
When childlike innocence collides with intangible cultural heritage, bags of mud are "transformed" into pottery works......

author:Open screen news

A pair of small hands turn bags of mud into lifelike and creative pottery works...... Recently, the Cultural Tourism Center of Jinniu Town, Binchuan County, Dali Prefecture has successively carried out intangible cultural heritage protection and inheritance activities in three schools, including Guishan Wan Elementary School, Baita Wan Primary School and Caifeng Wan Elementary School, and 350 teachers and students have "zero distance" contact with intangible cultural heritage projects, so that childlike innocence and intangible cultural heritage collide, and happiness and inheritance go hand in hand.


At the event site, Kang Jianhong, the state-level representative inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of brick and tile burning in Jinniu Town, Binchuan County, introduced the development process of Binchuan brick and tile burning from traditional handmade to mechanized assembly line production, and introduced the historical, cultural and practical value of Binchuan brick and tile burning.

When childlike innocence collides with intangible cultural heritage, bags of mud are "transformed" into pottery works......

Yang Jintai, the winner of the "First Yunling Skilled Craftsman", explained to the students the pottery production process, production process characteristics, production requirements and artistic value. And teach the students to make clay handicrafts. Under the guidance of the teachers, the students thought and played with the mud in their hands, and turned bags of mud into tea sets, fruit bowls, dragon boats, lotus flowers, mushrooms, pumpkins, fish, bears and other lifelike and creative pottery works with their skillful hands. In the process of using their hands and brains, the students enjoyed the fun of creation and felt the charm of intangible cultural heritage.

Yang Jintai said: "We went to the school to carry out activities, and from the process of students making clay pottery, we found that some students did better, with rich imagination and novel design of works; Some students do it very seriously, and their works are smooth, beautiful and realistic; Some students do it roughly, which is a difference in hands-on ability. We go to the school to carry out activities to let students exercise their hands-on ability in the production experience, and let students know intangible cultural heritage, the history and culture of pottery, and how to make clay pottery products through activities. ”

When childlike innocence collides with intangible cultural heritage, bags of mud are "transformed" into pottery works......
When childlike innocence collides with intangible cultural heritage, bags of mud are "transformed" into pottery works......
When childlike innocence collides with intangible cultural heritage, bags of mud are "transformed" into pottery works......

Zhang Zhiyong, head of the intangible cultural heritage unit of Binchuan County Culture and Tourism Bureau, and Yang Xiuchun, director of Jinniu Town Cultural and Tourism Center, introduced the relevant knowledge of intangible cultural heritage, the creation process of the national Dali cultural and ecological reserve, and the protection and inheritance of the intangible cultural heritage of Jinniu Town. The staff distributed more than 1,000 copies of materials such as "Binchuan County Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Inheritance Popularization Reader" and "Binchuan County Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection and Inheritance Publicity Leaflet" to teachers and students of the three schools.

When childlike innocence collides with intangible cultural heritage, bags of mud are "transformed" into pottery works......
When childlike innocence collides with intangible cultural heritage, bags of mud are "transformed" into pottery works......

Intangible cultural heritage enters the campus and is inherited for a longer time. The development of intangible cultural heritage protection and inheritance activities on campus has built a learning and exchange platform for students to get close to intangible cultural heritage, understand intangible cultural heritage, understand intangible cultural heritage, and inherit intangible cultural heritage, and promote the effective connection between traditional culture and school education.

Chuncheng Evening News-Kaiping News Reporter Wang Lixuan Correspondent Shen Hongbin Yang Xiuchun Photo Report

First instance Sun Qinxia

Editor-in-charge: Yuan Xi

Responsible proofreader Yang Yang

Editor-in-chief: Yan Yun

Final Review: Editorial Board Member Li Rong