
Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

author:Jiangxi lead mountain micro news
Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

The University for the Aged in Leadshan County held a theatrical performance to celebrate "July 1st".

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and carry forward the great spirit of party building, on June 28, the University for the Aged of Leadshan County held a "Silver Hair Ode to the Party's Grace and Entering a New Journey" to celebrate the "July 1st" literary and artistic performance. Xia Zhiqiang, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Minister of Organization, and Huang Yongcheng, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress, attended the event.

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

The performance kicked off with the drum "Loyal to the Country", followed by 13 programs such as the folk dance "Praise of the Heavenly Road", the solo flute "Our Hometown is Beautiful", and the Yue song "Encounter". The wonderful program echoed in the ears, and the joyful atmosphere rippled in the heart. At the end of the performance, the song "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", the classic red song sang the common memory of the older generation, expressed the love and gratitude to the party, and also sang the spiritual outlook of the elderly in the new era, and the audience applauded for a long time.

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Through a variety of programs, the performance expressed gratitude to the party, showed the spiritual outlook and artistic talent of the elderly university students, and carried forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture.

Before the performance, Xia Zhiqiang and Huang Yongcheng also visited the "July 1st" calligraphy and painting exhibition of the calligraphy and painting class of the University for the Elderly.

(Reporter: Zhan Yongquan)

The Party Working Committee of Leadshan County Industrial Park held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Party and the "July 1st" commendation meeting

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

On June 28, the Party Working Committee of Leadshan County Industrial Park held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and the "July 1st" commendation conference, and Wang Yuxin, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee, deputy county magistrate and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the county industrial park, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

On behalf of the Party Working Committee of the park, Wang Yuxin congratulated the commended advanced party organizations and individuals, and extended holiday greetings to the party organizations at all levels and the majority of Communist Party members in the park. He pointed out that the objects of this commendation are basically from the front line of production, operation and construction, managers, workers and grassroots organizations, reflecting the concept of the Party Working Committee's "project is king, hard work and prosperity", reflecting the love and respect of the majority of party members and cadres for "laborers" and "creators", and reflecting the clear orientation of the beauty of struggle, labor and hard work.

The meeting commended outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grassroots party organizations. Mobilize all party organizations and party members and cadres in the park to make new and greater contributions to promoting the high-quality development of the park and building a better lead mountain. The representatives of "two excellent and one first" made typical speeches respectively.

(Reporter: Xiong Hua)

Leadshan County carried out the calligraphy and painting exhibition of "Welcoming July 1st, Ode to the Party's Grace, Painting the Famous City of Lead Mountain".

On the occasion of the celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to review the glorious history of the party, eulogize the great achievements of the party in the new era, and carry forward the achievements of the economic and social development and spiritual civilization construction of Leadshan, on July 1, Leadshan County launched the calligraphy and painting exhibition of "Welcoming July 1st, Celebrating the Party's Grace, Painting the Famous City of Leadshan" in the Cultural Square.

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

The calligraphy and painting exhibition is guided by the Propaganda Department of the Leadshan County Party Committee; Hosted by the Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau of Leadshan County, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Leadshan County, and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Leadshan County; Leadshan County Cultural Center and Leadshan County Art Museum; Co-organized by the Leaders County Calligraphers Association and the Leadshan County Artists Association. More than 70 outstanding works were exhibited at the event, which covered a variety of art forms such as calligraphy and painting. All the works highlight the theme of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the construction of a famous historical and cultural city in the new era, and praise the great achievements of the Communist Party of China in political construction, economic construction, cultural construction and ecological civilization construction. The meaning of the 24 words of "prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness" is vividly presented in the art form of calligraphy and painting. The works are carefully conceived and carefully created, and are ideological, artistic and ornamental.

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Through the form of calligraphy and painting art, the calligraphy and painting exhibition reviewed the history of the party's struggle, eulogized the glorious achievements of the party, stimulated the enthusiasm of the people of the county to love the party and the country, and injected new vitality into the prosperity and development of the county's cultural undertakings. At the same time, it also provides a platform for exchange and learning for calligraphy and painting lovers in our county, and further enriches the spiritual and cultural life of the masses.

(Reporter: Shu Chang)

The Long-distance Running Association of Leadshan County held a "Welcome July 1st" celebration and running activity

In order to better welcome the arrival of the party's founding day, on June 30, the Leadshan County Running Association held a "Welcome July 1st" celebration run in Hekou Town.

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Nearly 100 runners gathered in Xinqiji Square in Hekou Town, all of them held their heads high, walked forward, and ran towards the finish line, everyone's face was filled with happy smiles, enjoying the joy of sports.

The party flag fluttered in the morning breeze, guiding long-distance runners to participate in the national fitness movement. The runners thanked the great party and the motherland in a unique way for long-distance runners, and sent their most sincere blessings for the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party.

(Hu Shiwen comprehensive arrangement)

Qili Village, Hekou Town, held a theatrical performance of "Don't forget the original intention and always follow the party".

On June 29, Qili Village, Hekou Town, held a theatrical performance of "Don't forget the original intention and always follow the party", where everyone gathered together, sang and danced to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

The performance kicked off in the big drum performance "Today is a Good Day" of the County University for the Elderly, and wonderful programs such as ballroom dance, waist drum, flower ball dance, and square dance were staged in turn, showing the rich cultural life of the people in Lead Mountain and their positive spiritual outlook. The Yue Opera "The Legend of Li Wa" sung by the Aiyue Opera Team and the Gan Opera "Eight Sisters Tour" sung by the Hekou Town Opera Society won the applause of the audience, allowing the audience to appreciate the charm of opera art and feel the promotion and inheritance of traditional culture by the people of Lead Mountain. At the end of the performance, all the actors sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" in unison, and the loud singing resounded throughout the audience, pushing the performance to a climax. The song sings the gratitude of the people of Lead Mountain to the party, and also sings their firm belief in listening to the party and following the party.

(Reporter: Xiong Hua)

Hufang Town carried out the "Celebration of July 1st, Learning Advanced, Observing Party Discipline, and Building New Achievements" literary and artistic performances

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

On July 1, the New Era Civilization Practice Institute of Hufang Town carried out the "Celebrating July 1st, Learning Advanced, Observing Party Discipline, and Building New Achievements" literary and artistic performance.

The performance kicked off with the performance of the big drum "Jing Zhong Serving the Country" brought by the villagers of Wangshan Village, followed by the Allegro program performance on changing customs and customs, as well as the songs "The Most Beautiful Mother Dedicated to You" and "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", etc., enthusiastically eulogizing the brilliant achievements made by the Communist Party of China under the leadership of the people of all ethnic groups across the country, and expressing sincere feelings for the party and the motherland.

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

The holding of the "July 1st" literary and artistic performance has stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm and love of the party members and the masses in Hufang Town, enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the party members, and created a strong atmosphere of praising the party, respecting the party and loving the party.

(Reporter: Zhan Yongquan)

Ehu Town carried out the theme party day activities for the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

On July 1, Ehu Town carried out a theme activity of the founding day of the party with clear orientation, rich content and various forms to further enhance the appeal, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization.

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

All party members lined up neatly in front of the bright party flag, raised their right fists, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and led everyone to ignite the fire of faith and build a solid foundation of faith.

At the same time, the party branches of Ehu Town also held a party member meeting to study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches and the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", organized party classes, issued the 50th anniversary medal of "glory in the party", celebrated the political birthday of party members, reviewed the oath of joining the party, further enhanced the party spirit of party members and the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, and encouraged all party members to present the party's birthday with more solid work and more excellent results.

(Reporter: Wang Jin)

The Party Branch of Xiyang Village, Jiaxuan Township carried out the July theme party day activities

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and further encourage the majority of party members not to forget their original intentions, keep their missions in mind, and strengthen their sense of discipline, on June 30, the party branch of Xiyang Village, Jiaxuan Township, carried out a party day activity with the theme of "strengthening party spirit and making contributions to a new era", and organized all party members to visit and study at the Fang Zhimin Memorial Hall in Yiyang County.

In front of the bright red party flag, all party members raised their right fists and reviewed the oath of joining the party. Subsequently, all party members visited the various exhibition halls of the Fang Zhimin Memorial Hall, reminisced about the struggle process, relived the story of the bloody struggle of the revolutionary martyrs, and inspired everyone to have the courage to challenge and continue to move forward.

(Source: Jiaxuan Township)

Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".
Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".


Leadshan County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st".

Editor: Hu Shiwen

Producer: Zheng Wei

Review: Su Jiafu

Issued by: Huang Yichuan

The official WeChat of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Leadshan County Party Committee

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Produced by Leadshan County Rong Media Center

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