
42-year-old Wan Qian's husband cheated, it's okay, she's not a rose, she's a cactus

author:Little pity talks about emotions

"The Story of Rose" is over, but the afterglow is still there, and Liu Yifei continues to become popular with this hot drama, no wonder Liu Tianxian's appearance is online and is destined to become popular. In this drama, Wan Qian, who plays a supporting role, is also brilliant, the 42-year-old she is in the same frame as Liu Yifei, not embarrassed at all, Liu Tianxian's interpretation of a 22-year-old girl does not violate the harmony, and the same 42-year-old Wan Qian plays a female elite in the workplace is also convincing! Her neat short hair, sharp eyes, seem to penetrate the depths of people's hearts, she seems to have sharp armor, but she also has a weakness, they all say that female bosses in the workplace will not choose beautiful women to be their subordinates, because they are hostile and afraid that they will be compared. But Wan Qian's interpretation of Su Gengsheng did not take the route of ordinary people, she had a discerning eye and decided to be this beautiful girl to be the secretary of the general manager.

42-year-old Wan Qian's husband cheated, it's okay, she's not a rose, she's a cactus

Su Gengsheng and Rose are two different channel people, some people say that Su Gengsheng is another rose, even if it encounters wind and rain, it will bloom. I don't agree with this point of view, I think Su Gengsheng is a cactus and can survive in any environment.

For example, Rose's love has just ended, and Wan Qian's husband has been on the hot search. People are really popular, and there are many rights and wrongs. 42-year-old Wan Qian is popular, and her husband wants to join in the fun. Her husband's secret meeting mysterious girl was photographed by the paparazzi.

Wan Qian didn't say a word from beginning to end, she didn't know what to wait for, she didn't have Ma Yili's actions and cherishes, and she didn't choose to show affection to calm down this incident.

Wan Qian attended the Magnolia award ceremony like no one else, and Wan Qian's popularity even surpassed that of the heroine Zhou Xun. Everyone sees that Wan Qian always wants to find something in her.

42-year-old Wan Qian's husband cheated, it's okay, she's not a rose, she's a cactus

But everyone ignored one thing: Wan Qian is 42 years old, she is very popular, she is a person who has experienced ups and downs, but she is too low-key, and she is as light as a chrysanthemum.

When she and Feng Shaofeng partnered "Liu Rushi" was released in 2012, at that time I thought Wan Qian was not beautiful enough, compared with those bewitching stars, it was too bland, but after thinking about it, Liu Ru is not only a beauty, she is also a talented woman, Wan Qian performed the bookish atmosphere on Liu Rushi's body, and a faint fragrance like Youlan, such a person just dares to watch from a distance and dare not blaspheme. You can't let people with bad intentions have wrong thoughts, she is like a fairy, and she doesn't dare to violate.

42-year-old Wan Qian's husband cheated, it's okay, she's not a rose, she's a cactus

The next time I saw Wan Qian was in the variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", when a star said to Wan Qian, Wan Qian, my mother is your fan, she likes you so much!

Wan Qian was stunned for a moment, and nodded very indifferently. She wasn't flattered, she didn't say anything from above, did she?

42-year-old Wan Qian's husband cheated, it's okay, she's not a rose, she's a cactus

I think Wan Qian interpreted Su Gengsheng very well, the unhappiness of the original family, the kind of high in the bones, the cold on the outside and the heat on the inside. I really can't imagine what it would be like to play this role by another person, Su Gengsheng seems to be tailor-made for Wan Qian.

I don't think the marriage change will have any impact on Wan Qian, she is an independent and strong person. Choose to forgive; Whether it's drawing a line with a scumbag, I believe that the choices she makes are well thought out. I don't think Wan Qian is a strong woman like Ma Yili, but she is definitely not a weak person who can be manipulated at will, she is assertive.

In and out of the play, I believe that her life is just as exciting.

The picture comes from the Internet

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