young, and I am a little more mature and relieved.

Looking back on half a life, I gradually understood that I am the only one in life. And the best way to live in life is: don't endure, don't save, don't wait, don't hate.


Don't bear it if you are angry

The poem reads: "Life is unsatisfactory, ten is seven or eight." ”

All sentient beings are suffering, and each individual has his own practice, and each has a difficult sutra.

When people reach middle age, they have a home to carry behind them, and they have a way to go in front of them, and there are always some grievances that cannot be spoken, and there are always some grievances that have to be suffered.

However, if you are depressed in your heart and sick in your anger, you will always internalize your resentment, and you will easily fall into internal friction, and your state will decline.

Traditional Chinese medicine says: "If it doesn't work, it hurts, and if it hurts, it doesn't work." ”

Don't always endure everything, if you endure too much, it will hurt your body.

Life also teaches us that we should never regard the forbearance of others as a capital that can be indulged, and that all insatiable behaviors need to be countered appropriately and modestly.

When encountering angry and popular things, you need to vent, vent when you should vent, exit when you should vent, don't let your emotions torture yourself and spoil others.

As Yu Hua said: "When we start to be fierce with the world, we will find that the world suddenly becomes gentle." ”

When you don't put up with it anymore, you will find that those who used to be cold to you will naturally become pleasant.

For the rest of your life, stop being submissive and lower your eyebrows.

Unhappy people, leave; Things don't go your way, too.

Only by showing your own sharp kindness and being a person with a soft and principled heart, wearing armor and warmth, can you live comfortably.

The second half of life: don't endure, don't save, don't wait, don't hate!


Don't save if you have money

As the saying goes: "I'm not afraid of earning less, I'm afraid of dying early; If you stay healthy, why don't you be afraid that you won't be able to earn it. ”

In this life, people come and go naked, and what they don't bring in life can't be taken away after death.

Frugality is a virtue, but if you don't save too much, it becomes a bondage and a shackle.

Money is for people, don't put the cart before the horse, and become a slave to your head.

Don't waste when you should save it, don't feel distressed when you should spend it, so that you can live up to your time and leave no regrets.

Xi Murong once said: "Money is useful, but it will only bring you happiness when you are content"

Wealth will always go to the person who matches it best.

People who can spend money will not be blindly thrifty, they know how to make inconsistencies, know how to invest in themselves, and will not ruin their health in order to save money, let alone lose the joy of life for thrift.

Don't save the money for medical treatment and medicine, and store your wealth in a health bank, so that you can make a steady profit without losing a million profits;

Don't save money for your children's education, so that your children can pursue their dreams without worry, which is the biggest responsibility of parents;

Don't save money for filial piety to your parents, so that your parents can enjoy a happy old age, which is the best reward for your children.

Small money depends on saving, and big money depends on spending.

The money spent can be earned back, but the time spent cannot be recovered.

For the rest of your life, be a person who can spend money, lose some weight in your life, and add some sweetness to yourself.

The second half of life: don't endure, don't save, don't wait, don't hate!


Blessed don't wait

There is a saying in "Zengguang Xianwen": "Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, don't be cattle and horses for your children and grandchildren." ”

In this life, people always think that everything is arranged properly, and they look forward to their children and grandchildren becoming adults, and then they can enjoy the rest of their lives and live in peace.

In the second half of life, there will still be inexhaustible work and inexhaustible hearts.

When the children were young, they worked hard for them, and when they got married, they raised children and grandchildren for them, falling into a cycle of no solution.

As everyone knows, the ultimate destination of people is themselves, no one can live for anyone, and their own blessings can only be enjoyed by themselves.

As Lin Zexu said:

"If the son is stronger than me, what is the use of asking for money, and if he is virtuous and rich, he will lose his will; If the son is not as good as me, what is the use of keeping money, foolish and rich, and multiplying his faults? ”

Children have their own trajectories and their own lives.

Work hard for half your life, don't be too yourself, go to see those you want to see, and do what you want to do.

The elderly need to be rich.

Cultivate a hobby, make friends, taste life in the blossoming and falling flowers, and enjoy yourself in the breeze and elegance.

It is a great fortune in life to let go of the concern for your children, pick up your concern for yourself, cherish what is in front of you, and don't enjoy the blessings that come from waiting for them.

The second half of life: don't endure, don't save, don't wait, don't hate!


Don't remember if you have hate

Life is long, there are thousands of people in the world, and there are always some betrayals and hurts that are unforgettable and lingering.

But dwelling on the past will only make you fall into the quagmire of regret and can't extricate yourself.

You just need to understand that when others hurt you, the fault lies with him, and punishing yourself for others' mistakes and embarrassing yourself is not a secondary injury to yourself.

As Wilde wrote in his book:

"A man cannot keep a viper in his breast forever, nor can he get up night and night and plant thorns in the garden of his soul."

When you move towards freedom, if you can't leave resentment and grief behind, you will never get out of that cage.

Sometimes, forgiveness is not a weakness, nor is it an acknowledgment that the hurt is right, but it is a face to face and tell yourself:

The past has been cleared, and the next thing is my full life.

Always living in the past is cruel to oneself, letting go of past regrets, and only then can you travel lightly in the precious days of the rest of your life.

Sanmao said:

"What is the heart, it is like a maze, spanning thousands of miles, and there is no boat that can cross people."

Everyone is the helmsman of their own destiny and the ferryman of their souls.

One-year-old one-year-old, the more you live, the more sober you are, and you understand that life is good or bad by yourself, and life is short and you can only enjoy it in time.

Light up and watch, may you not wronged yourself, do not waste time, do what you think is right, and become the person you want to be.